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Everything posted by TED731

  1. Well after doing some hard thinking and getting some very helpful input from you ladies, we've decided to do a symbolic ceremony and get married here before we leave. We'll just pretend our trip to the courthouse is a rehearsal. I can't believe how booked up October and November of 2012 is already! I thought I was really on top of things. It looks like we'll be getting married at 3:00 despite my hopes of an early evening wedding. I plan on getting married in one of the gazebo's so at least we'll have the shade.. I'm just concerned about it being too hot or sunny for good pictures, I'm sure I'm just worrying over nothing though! krsmith - your invites are fabulous! All of these great STD and invite ideas are making me so excited to get started!
  2. Actually it's just ladies... TED = my initials haha Boy I wish my fiance would get on here and make some of these hard decisions for me! Good luck with the 5th grade homework... not only is it impossible to remember how to do any of that, you have to fight the urge to say "You'll never use this in real life!" haha Have a great Sunday, ladies!
  3. Thank you for all of your replies! I am leaning toward just getting married here beforehand... I assume that it won't take away from the significance of the actual wedding day? And then do you just celebrate your anniversary on the date your symbolic ceremony took place?
  4. So my civil ceremony contract is due today if I want to keep the date I have... however naturally a monkeywrench has been thrown into the planning. My TA strongly advises getting married here beforehand to save $$, time and any unnecessary stress about legality, translation, etc. I'm okay with the idea, I need to run it by my Fiance... I guess we'd just keep it a secret? Unfortunately the two girls I know who have been married in Cancun that I know personally were married here before they left. Is anyone planning to do the civil ceremony? Or was anyone planning to do that and switched to symbolic?
  5. So here's yet another question I have... one of the big reasons we are planning to book at Moon Palace is for the golf course (we've got a lot of golfers in our group). I notice on the Moon Palace website right now there is a promotion for unlimited golf if you book three or more nights. Since we're aiming for next October I doubt anyone will book by the time this promotion ends. Anyone know if this a promotion they run pretty regularly or has anyone been able to get this incentive with their group rate, etc.?
  6. Thanks for such a great review. I change my mind about Moon Palace (and sometimes the whole idea of a DW) just about every hour... it's good to know that this isn't uncommon and it'll be worth it if I stick with the plan
  7. WOW! Well thank you posting this price list. The only way I could pull off hiring these guys would be to charge admission to enter my family room and look at the pictures. Michelle responded to my inquiry about what photographers they use on the resort and... didn't really answer my question. I'll try again. Thanks YWS and coconoir!
  8. So today I reviewed the wedding contract that Michelle from the Miami office sent me and it looked great until I noticed the clause about no outside vendors. Should I be really concerned about this? Does anyone have a list of who the accepted photographers are at Moon Palace? Also, can anyone give me a ballpark as to how Del Sol's prices compare to the packages offered by the resort? It sounds like I'd have to book a room for them to stay so they could come on site but a lot of the reviews I read make them sound like they're worth it! Thanks ladies
  9. Thanks, Jamie! I sure hope our guests book through our TA, come on unlimited private functions! haha Love your STDs too, so cute!!
  10. I have a question about the Group Benefits described on the Moon Palace wedding website. It says if you have 75 room nights you get unlimited private functions and this is what is driving me to book at this resort. I emailed the wedding coordinator but thought maybe someone could answer this for me sooner.... In order to have the 75 required room nights, must those nights be booked with the Moon Palace travel coordinator or can I have my own TA handle the bookings for us? Thanks ladies!
  11. I'm new to the forum and just starting out on the wedding planning. Who knew picking a resort would be so difficult! I think I have pretty much narrowed my choices down to Dreams Cancun, Now Jade, and possibly El Dorado Royale (I love the chapel they have). Dreams Cancun has that gorgeous gazebo so it seems perfect, but I read on a few travel forums that they may be doing some contruction/renovations there in the Summer/Fall of 2012. Has anyone else heard anything about this? I'm aiming for October 2012 and obviously don't want to take a chance of having noisy construction going on in the background! Also, I'm wondering what everyone thinks about the pools at Dreams Cancun. The only time I've been to an AI in Mexico was at Excellence Riviera Cancun so I was sort of spoiled by all of the lazy river pools and the amount of poolside space to relax with a group. It seems as though the layout at Dreams Cancun doesn't afford that opportunity as much? This is the reason I am also leaning towards Now Jade Any help would be greatly appreciated - so thankful I found this forum!
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