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Everything posted by ChipmunkRN

  1. OK what do you think about these two dresses? I am having the hardest time here, I keep looking but I dont like anything as much as these 2
  2. Has anyone had to order a dress, one of the dresses I want I would have to order and they say it can take up to 90 days which would be cutting it very close with alterations. Has anyone had a dress take that long to come in? I'd be ordering from Davids Bridal.
  3. Sweet! I'm usually so nice but when it comes to a big savings you have to be firm sometimes. You go girl!
  4. The first 2 or 3 times I tried to post pics they were held for review, don't worry they will post usually in a day. Can't wait to see them!
  5. I'm having the same problem, I have looked at other shops and haven't found anything else even close to liking. However I would say do not buy it unless you can try it on, dresses look so different once you try them on yourself. Ones I thought would be perfect were awful and ones I didn't care for on the hanger were great. I'm thinking about getting a few different friends to come back with me to try them on again to see what they think.
  6. I went dress shoping and I'm having a hard time picking a dress! Found two I really liked not sure how to choose, my mom and my sister weren't much help picking. Going to go back out Thursday and see if I find anything I just can't resist.
  7. Congrats! So glad everything went well can't wait to watch the video. Thanks for sharing. I have a question is your marriage certificate in Spanish? I'm still unclear if you can have it translated there or when you get back home. Are you filing your marriage certificate with the county you live in? I've tried to look this up but I seem to get conflicting information.
  8. That is awful! You never feel the same after a violation like that and heirlooms are so hard to loose, I'd check the pawn shops ASAP but now there are all those "buy gold" shops in the malls now. When we had some jewelry stolen they said the gold they buy they don't ask for ID dont track it and its gone by 5pm and melted down the same day. shady. So sorry that sucks all around.
  9. I'm so excited!! My custom hanger came today for my dress, I LOVE IT!!! My FI doesn't get it but he is happy I'm so happy. LOL.
  10. Wow, Wonderful. Love the STD, and you are totally on top of things! I still don't have my dress or invites getting a little stressed with how far you guys are with the planning. LOL
  11. How stressful! Yes keep a positive attitude! I keep telling myself if things don't go as planned I will still be in Mexico, relaxing at the beach with a drink in my hand and married to the man I love. It keeps me going when I start to stress about it all. Good Luck, you will have a great story to tell later
  12. How stressful! Yes keep a postitive additude! I keep telling myself if things don't go as planned I will still be in Mexico, relaxing at the beach with a drink in my hand and married to the man I love. It keeps me going when I start to stress about it all. Good Luck, you will have a great story to tell later
  13. Got my Save The Date magnets!! I just love them, turned out better than I thought they would and they sent me 5 extra ones, PERFECT!!! Sent them out the day after they arrived, my FI was laughing at me getting home after a 12hr shift and addressing them so I could drop them in the mail in the morning. LOL. Now to find invites that work, that has been a challenge The photo on the magnet is from our photo shoot when we stayed at Moon this spring, thought that was a perfect touch!
  14. I am so irritated! We paid $600 for unlimited golf!!! I just emailed the sales department asking about this special, I hope they give it to us that is a huge perk! Plus we have multiple other couples who are planning to pay for unlimited golf. I tell you if it wasn't for this web site I would be out of the loop on so much!! Thank you Everyone!!!
  15. I'm thinking of bringing my own sashes for the chairs at the wedding, I wonder if any other brides who are planning on doing this, how are you figuring out how how long to make the sashes?
  16. Anyone know the difference between Tucan Beach and Capilla Beach for the beach wedding sites?
  17. I asked for the photographer to be removed from the contract wording and told them I wanted an outside photographer. They said that was fine I would just have to pay the $90 day pass fee, they removed the wording and sent it back to me. I hand wrote in (just to be sure) that I was using an outside photographer with the cost of a day pass and sent it back.
  18. Thank you!! Your review was great and your wedding looked beautiful! Every little bit of information helps as you well know. Congrats!!
  19. could you either post or send a PM of the cake options, the resort map and the food options for the cocktail hour. Thanks!
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