OK ladies I'm about at my limit, I take that back I am at my limit!! Now Ivis came back with my wedding 30 days out and she tells me I can't have my wedding on Dolphin Beach. There is a party of 100 at Grand that day, you cant tell me they didn't know this 1,2,3 Months ago!! So I want a beach wedding so what does she suggest!!! A different section (not on the beach) the cocktail reception by the chapel (not on the beach) and my dinner at a completly different resturant than we had settled on! I swear she doesnt have a frickin' clue what she is doing!! What good was it to plan all this crap a year out and email and confirm and call just to be here now with nothing set. I am so stressed out. Finals are coming up and I'm trying to finish my papers, do my DYI stuff and now this. GRR. Sorry to vent but AHHHH! On a happier note: Coco- I agree lets see photos, I love boxers!! My boxer 4 yrs old - Shaq he is a very large boxer 90lbs!!