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Everything posted by anudrm

  1. Oh well you suck!!! I didn't get all of that nifty stuff. I know I need to invest in a cutting mat. After the wedding though. I loved my Friskar's circle cutter, makes the perfect circle wherever you like. I had to purchase that only after purchasing the other circle cutter, the one that you put the paper in, bad thing about that one is you can only go so far in from the edges, was no good for my purpose.
  2. Sorry for the laugh but that is truly mean of you MJKH, how dare you let him walk out of the house with short pants on. I know you didn't want to tell your FI that his mother screwed up, but LOL
  3. I am actually an honorary member of this sorority - as I am getting married at Dreams La Romana in Dominican Republic.....
  4. Yeah, we will see about that! I am so not motivated to get my lazy @$$ up to do anything that makes me sweat, yet I hate buying size 10 pants, something has got to give, LOL
  5. I love it! I like the black sash and the fluffiness of the gown. It is indeed gorgeous.
  6. 1. Where is your cell phone? Desk 2. Your significant other? Him 3. Your hair? Curly 4. Your mother? Funny 5. Your father? Absent 6. Your favorite thing? Cake 7. Your dream last night? nope 8. Your favorite drink? Martini 9. Your dream/goal? Happy 10. The room you're in? Boring 11. Your ex? Crazy 12. Your fear? Failure 13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy 14. Where were you last night? Home 15. What you're not? Perfect 16. Muffins? Sure 17. One of your wish list items? Clothes 18. Where you grew up? Miami 19. The last thing you did? Email 20. What are you wearing? Clothes 21. Your TV? Flat 22. Your pets? None 23. Your computer? Great 24. Your life? Filled 25. Your mood? Bored 26. Missing someone? Nope 27. Your vehicle? Dirty 28. Something your not wearing? Socks 29. Favorite Store? Gymboree 30. Your summer? Warm 31. Like someone? Love 32. favorite color? Grey 33. When is the last time you laughed? Now 34. Last time you cried? Weeks
  7. OhEMMGEE...You look great!!! I promise I will look that good come the new year, LOL - I am so lying to myself - yet it sounded good
  8. Jamie - I don't know how they are doing it. I have 2 weeks left and two projects to complete plus packing!!! Yet I blame it on the multiple changes of location. If I would have stuck my guns and stayed at my original location, I would be relaxing now! Oh well, it was exciting and after all I gained this site and new 'girlfriends' so no complaints!
  9. Funny thing is, everything gets done. Perfectly and in a timely manner, yet I don't have a do this then this then this. I believe I may have ADHD, my list sorta goes like do this, this, and this...all at one time. If I accomplish this and still have this & this to do, go ahead and start that! I know a lot of this and that, it makes sense to me though.
  10. Yes Katie stole my date (j/k), you probably had this planned out in 2009, just like I did - if I wouldn't have changed my venue/location so many times, LOL Katie - what time is your reception? What time is your wedding? May I be nosy and ask why you are having a reception on a separate day?
  11. As my mother says, the only people that truly need to be there are you & he. No one from my husband said is coming besides his cousin that we had to pay for! Out of anger and sadness, he said to me recently that I - meaning myself alone - planned a DW with no intentions of his family coming. It is not my fault and I will not bend over backwards to accomodate folks who do nothing to accommodate us. So oh well, it does hurt me that none of them are big enough to step outside of their box to be there for him, at the same time it is neither his or my battle, so I refuse to fight it. Cheer up, those who place you as important in their lives will be there, smiling, crying, cheering!!! Enjoy their presence.
  12. And how are you ladies done done done with 4 months left to go and I am working down to the last minute. No fair!!!
  13. Craziness ....cutting 50 pages of cardstock....I can not do that all in one sitting. Working on my table decor, will email you a pic shortly. Need all of your opinions!!!
  14. In my opinion, they weren't YET they are tedious when it comes to printing and cutting. Like most things you do yourself.
  15. Well on my pics are on my thread 60 days and counting.....I posted my dress in Show us your wedding dress (or something like that) and my shoes in the appropriate thread also.
  16. I leave Virginia Tuesday November 8th and then Florida Thursday November 10
  17. Thank you!! I am super excited, yet ready for it to pass also. I have done so much and I am ready to pass it on to my guest
  18. I know the days but the reality still hasn't really truly set in, LOL. I have everything sorted yet I still have little things to do here and there and one more big project to take on, but it's all under control (at least that's what I continue to tell myself)
  19. Wow, congrats!!!! I wish I could have had a group travel that far for us. Congrats and welcome!
  20. Indeed I am so sorry to here about your situation. I don't believe that calling off the marriage is warranted in my opinion. Yes, the wedding can wait, you aren't in the best position to do so. As for the deposit, before you paid it did you receive a contract stating at what terms your funds can or if they can be returned. And if not returned to you, held for a different date in the future as monicak has stated. Give the planner a few days, if she works for a company call someone hire than her and see if anything can be done. Not call around her in a sense of side stepping what she has done for you, more so to help paint a grander picture of what is going on in your life. I too hired a wedding planning at the beginning of planning my wedding and I was completely honest with her in regards to our funds situation - meaning how she would get paid - and also when I has to cancel her services because I changed our wedding location. I believe good communication is always your best bet. And you'll be surprised how a little bit of tears can go a long way! As for the marriage, getting married cost possibly $35, your FI sounds like an exceptional man, why take that from him? Postpone your wedding, we are having a wedding on November 12 and we have been married since January 29, 2010. We just didn't have the money at the time so it wasn't important to either one of us, we knew we wanted to be husband and wife. As for borrowing money, I completely understand where you stand. It took me to become a stay at home mother before I reached out to my own mother to help us get situated after the baby was born. Now I do not believe that you two should ask for help to plan a wedding, a wedding at this moment is truly unnecessary, yet if you truly need help making ends, then by all means, if this is family they will understand the situation and more than likely be more willing to help than you are willing to ask.
  21. LIST OF WEDDINGS IN DREAMS LA ROMANA anudrm (Selina) 12 November 2011 Amurka 6th March 2012
  22. And where the hell were you at when I was getting all of my ideas together!!! Oh EMM GEE...I think this website brings out our true callings. I think you and I should get into business.......PM me - we need to talk!
  23. Did you still want the 5? If so, I believe it will cost $1.50 to ship and just add $1.25 for the actual tags. If you can do paypal, I can ship them with tomorrow's mail.
  24. I am I am finishing my projects and I am indeed paying it forward. Next request will be paying me, LOL! No need for the emails I am on my !$h
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