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Everything posted by Shay4966

  1. I had decided a while ago I wanted to ask my bridesmaids by message in the bottles. While going through this site for another wedding I was planning I came across a brides "message in the bottles" they were soo adorable (sorry I don't remember the name) but I knew that I wanted to do mine like those. So when I started planning my wedding these are the very first DIY projects. When my friends received these they did not open them.They thought I send them some kind of favor from our ladies night. Each one called and said "thank you for the favor" I had to ask them if they opened them and they said no. lol they thought they were too pretty to open.. When they opened them they were all excited and laughing.. and I mean non of them knew to open.. The message in the bottle I bought the genie bottles with the corks from hobby lobby. I bought sand, small seashells, glitter letters, ribbon, and parchment paper which I burned the sides with lighter (which was very hard and very messy) from A.C.Moore. I ordered boxes from uline.com and got the charms from OOT. I'm a poet so I wrote individually poems for each one catering to how I know them and our friendship. Here are the pictures When my fiance saw this he got competitive and wanted to do something equally cool. He decided to write a whole kidnapping card, and sent out top secret missions asking his groomsmen to be ninjas and enlist for this mission. He sent a ransom note with a book on how to be a ninja with a special ninja star.. Both book and ninja star came from amazon. The book is hiliarious, its a humorous book on how to be a ninja so it fit perfectly and I just happened to come across it on amazon cause we were only going to send out ninja stars with the cards. I didn't get to take pics before he sent them out so but I manage to get some of it so you got an idea. He create the whole storyline and I did the pics and cropping of the card and we ordered them at zazzle. FRONT COVER - My FI head cropped over another photo taken from google images INSIDE BACK BOOK NINJA STARS
  2. I'm in the same boat, should I come up with something I will let you know.
  3. I forgot to say the boarding pass covers are Silver Metallic Cardstock. I shopped around to find the cheapest deals (and it was very time consuming but worth it) Here are the stores I used Amazon - Materials Envelopper inc - Envelopes Cards and Pockets - Paper (silver and flame metallic paper) Eyelet Outlet & Brads - Brads Paper Mart - Ribbon Printer I used was Canon Pixma MX882 -feeds through the rear end and I was able to print 10 papers at a time. I let them dry overnight before I printed on the back of the paper. sorry I didn't take pics of the back. It's also true to color because I thought because it was a ink printer it would absorb the ink and it would get lighter so I darken the colors on the template (mistake) it only absorbed some of the color. I'm still happy with the seafoam color I tried to match. Hope you like.. and once again thank you!!!
  4. My brochures and magnets I got got from vistaprint. I designed these myself. FRONT COVER INSIDE OUTSIDE MATERIALS I USED BRADS
  5. Okay I have finally finished my STD's. When people say "a labor of love" they are not kidding. The word "LABOR" should be emphasized, but I still love how they came out. I have to thank soo many brides on here and this site because I WOULD OF NOT HAD DONE THIS WITHOUT THIS SITE. A special thanks to all the brides who gave me the inspirations when making these. I have to admit I did have fun making them. It was time well spent with my FI. My colors are Seafoam green and Palm Beach Coral. I printed these from my own printer... I wanted a printer because I knew that I wanted to do a lot of the DIY gifts and my FI told me that he would get me one for xmas if I wanted but I also wanted a new phone so to say the least I choose the phone. Well I gave birth to my daughter on December 15th, got my phone for xmas and my FI surprised me in January with the printer as a "push gift" aka baby mama gift (he also got me some uggs). Anyway the printer he got me was the exact one I wanted. I would have bought it myself but it was just too expensive to buy ($299.99). My finance had this huge coupon from staples and got the printer for $114.00. I love him sooo much, and he was so impressed with the STD he said he didn't think they would turn out this way. He also said he could never do this for a living (after all the labor). Cost Breakdown for 100 STD's = $1.55 per STD w/o the brochures and magnets, 2.22 with. Save the dates glue dot $3.85 score $4.88 cutterpede $24.95 rounder $5.03 perforator $5.31 paper $45.00 brads $6.00 envelopes = liners $56.64 Total $155.51 vista print brochures (50) $31.37 vista print magnets (75) $35.48 Total $222.36 I want to include that I still have soo much material left over for my tags, labels, and invitations. I used "Crystal Metallic Cardstock" Seafoam Ribbon, I made my own logo I used "flame metallic envelopes" with silver liners Seafoam Starfish Brads
  6. Skyy - I shopped around and made sure that I was getting the lowest price on everything. So where one website had it for lower then the next (including shipping). When it comes to saving I will go through the Internet and make sure I left no stone unturned. My mother and sister lives in AC, and my grandmother lives in Pleasantville.
  7. lmbo wowsors I just saw that your in New Jersey... What part?
  8. I say make them yourself... $350 is A LOT. I made my and stole some ideas from the brides who posted theirs. What I would say is get a theme first that way you know the premise to which you want them to circle around (ex. palm trees, coral, starfish, etc). I bought supplies from ebay, cards and pockets, enveloppe inc and amazon. With all the supplies, plus brochure and magnets from vistaprint for 89 invitations I paid $198.00 and I still have lots of paper, ribbon and other things left over for tags and other projects. Should you need help let me know...
  9. okay ladies - I have definitely dropped some kind of weight because my skirt slide on with ease, no laying on the bed struggling this morning... I think I'm going to cut pasta, bread, and rice from my diet for three weeks and see where that gets me.
  10. I also crave salty but when I do want sweet I will eat a kellogs special k bar, yogurt, or fruit. I tend to eat a lot of trail mix with raisins which eliminates any sweet cravings. Hope this helps
  11. Hi bgarcia1026 Thank you! I used weddingwire.com... This site is awesome, it's not just a site to make a wedding page but it has all the bridal tools you need such as budgets, ideas, checklist etc. Here is my webpage www.weddingwire.com/blackapinowed2013. Hope this helps.
  12. I should add that if a person does not RSVP I will be sending that person an invitation, but if someone goes on the site and checks a no then there is no reason to send an invite.
  13. Hi Shannonmarie! Traditionally you would do that but since a destination wedding is typically non-traditional, you can do what's best for you. I plan on sending my invitees luggage tags and other forms of gifts to get them ready and I don't want to spend money where I don't have to spend. My STD's are going equipped with everything they need to know about the resort and my travel agent. I plan to have my invitations confirming everything that was said in the STD's and things that will be happening throughout the week and such. I also want to start early on my OOT bags, having them pre RSVP will allow for me to get an idea how much of each item I need to get, even if I get two or three extra. Its better then sending invites to 100 guest and getting 50 extra and only 50 attend. I'm giving my guest much time to RSVP (July 1st) via my website, even if they are on the fence about it they can choose yes and later change the RSVP to no via the website. I hope this helps.
  14. okay ladies, here is the spreadsheet of all I have currently participating. I will post the sheet again the day after the weigh in date 3/29 with any new brides and updates. On another note, I went to a kickboxing class and got an hole tore out my a**. I was sooo tired and now I'm sooo sore. I made it through the class considering I hadn't worked out since I got pregnant with my daughter over a year ago. I'm glad I made it through but I was STRUUUUUGGGGLLLIINNNG... 2013 Healthy Brides Challenge...Get Right for the Isle.xlsx
  15. I would send them out as soon as you confirm the date with the resort. Although you may not be able to book anything the resort should still be able to hold your wedding slot. At the same time you can send the dates out and always send invitations out with the confirmed date later. I sent mines out early so people can pre RSVP and I knew how many things I needed like luggage tags, OOT bags, etc. After I narrow down to the definitely not coming people I will send invitations to those who are planning on attending.
  16. Sounds like you are on the right path!!! Good luck in your journey..
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