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Everything posted by ChipmunkRN

  1. Wow thank you so much for the info! we are just about to sign our contract and I was concerned about the outside vendor issue we want to use an outside photographer as well. Thank you!
  2. Ok whats the deal with outside vendors? Has anyone just bought them a day pass with any problems? The contract says no outside vendors but it seems like brides are using them, I want an outside photographer. I do not want to pay for a room for the vendor.
  3. Can you not have a group dinner at La Trattoria? That is my favorite!
  4. Has anyone who has gotten married at Moon already used the hotel photographers? Del Sol is way out of our price range. Anyone find a company better priced? Or use Moon and were happy with the photos there? when we were there in the spring it seemed the Moon photos were ok for family photos but not too sure about wedding photos. Thanks for your help.
  5. Does anyone know can you use the resort credit for the wedding photo packages? And I saw somewhere people using outside photo companies, I thought you couldn't use outside vendors at Moon?
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