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Everything posted by samantha86

  1. hey ladies! We are also going to get "married" in Canada before we go to Mexico. I call it Siging of the papers! lol I think for us anyways it's just easier to do this before hand because you can by pass the requirements..no blood work...no waiting 4 BUISNESS days...no x rays, well in my case we are having our symbolic ceremony in a church down down Puerta Vallarta. and the father from Mexico wants my Fiance and I to have the cirtificate of completion for the marriage course and a writting letter stating permission for the father in Mexico to "marry" us under the eyes of god from our church in Canada!! And Yes Miss Nikki I have my dress I Bought it in November and will be ready soon...Dont rush it...just make sure you know what style you love..mermaid...trumpet...ball gown..anything..have funn with it...only comes once...
  2. Also...is there any other future 2012 las caletas brides out there?? where are yous? lol I was going to say, i was checking out the dance floor at Caletas.. and it looks super small...its OK for a wedding of 20 but that about it , it looks like anyways.. I'm sure it is manageable and people dance on the sand also, which is fine but dint you girls agree with ALL the wedding they have here and ALL the money they have made off past wedding they could afford to put a nice big dancfloor??? this is a huge part of your wedding right? the party, you want people to enjoy dancing on a nice big maybe even shiny dance floor! lol so I think we should all mention something to our coordinators at some point.. I noticed they got new beautiful white chairs for the ceramonys great upgrade!! hopefully with the new wedding corrdinators they will be upgrading the place with a few details,,,more lighting,(bathrooms),,more options for decoration, that are included or that they have there all times much larger dance floor.dance floor. .anyone agree?
  3. hey ladies! Just found this chat!! I wassnt sure if its just for mayan brides or not,,but i thought i would join in anyways... Im getting married November 6th In Puerta Vallarta Mexico! We are staying at Dreams PV and getting married in a local church down town, Our lady of Guadalupe then , off to a private island only by boat! " las Caletas"!! so far 52 people are coming from Canada!! Adios for now!!
  4. Does Anyone know Annie"s contact information, when Kelley wrote me my last email she said she would give me Annies info but i never got it....and Annie Hassnt emailed me since then....(just after christmas)... Thanks Ladies..
  5. Congratulations!! I was wondering,did you have a videogragher? based out of Vallarta? has anyone ever posted a video on here form there wedding? not sure if you could?
  6. Hi there! I was wondering if you could send me pictures from you site visit. Im new to this forum , and you said you need a PM to get the photos, whats is that? lol sorry i hope you can help me out! I am booked at LC November 6th 2012.
  7. November 2012!! Las Caletas!! date not yet set either the 5th 0r 6th waiting on the priest from the church! (our Lady of Quadalupe! Guest are staying at Dreams Puerto Vallarta! Price 1485 a person,,,Not thrilled on the price but i hear great things about Dreams! Hope we can get the one time price deduction!! fingers crossed! Congrats to you ladies!!
  8. Hey Ladies! Getting Married November 2012 Puerto Vallarta!! / Las Caletas!!- Long wait ahead but very excited!! Congrats to you all!! Happy Planning
  9. HEY LADIES! Getting married November 2012 Dreams Puerto Vallarta!! / Las Caletas!! Long wait ahead but very excited! Congrats to you all! Happy Planning
  10. Thanks! I looked at the link and i am finding it helpful! We are getting married in Our Lady of Guadalupe down town PV and then directly after the church we will be getting on the boat and taking our voyage to LC after pictures,,,,I am trying to decide on going the legal way....with blood test, xrays and waiting the 3 or 4 days, or get married where i live (Ontario) in a city hall a week or less before we go and avoid the waiting and blood work and such,,,,I am leaning more towards doing it legally because Im think that if we get maried here first it might take away from our day in mexico and technically our wedding date will be when we were in city hall, and i think that if your guest ae traveling all that way to see you get married, then get married in mexico! Please help me make up my mind..anyone who has done this before..or anyones advice. Thanks Amigas!
  11. Hello! I am getting married in Puerto Vallarta in November of 2012! I got engaeged in April of this year! I have always wanted to get married in mexico< my dad is from there and could not picture it any other way!! I came across Las caletas and fell in love with it! Has anyone had there wedding here recenlty? that could have some tips and photos they would like to share.... Thanks!!
  12. hello amigas! I got Engaged in April of this year! I hav always wanted to get married in mexico! My dad is from there and i have family there, I came across Puerto Vallarta because its beautiful, old, cultural! Then I came across Las caletas! and fell in lovee! So pretty! fun! Ive been reading some posts but cant seem to fin resent ones, has anyone had there wedding here recently that can give some recent photos and tips? Thanks!
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