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Everything posted by zbwedding

  1. Im so thankful that I found this site and the awesome templates... still gotta finish my OOT bags... gotta hit 150 asap!
  2. Im still trying to get there... really need access to these templates to finish my OOT bags. But congrats to all who HAVE made it to 150!
  3. I havent even thought much at all about an AHR... everything right now is budget, budget, budget. But I really appreciate threads like this... gets me thinking of the possibilities.
  4. I am so thankful that I found this Forum... so helpful! It's stinks trying to get up to 150 posts though, but I totally understand why... and learning a lot while I try to get my posts up! lol
  5. I'm in the same boat. And I couldnt agree more with this post. Why is it that your family & friends feel like you are just out to inconvenience them for having a DW? Isnt it supposed to be the Bride & Groom's day!?!?! Nope, every day my family & friends justify my biggest regret... we should have eloped! I feel the same pain, except someone in my FI family did pass away suddenly in July... and unfortunately he was one of the few guests booked & paid that were coming. I went to a funeral of a man I never had the opportunity to meet and cried like a baby. How is that someone who genuinely wanted to come to my wedding & was looking forward to it, could pass away so suddenly.... unreal. Dont lose sight of whats important to you... starting a family with the man you're about to marry... and certainly dont lose sight of yourself.... DO care. You're wedding will happen, people will be hurt, but they'll get over it... you'll be hurt and carrying it around with you forever... its just not worth it. <---- or at least this is what I try to tell myself! lol
  6. My MOH is in the process of planning my Bachelorette party... at this point, I really dont even care for one... I hope there arent issues like this nonetheless! Sorry it was such a waste of money for you though!
  7. yup, looks like im about 3 years too late also... bummer!
  8. These are great! Thanks for the laugh! lol
  9. trying, trying, trying... to get to 150!
  10. yup, thanks for the thread... working towards 150... slowly... lol
  11. @ scarletbride: PS. "I don't want to talk about chair covers and sashes and DIY candles and place cards and all the frickin wedding porn." Best statement I've read on this Forum yet. Thank you for being real!!! "wedding porn"....LMAO
  12. I literally just had to pull my fiance over and ask him if he posted this as a joke. I feel exactly the same way and I'm in the same boat! I tell everyone now that my biggest regret is that we didnt just elope. What the heck was I thinking inviting over 100+ people!?!? When those rsvp's kept rolling in as "no's", I was literally getting sick to my stomach. I just dont understand why people feel that Im inconveniencing them! You told me originally "I wouldnt miss it!" Its like a knife in my chest when I hear "Well, you should have known people weren't going to be able to come. Why don't you just honeymoon there?" Because my fiance and I are doing what we can afford!!! And the famous line "well, are you going to have a reception when you get back? we'll come to that".... oh geeze thanks. Thanks for justifying exactly why we should have eloped... ALL PEOPLE CARE ABOUT IS THE PARTY! I have 2 family members coming to my wedding, he has 12... 2 of which are cousins that he's never even met before and we'll meet for the first time in Jamaica. My own brother who has the money, who already has a passport, isnt even attending my wedding. I have a health condition where Im supposed to keep stress to a minimal... and here I really thought that a DW would be perfect and everyone would understand that as well. Well, the joke's on me for that one! Getting people to understand how much, much less Im doing thanks to the resort & their wedding packages is so far out of the picture its ridiculous... people have their heads so far up Tradition's butt they just cant see it. Tradition is nice, but different is beautiful. I didnt want to get married without some of my friends and family there as well... but for the 14 that are there, making it happen, I'm honored and will never forget it. And they get a phenomenal vacation while they're at it... cause there's not one person I know that couldnt use a once in a lifetime vacation! People will be hurt & say hurtful things if you continue with your DW, no doubt... maybe its jealousy, maybe its fear, maybe it is circumstance/money.... but thats no excuse for anyone to make you feel bad about what you want to do for your wedding! They're wrong, not you!! But its not their wedding, so they'll get over it... where you'll carry around the hurt for many, many years to come.. if you give them what THEY want instead of doing what YOU want. All I can say is dont lose sight of whats important to you and your fiance. It's just not worth it. You do what you can and what will make you happy. <---or at least this is what I try to tell myself! lol
  13. These are too cute! Thanks for the smile! )
  14. I guess the best bet is to take a few options to your fitting. I know I really didnt think too much into this... but now Im glad I wont be running around frantic the day of my fitting or embarrassed at my fitting. Thanks for the tips!
  15. I am in the same boat! Original plan was trying to conceive after the wedding... but I messed up my pills last month that messed up my cycle... stupid, stupid, stupid! I had it all worked out perfect until I messed up last month!
  16. I'm a big fan of Neutorgena myself. But thanks to all that posted suggestions!
  17. ooh good to know. I tried the strips waaaay back in the day when they first came out and was not a fan but I'm willing to give them a try again!
  18. Heck no thats not comforting! I could feel my anxiety rising for you! LoL No plane tickets!?!? I hope thats on your high priority list.. you gotta get on that! Are you getting married at an all-inclusive resort? Does it have wedding packages with centerpieces and things included or are you just opting to do your own thing? Should I really have a program? I was thinking not to do it just because there's only a few of us and not much to our ceremony. Have any brides on here done without them?
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