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Everything posted by Shay4966

  1. I figured I'd send the STD's out the day after the engagement party which is March 31st. My general idea is to send the STD's out with the brochure I made which explains everything about the resort such as what's included in the price, travel dates (because everyone may not want to travel sames dates), travel agent information, our website to pre-RSVP, and our blog site. This will allow them to think what they need to think and still have sufficient amount of time to put a deposit or pay the entire trip off. Also there is a general rule that if you have a wedding at a resort 80% of the people attending must stay at the resort the wedding is being held (at least at my resort). Since I have 87 invitations (not people) I felt it could get tedious keeping track of that many, I needed them to know this in case they try for the surrounding sister resorts. To save on postage I have everyone RSVP on the website (which is a cool tool and saves money), then after I get a more realistic number of people coming I will know a realistic amount of invitations to send out, with luggage tags. I know a lot of people are trying to save but I think it depends on how many people you plan on attending, I have more then 100 prospects people going so I needed to narrow that down. I ended up making my STD's and I love them, not just the look but I cut cost by half. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtandMatt Shay4966 - I just sent out most of my Save the Dates for my May 2013 wedding! I am so happy that now people can feel more secure with the date. Elissae - Good idea to skip the cost of Save the Dates! My FI and I didn't want to do Save the Dates, we found it to be a cost that was not necessary especially since we are sending invites so far in advance, but his mom wanted them and so she paid for them, which was very welcome. soonCB - CONGRATS and welcome to the site!! I am also getting married in Jamaica so yay to Jamaica! With regard to wedding planners - my TA acts as a wedding planner. Have you found a TA yet because you should make sure your TA does destination weddings mrsrepp - Thank goodness you found that out now. It is a national holiday with two days off so many people head to the beach and prices will go up! May is a great time!!
  2. But it is true... Look it up, the average person carries 4 lbs
  3. Thank you! I contacted Wendy Hicks from Wright Travel and she gave me Nancy from RPRM, who in return booked me. She gave me a link to the online booking with a code to enter in. When I booked it the site states that they will not charge the card but holds your spot. When you do go to reserve your spot it ask your booking date, Nancy told me to put TBD because my travel agent will be doing all that. I hopes this helps
  4. I wanted to add some of the things I have done to lose weight in the past, they have all worked. I was actually doing some of them before I got pregnant last year... Now that she is born I may continue to do them if WW or P90X don't work with my schedule... One thing that I did that REALLY had me on the way to a six pack was kickboxing... I lost a lot of weight in the beginning weeks and started to tone up quick with kickboxing. It works your abs out A LOT and avoids you having to do sit-ups. Another thing I did was juice for 2 weeks, which requires you to only drink (no eating). I did this so I can clean my intestines out (which BTW can carry up to 10 lbs of fecal matter, I know ). I would not recommend this if you have never fast before because it can make you moody and you are required to drank LOTS of water. I drank things like V8, 100% Juice, I had some juice made with veggie, and I even made some of my own juice. I lost 19 lbs in the two weeks I did it, and gained 2 lbs back once I started eating (not bad). I also took salsa classes, which was very fun. The classes are not as easy as they look and I would come out of there sweating. If you can't get your hands on a salsa class you can definitely get a Zumba which is more intense BUT WORKS. I did Zumba for 3 months and I was shredding pounds like crazy, plus my thighs were very toned from "dropping it like its hot" in the class.. Whatever you do just make sure it's healthy and it works for you... If something doesn't work and you don't see any results, try something else because everything is not for everybody..
  5. I'm actually sending my "Save the Dates" out at the end of this month. I started a wedding blog for my family and friends to keep them motivated throughout the year. Aldo since it is soo far away I wanted people to get a chance to have a lot time to pay whatever they need to pay off.. I'm not sure if I'm obsessing but I'm definitly in wedding mode. My fiance is like "slow down" but I have planned weddings before and I have sooo many ideas that I just gotta get out..
  6. I choose Wendy Hicks from Wright Travel Agency... she is the ish and she is sooo nice. She responds very quickly, and laid everything out for me. Although we cannot book /hold the rooms until the end of March (this month) we were able to hold the spot at the resort without any cost or deposit (we did have to give them a credit card, but they did not charge us anything)... The end of April to the middle of May and September is the cheapest times to go to Playa del Carmen. Prices are at the lowest, and the weather is beautiful.. just thought I add my two cents in there...
  7. Congrats!! This site is the shiz niz
  8. No problem... thank you for participating and adding motivational flare to the mix
  9. I will post the spreadsheet on Friday with everyone's information in case there are other people who want to join in.
  10. It's a very good app... Creating the spreadsheet I notice me and you basically have the same stats
  11. To update this post: I'm off maternity leave . I gave birth to a 7lb 3oz baby girl name Isabelle Jonae...So while on maternity leave I got some things done that I will be posting on the site soon. I have managed to get my invitations to the Bridal party, and "Save the dates" done, along with brochures and magnets printed at vistaprint. I figure I will send them out the day after the engagement party to get an idea what to expect in number of people "pre RSVP" and to give people the time to review the information and make a decision by June 1st. I'm having an engagement party on March 31st of this month and I'm very excited. We have also booked the resort, while working with our travel agent Wendy Hicks. my baby girl
  12. You all are very welcome, this is going to be a great way to motivate and learn other ways. I'm sure that this post will guide us all to our goals as long as we stay focus and really want it.
  13. don't worry no judgement on this post... I also have a lot of lose but support and motivation will get us all there!
  14. I have created and posted the thread... Please let me know what you think...
  15. Hello and welcome - A 2013 get right for the isle challenge . If you are interested in taking this challenge just simply reply to this post with "quotations" and fill in the information. I will be making a excel spreadsheet with the individuals who wish to participate. I will also be updating, and posting it monthly to the thread with any new change in your status. The start date for this challenge is March 15th. Updates will be every two weeks from March 15th, on top of status updates there will be picture postings each month (optional). Please make sure you check with your doctor when starting any new diet/exercises, and always keep it healthy. Name: ____________________ Age: ____________________ Height: ____________________ _"Current"_ __"Goal"__ Weight Bust: Waist: Hips: Should you come across something that you have tried or currently trying and works, please share with the rest. If there is something that I am missing please let me know.. Have fun and Good luck !!
  16. okay ladies, I'm going to take the initiontive and post a new thread. I'm going to call it "2013 Healthy Brides Challenge" cause the point is not to just lose weight but lose it in a healthy manner. I know that however I lose the weight it will apply to not just my wedding my life. I will post a "Stats List", I think that we should log in and post updates biweekly and post pics monthly. Please look out for the thread and let me know if you would like me to add anything else to it... This is very exciting and motivational.. Can't wait!!!
  17. Hello and congratulations I'm game for the weight loss challenge as well and don't mind posting pics (not bikini pics, not a good look ). I'm 5' 2, last time I went to the doctors for my post pregnancy checkup I weighed a wooping 170 lbs, so I'm very overweight. My goal is to get to 130 without compromising my breast milk supply. I'm a May 2013 brides so I have a little over a year to lose it. I just need to know when should we be checking in and posting our new information, and should we create a new thread for this challenge.
  18. Thank you for replying - A coworker told me about weight watchers because she uses it and seeing her when I came back to work, she is a bone now. She told me it took her a year to get to the weight she is at now. I myself have never used or tried weight watchers but I think I may take you and my coworkers advice and try it. Congratulations on losing close to 60lbs. I started the p90x last night, and I'm very sore this morning. It is very hard to do if you haven't worked out in a while. I will team the two together and see what results I get. Generally because I only breastfeed my kids my body looses the weight fast, but I'm assuming the older you get the harder it is. I also have the Jillian Micheal's videos from my last pregnancy, I may incorporate those as well. Once again thank you for replying and good luck.
  19. I'm s 2013 bride in the works of losing at least 50lbs.. I'm not sure if that is even possible but I'm hoping it can happen. I have never weighed so much in my life, granted I just had a baby in December 2011. I have two other children and have always popped right back to my prepregnancy weight around the same time frame of three months. I worked out very hard before the baby, and couldn't work out whille I was pregnant. Due to my scehdule now I can't work out like I want to. On top of that I have to plan a wedding, take care of a newborn + 2, and work fulltime. This Monday was my first day back at work and I literally felt sick trying on outfit after outfit, I ended up wearing a maternity dress. My FI is trying his best to keep my spirits up but it's really hard. I really feel like I'm cheating my baby out of time if I choose to go to the gym after work, since I'm not with her 8 hrs out of the day. On top of all that my daughter is only breastfed/breast bottle fed, so I cannot go on some hardcore diet. I know the wedding it a little over a year away and I also know how hard it is to lose weight so I have to figure out something soon. I got to figure something out, have anyone of you ever tried the p90x? and if so was it good?
  20. Hi Elissae - Thanks and Congratulations on your engagment. I recently booked my wedding at the riu palace (last week). I booked May 11, 2013, we decided on May because we felt it was better to get past the spring breakers, plus its beautiful weather and the price is lower during that time. I'm working on my save the dates right now and just booked our engagement party. I would love to be planning buddies I am working with Wendy Hicks from Wright Travel... She is awesome, very nice. She responds very fast...let me know if you have any questions... Tashay
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