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Everything posted by Jamie5280

  1. HAHAHA! That would drive me crazy! But like I said before, I have gained weight, so it completely discourages me!
  2. YAY!!! That is actually who I have been working with, I thought she was at the Miami office for some reason? AHHH, at about he 3 months mark! So exciting!
  3. Welcome dzaccaria!!! From what I have been told, the resort credits can only be used towards the wedding packages and is not applicable towards complimentary. I don't know anyone having a complimentary package and is able to use the credits towards the actual wedding, hair and make-up, yes (but now that is even up in the air). Happy Planning!!!
  4. Alright Ladies, I am changing my key card holder again. I thought the last ones looked too much like cannabis! HAHAHAHA!!!! So here is what I am thinking of now. I like it better, it looks a little more simple and easier to read. I am still playing with the "I take you to carry my key......."color. Any suggestions on that would be great! I will probably order the plastic holders this weekend. Thanks!!! keycard holder[4].pptx
  5. I hope this works out for you! this sounds like this would be great! Good luck!
  6. These look great!!!! Nice job Coco! Reminded me of yet another thing I need to do
  7. Today will be 11/13 days in 2012 of working out! Hopefully the 6 days a weeks pays off here soon! Keep it up everyone!!!
  8. YAY!!! That is super exciting!!! Cant wait to see what they look like!!!
  9. JennyLynn! Congrats, when are you getting married? I found my photog on this site, there are tons of reviews on here of different vendors in general. I found they are super responsive and quick. They will give you quotes and you can go from there. You can also ask us again once you have narrowed it down on who we are using, etc.... But if you want some names, here are just a few in the Cancun/Riviera Maya area: Del Sol La Luna Octavio Montes Gonzalo Nunez Sascha Gluck Ismael Pacheco Ivan Luckie All the above are great. But they vary in price, so it depends on your budget... Good Luck and Happy planning!
  10. HAHA! Some of these are soo funny! Thanks for sharing! I was in a wedding in July and there were a couple mishaps, not so funny, though. *The brides hairdresser showed up hung over 3 hours late to do the brides hair (she guilted the bride into doing it in the first place) Instead of getting straight to work, she proceeds to hover over me where I was eating and starts eating MY food I didn't finish while I am sitting there-didn't even ask, didn't even know her! I was kind of appalled someone would just eat off of someone's plate without asking first. She then sits and starts chatting with the girls she did know-um...we have to leave in an hour! She finally proceeds to do the brides hair then asks for a drink, I might add she wouldn't give the bride a hair trial a week before because she wanted to miss traffic. The Brides hair is an absolute mess! You can see bobby pins, hair falling out, etc...Bride is bawling at this point, but the hairdresser doesn't care. The MOH finally had to pull the HD aside and tell her to stop so we could have the ladies doing our hair finish the brides hair. HAHAHA! She was so p*ssed and threatened to come to the ceremony! I personally can't wait to NEVER recommend this train wreck!!! **Bride and groom rented a party bus to get us back to the hotel for the reception and breaks down in a bad part of Denver. It's mid July no A/C so there we are standing outside of the bus waiting for a new one to pick us up! Laughing at this point. Just standing on the corner!
  11. Oh Ladies!!! I think we all feel this pain. I thought I had come to terms with it, but no, I have not! "Friends" tell me they can't go but will still do their yearly vacations they do every year. I have a friend that I originally was ok with her not coming and now she is planning a trip to Chile. Another said she can't go, but is going to FL the same time as my wedding! Kind of a smack in the face-"your wedding isn't important enough for me to go to or save for" That's actually how I feel about all my "friends". This process has made me realize just how few friends I really have. And to top it off, I had another friend tell me I shouldn't do my bach. party in the mountains (an 1 1/2 away) as no one will go and that I should consider doing it in Denver. Why, I ask? I would consider that option if even 1 friend was going to my wedding. But they are not and I am not into clubbing downtown anymore. So..... why do something you want to do over what I want to do???? I have been in 10 weddings and NOT ONCE ever told the bride to be what she could and couldn't do for her bach. party.! So rude! I really don't know why people think they are entitled to even ONE opinion when it comes to your wedding, especially if they aren't coming! Keep the opinions to yourself, I say! Thank you very much!!!! AAAHHH! Thanks, obviously needed to vent very badly!!! On a brighter note, at least my immediate family is going to be there! They like me! HAHAHAHA! Big hugs ladies!!! Hang in there!!!!
  12. Thank you! I knew I shouldn't have weighed myself, but I just wanted to see if my weight would fluctuate throughout insanity! Both my FI and I have gained weight! So, I am done with the scale for awhile! There is no way that Insanity won't tone me up, so I just have to pay attention to that!! again Thanks for the advice!!!! onto my 10th workout tonight!
  13. Thank you Chanel! That's what I thought it was, but the clarification is always nice!!! My girl is back to not writing me back again! YAY!! I think you are the first one of 2012 for MP!!! SO EXCITED for you!!! Your shower and bach party are going to be fun fun!!! YAY!!!
  14. I have been trying to think of how to answer this, as I just can't BELIEVE they are making it sooooo difficult now. I would do what some of the other ladies suggested and just book one night. That's what I did, but I also had them put it in my contract that I only needed one nights stay for the photographer. 3 days for each is RIDICULOUS and I can't fathom how they can do that to people!?!?! Keep pushing for 1 nights stay, I am sure they will come around, they usually do if you keep pushing them and are being extremely annoying! That's what I have had to do!!! I am crossing my fingers for you girl!!! Good Luck and keep us posted!!!! Welcome! March will be here before you know it!!! One nights stay is more than enough I think! I am jealous of the girls that got away with a day pass!!! YAY!!! So cute, I can't wait to see pix!!! Welcome Back JL!!! you have been missed! Your wedding is coming up quickly, so exciting! I hope you hear from the MP SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also have to say that the MP better honor their old rates $400/table of 10, but I am sure I have that in a contract somewhere. Find you contract and read through it, that may help you out!!!! I love the Caribbean Terrace as well! But we decided on Tucan terrace. We are in the same boat as you with # of guests, we could do the free dinner reservation, but opted to do a "real" reception and just pay for it. Hopefully it will be ok price wise, but I guess we have about 4 1/2 months to think about if we want to spend that money! Good luck, I hope you get to do what you want! WOOT! That was super fast! Hopefully you can post pix when it gets in!!! CATALOGE INC SAPPH 2010 Nuevo (2).ppt CATALOGUE INC AMBER 2010 nuevo-2.ppt CC Collection Wedding Packet Palace Resorts 12-14-11-3.pdf MENUS BUFFET (50) 2011.pdf HORS D'OEUVRES 2010.pdf
  15. Thanks!!! I keep trying to tell myself not be get upset over the scale, (especially only after a week) it's inches lost that really matter. I have always had a tendency to gain weight when I start working out (hard). I just couldn't believe some of the reviews I was reading, so I was curious what others on here have experienced.
  16. I have been told since I was 23 (now 33) that I look like Ashley Judd.
  17. So, I am pretty excited that only after a week, my workout yesterday was a little easier and I wasn't taking as many mini breaks! So far I am impressed with the stamina I have gained in just a week! Interested to see what my next fit test will be like... I also have a question. I have done tons of research and read tons of reviews on Insanity and sooo many state how they have lost pounds, etc...in the first week! I have actually gained weight, despite the healthy eating, tons-o -water, no alcohol and working out. I think 1 week seems ridiculous to see results and lose 8 lbs, for those that have done it, what were/are your experiences with it, e.g., when did you start to see results, lose weight, gain stamina, etc, etc.... Thanks!!! Hope everyone is doing well!
  18. WHOA~!!! I was under the impression that we didn't have to pay for the events up front if we qualified for free event(s), but the room nights we do.....I had no idea!?!?
  19. Hi Kelly! I am trying to follow the eating plan right now. But...I can't really be much help as I have only done 1 week of Insanity. The reason I am following it, is because I have a hard time eating 5 times a day, so it really helps me choose snacks other than just carrots and celery. Obviously you need to have that protein to have the strength to get through the work outs as you know~! The food is definitely not terrible and a great guideline. So for me, it's been helpful picking those other meals that are healthy and low fat. However, your first round results sound amazing! Good job!!!
  20. I actually put on our invitations and website that the wedding ceremony and reception was adults only. If all the people we invited decided to come and brought their kids, we would have 25-30 kids at the wedding, which is NOT something we wanted. But, we wanted our 4 nieces and nephews to be able to go or else we would have chosen an adults only resort. People do understand, but be prepared for those people with kids not to attend because of it. We now have NO friends coming to our wedding because of it. But we were prepared for that. PM me if you want to know how I worded it on our invites and website. I will give you the deets. Or you can go to our website directly. It's listed below.
  21. EEEEKKK is right!!! I am so excited for you! You can do it!!! (But you already look so amazing!) Bikini, bikini, bikini! Well....that's my new mantra anyways!
  22. Good Morning Ladies (and gent) Hope everyone had a great weekend! Yesterday was a pretty exciting day to be a Bronco fan!!! Fun game to watch for sure! GO BRONCOS!!!!! Anyways...tonight my FI and I are going to see a man about bands. Our wedding bands that is! YAY!!! My FI went to a individual jeweler (wholesaler) for my engagement ring, so we are seeing him tonight about my band and seeing if he can customize my FI's band to how he wants it. He has a table that has real Ivory in it, and wants to somehow incorporate that into his band, so we shall see! He should be able to, since my ring was was completely customized. Regardless, though, I am pretty excited!
  23. WOW!!! I am so happy she went and applied!!! YAY!!!! Definitely do not re-print the programs, you gave a deadline along with ample time so, it is what it is.... But I am happy that she is going to be there!!!
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