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Everything posted by Shay4966

  1. Very nice colors, these colors will definitely POP!! I have seen some very nice things with these two colors (maybe different variations of orange) You should have not problem getting inspiration on this board cause a lot of brides love this color combo..
  2. I think the lime green and pink is HOT!! and completely different. Because they are both bold colors and pop you need to make one an accent color and one a main color with base color like yellow or orange. You can even do aqua or black as a base color.
  3. I have to agree with puntabride, aqua and champagne looks beautiful together. Another color that would look nice is Victorian pink.
  4. U wanted to do a mixture of old school and Filipino candy. Old school like now-and-laters, mike-n-ikes etc, all would color coordinated. I did see the letters and they are nice I'm still contemplating. Since I have now added a photo booth to the mix my FI is saying we have to minimize the candy buffet because we are spending money to build a photo booth frame from PVC pipe to take with us.
  5. I see another DIY project coming from me. I would love to do this and since my BFF and my bridesmaids all love to take pictures this would be a fun and awesome idea. I found some website that have DIY stands. I have really thought this out since reading this post three hours ago LOL! I'm going to get a plain white sheet and cut some "picture frame" holes and I'm going to spraypaint our inititals at the top with maybe something like "Playa del Carmen, Mexico." Here are some links for the best DIY stand I have found http://www.brighthub.com/multimedia/photography/articles/1898.aspx# http://lemonandraspberry.com/2010/06/diy-project-photobooth-backdrop/ I made napkin holders out of pvc pipe so I have a pvc cutter (it's cheap like 10 to 15 bucks on amazon) and cut the pipes down to a reasonable travel size. I'm going to get connectors to help and probably make it smaller then the link I have posted. After I'm done I will post my pics of my final product with my instructions. Hopes this helps someone!
  6. Thank very much!!! I hope this helps you and any other brides looking to save a buck or two...
  7. CONGRATS! Beautiful bride at a beautiful wedding!!!!!!!!!!! congratulations on the new addition!!!
  8. Hi ladies - I had a question? I'm doing a two color candy buffet I wanted to extend on the idea of just have apothecary vases. I have about 10 apothecary vases (ebay and my own) and I also wanted to do two treasure box on each side. I would paint them to the scheme of the candy buffet which would be aqua/seafoam and coral/orange. I have never seen this so I don't how it would look but would love to hear suggestions and ideas from you ladies..
  9. Sounds like you have a really good start.. I wish I could hike that distance. INSANITY is definitely no joke and not for the faint. It's very challenging but it's also a lot of strength training in the intervals, which I love. I'm glad you joined and welcome! Good luck on your journey.. 2013 Healthy Brides Challenge...Get Right for the Isle(1).xlsx
  10. Hello and welcome to the post. Congratulations on your upcoming nuputials. I also do the same kinds of workout and love them. For me running has helped, and INSANITY is really hard in the beginning. The thing about it is when I first started it I could never finish one video, so I gave up and I began doing other things such as spinning, and kickboxing. I just started running and have now returned to INSANITY and I can actually complete a whole video. It took about two months before I was able to do it but spinning helped me with my legs and my calves because a lot of INSANITY requires jumping. Running has helped me lose weight at a faster rate. As far as dieting, I'm breastfeeding so I don't stick to a diet in particular. Like you I have a weakness for food not junk food. I can eat a whole bag of carrots with ranch dip which sounds healthy but really isn't because I added the component of ranch dressing. My FI has helped me with controlling my portions. We rarely eat out, so I cook 3 meals on Sunday or Monday for the week and I portion my leftovers into plastic containers for me throughout the week. For lunch I eat whole wheat bread with deli turkey, no cheese and a little mayo. I take a nutragrain bar to work to snack on and I eat either raisin bran or quakers "weight control" oatmeal for breakfast. I drink yogi green tea "blueberry slim life" everyday and I might have one or two cups of coffee a week. Twice a week instead of turkey sandwich for lunch I get a veggie or fruit smoothie for lunch with pistachio nuts.
  11. Thank you!! It really has been very hard for me and at one point I was so frustrated cause it didn't seem like I was losing anything so I stop weighing myself. I was doing a lot of workout programs but in the end running is what helped me lose the weight. I cannot emphasis how much I hate running but I did two days of running and lost 6lbs, that was enough motivation to keep going. I'm now up to 3 miles without stopping, which prolly isn't a lot but for someone like me who really hate running it's a lot. I'm hoping to get up to 6 miles by the end of the year, so wish me luck!
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