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Everything posted by Shay4966

  1. reply to the quote on the lower right corner on the first email and sill in the information.
  2. OMG !! these are soo nice. While I a good DIY person, I'm not so good with sewing. I saw a sewing class on groupon the other and day and was thinking about taking the class. You just made up my mind... Thank for sharing!
  3. sorry if some of that made no sense, I was typing really fast.
  4. HOLA - I'm a May 11th 2013 bride. Resort's booked, deposit has been sent, and STD's are mailed... I'm getting married on a Saturday at the RIU Palace Riviera Maya in Playa Del Carmen, MX. I did have a question that I have been asking myself since booking. My wedding is on a Saturday with is May 11 and I have my travel dates set from May 8th thru the 12th. Do you think that I should change my wedding date since the next day people will be leaving? I was thinking that people will be partying the night of the wedding and then catching a flight the next day home, I'm a little concerned about this. Any suggestion would be great. I can change my day to the 10th but I really wanted to get married on the 11th because that number is special to me. My birthday is Nov 11th, my FI birthday is Sept 11 and our daughter was born on Dec 11th. What do you guys think?
  5. LADIES LADIES LADIES !!! How is everyone' diet/exercises doing?? We need to keep the post alive! As for me I went and bought "Insanity" and believe me, there is no other name that would fit this fitness program. On the positive side, I have seen more results from this then anything else I have done so far. I'm speaking of "fast" results, but TRUST if you have never done a hard core workout, do not try... lots of jumping and kicking... I hope all you ladies are achieving your goals for the aisle and in life!!! Continue to keep up the good work, I look forward to hearing from you all!!!
  6. I live in North Jersey so maybe we can meet somewhere in the city if that is okay with everyone.
  7. OMG! This is such a good idea and soo nice.. I might have to steal this idea.. Thank you for sharing!
  8. Hi ladies – John and I met on an internet/gaming site. I use to go onto that site and play the love match-up games, but they also had a dating portion where you can meet other people. So one day I got an email from John asking me about elephants in Thailand. I posted on my profile page that my next goal was to go to Thailand and ride an elephant. I thought he was just another guy trying to get a way to ask me on a date. Before I replied I went on his page to check him out. It seemed unreal that his profile page had the same sentence as me referencing Thailand. I have always wanted o visit Thailand since I was in college but I never had anyone to go with. I decided to reply, and within a week we were talking on the phone about the many places we wanted to travel to. We actually had a lot in common, which is weird because I’m always outside the box on ideas and my thought process. The first time we met was on Halloween 3 years ago, he asked me to go to a party with him. I was very nervous because I never met anyone off the internet. After some thinking I decided to go, but meet him at the train station. When he showed up he had on a “Cat-in-the-Hat†costume,†I was dressed as a burlesque dancer. So it looked like the “Cat-in-the-Hat†was a pimp. That same night was the night his best friend proposed to his now wife, so it became a huge celebration. There are pictures that capture me and him staring at each other in a dazed. For the first time I was speechless and nervous, I’m surprised I didn’t try to talk my way out of being nervous. John really didn’t talk much either, so instead of coming up with conversations he kept complimenting my shoes. As a female who looovees shoes I thought it was sweet but a little weird. Later I found out the real reason behind it (he didn’t know what to say, he thought I was breathtaking and he kept looking down to try not to stare at me – his words). We really didn’t waste any time traveling. The first vacation we went on was to Cancun, Mexico about 3 months after meeting. We enjoyed ourselves soo much. There was this one instance where we decided to travel to Cancun City or Downtown Cancun (can’t remember the name right) via bus. We went to a restaurant and decided to walk around without a plan. It was not a good idea because we got lost. Everyone kept giving us different directions, and eventually it got soo late I got scared. I had on heels, and my feet was killing me so he took his socks off and gave them to me. He kept assuring me that I was okay. Then we finally found a bus stop but we had to wait another 40 mins. I got cold so he took his shirt off and gave it to me (he had a t-shirt underneath). The little things like that made me want him to be long term. This is the reason we decided to have our wedding in Mexico because while there, you would have never known we had just met, our connection was instant. Two years later we went to Thailand. OMG! It was awesome. While in Thailand we found out we were expecting. I couldn’t believe how happy he was, me on the other hand had wish it happened later. While I couldn’t drink, it didn’t hinder us at all. He became very careful with me. He made sure that every need was met even when there was none. Once we got back to the states and went to our first doc’s appt we found out the baby’s due date was December 11th which made it even more special because my birth date is November 11th and his is September 11th. We decided to move in together while in Thailand, and eventually found a place about a month later. Although we previously discussed marriage, and he’d joke about our kids running around with afros and chinky Asian eyes, I didn’t expect it to happen until maybe another year. Two months after moving in, he proposed to me. Since I was already 6 months pregnant, he decided to create a “Before the Baby†bucket list. There were exactly 11 things we had to do before the baby came. We had done all on the list except number 11 which was to go to my favorite restaurant. On September 17th we went to my favorite restaurant (Italian place), we ate and then I ordered desert. All of sudden the music changed from Frank Sinatra to soul love music and I was taken aback by it because this place is a pure Italian restaurant, everyone was from Italy. While we are discussing the change in music they bought my dessert only it was not what I ordered. I ordered cheesecake but I got this gigantic chocolate cake with whipped cream. He tells the waiter it was wrong and the waiter says’ compliment on the house for the pregnant lady. Me being pregnant and greedy began to chow down. Stick the fork in it, realized the center was hard as a rock. So I try my hardest to crack it and then tell my fiancé, he say’s open the cake. I didn’t even realize all the waiters and servers were staring at me. Once I open the cake I pull a brown box out, still confused (thinking it’s frozen chocolate) I look to see my fiancé on his knee and that’s when I realized what was going on (pregnant brain). I instantly started crying and he started crying, then the waitress started crying and he asked me if I would marry him. As you can tell I said YES!!! Our baby girl Isabelle Jonae
  9. oh wow didn't see it when I checked. Thanks
  10. Hi Ladies, I would love to get together with some other BDW Brides from the area and share ideas wedding info etc.... If your interested post here or email me, once I get an idea on how many and the area we can pick a location.
  11. Tashay & John May 11, 2013 Riu Palace Riveria Maya Playa Del Carmen, MX
  12. Thanks for the compliments. My guest loved them and thought they were done professionally. Since I am a graphics designer some called and asked if I did them myself, and nice they came out.. Once again thanks for all the kind compliments!!!
  13. For us it worked out great! We had people RSVP on our website, cheaper and easy. It also gave us a idea of who was thinking about going.
  14. Hello and welcome! Of course you can join, anybody can join. Just reply to the original post with your information.
  15. Hello and welcome - Just reply to the initial post and fill in the information.
  16. Geesh my wording, I mean "I have really heard anything" 2013 Healthy Brides Challenge...Get Right for the Isle.xlsx
  17. OKAY LADIES WHERE YOU AT!!!! I have not really hear anything from you ladies with the exception of one... Please keep the post active. Here is the spreadsheet updated. Please post your weigh in with just a reply, name you listed on spreadsheet and weight. Thanks ladies, enjoy your weekends! 2013 Healthy Brides Challenge...Get Right for the Isle.xlsx
  18. Sorry ladies I have been off my internet game for awhile, I found out my dog has bone cancer. It's been hectic and soo sad for me lately. Anyway this week is the weigh in I will post the spreadsheet tomorrow. Please post this weeks weigh in... Thanks
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