Thanks! I looked at the link and i am finding it helpful! We are getting married in Our Lady of Guadalupe down town PV and then directly after the church we will be getting on the boat and taking our voyage to LC after pictures,,,,I am trying to decide on going the legal way....with blood test, xrays and waiting the 3 or 4 days, or get married where i live (Ontario) in a city hall a week or less before we go and avoid the waiting and blood work and such,,,,I am leaning more towards doing it legally because Im think that if we get maried here first it might take away from our day in mexico and technically our wedding date will be when we were in city hall, and i think that if your guest ae traveling all that way to see you get married, then get married in mexico! Please help me make up my mind..anyone who has done this before..or anyones advice. Thanks Amigas!