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Everything posted by Shay4966

  1. I actually read about this, but have never considered doing it. I might give it a try after I'm fully operational from being sick. Thanks for sharing!
  2. Thank you!... I think that sometimes I can go overboard on things and because my FI is so competitive he will do whatever it takes to feel he won... lol
  3. CONGRATS! I'm booked May 11, 2013 there!
  4. I'm sorry ladies, I was suppose to post the the updates on Friday but I ran out the office early. I had my engagement party on Saturday so I was pretty busy all day. Going through the post I didn't see anyone post any updates for the 3/29 weigh in. I have been sick for some days, I was sucking it up at the party (which was a mistake) cause now I'm full blown sick. I did not get sick the entire winter so I guess it's my time, good thing is I lose weight when I'm sick. Anyway ladies stay focus, active, and aim for your goals. Please remember to post your weigh in on 4/12/12. I have updated the sheet with the newcomers.
  5. I would suggest using Microsoft Publisher if you have it. It will be much easier to use (in my opinion).
  6. JennyBenz - Thank you soo much.I found most of the images on google under "images" and cropped and rotated to my fit. I can send you my template if you like.
  7. I think that is one of the best parts is we still have time... I'm sorry you have to have surgery, hope it goes well and good luck. I'm sure you will reach your goals!
  8. I think they look great...The only thing that I would change is to maybe make the "Travel Information" on the second one purple and "Dinner Options" and "R.S.V.P" purple as well to add more color. I think the purple sleeve would look beautiful and to tie the blue and purple I would do blue envelopes with purple envelope liner or white envelope with blue envelop liner.. The cardstock I would use is call "snow white" they also have that in envelope form.
  9. Ladies remember this Thursday is the next weigh in... Please remember to post it... Also if there are any other ladies who wish to join please submit your stats.. Thanks!
  10. I have been doing good I guess. I'm was expecting to be losing weight at a faster rate but realized that it takes time. Good think I have til next year. I have been working out but my FI have been pushing me. We went to Liberty State Park to run and I couldn't run for very long, my daughter was trying to hold my hand and run with me but it was not happening. So I have to start running daily, before I got pregnant I was running 4 miles daily. My engagement party is Saturday and I was hoping to have lost some more weight but nope only like another pound. I'm not worried because I bought me a friend called spanx who will be by my side (literally) the entire night. To help with the drinking calorie intake, I suggest red wine.. two glasses and your good white wine will make you want more. When I was dieting before, I would always drank red wine more specific "Shiraz" I had no regrets with my diet but I got a couple of hangovers. Throwing some motivation your way... the aisle walk.... good luck!!! have fun in vegas
  11. I printer I used was the Canon Pixma MX882 - here are my STD's http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/78850/shays-boarding-pass-save-the-dates-yaaaayyyy-finally-done-pic-heavy
  12. Thank you ! My printer is true to color. Also you have let the ink dry on inkjet printers when printing metallic cardstock, it absorbs slower.
  13. I printed 100 and my ink did not run out, I also printed on metallic cardstock 110. I even after printing the squares for the front I still have about half full of ink.
  14. okay so here are up close pics and templates I used.. I hope this helps another bride! This is my magnet which I used a removable glue dot to put on the jacket of the boarding pass. I got it printed at vistaprint on business card magnets outside of my brochure that I also got printed at vistaprint inside of the brochure Boarding Passes jacket monogram
  15. ohh and btw I don't know why my FI thought we were still in 2010 but he put 2010. I didn't realize it until after we had ordered them so we bought tiny labels and printed on them the correct date and and stuck them on there. Also I didn't do a great job with the zazzle thing because I cut the top part off so we have to do the same with the top part as well. I prolly should have erased my FI email address.. smh ohh well
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