Hi Kaylin, Welcome to the Jellyfish page! You will find so much useful info on here!!! I sent out our STDs around April or May, a year before the wedding, and then the invitations went out at the beginning of August. I wanted people to have lots of time to book, especially knowing that our resort tends to book up fast. I got the quotes moving around July, so I could have the time to include the info in the invitations. I made them super informative. We have quite a few people that don't drink either, and we have decided to forget the Open Bar and just go with running a tab all night. This also opens up more choices for those that do drink, and (from reading reviews on here), it can actually work out cheaper. I believe that they would send you to the Jellyfish first, then your groom and all the guests afterwards. It gives you a chance to get ready too. I'm not sure about the officiant, I'm sure she would book him/her for you. My best advice to you is to just ask. Ask about the transport and the officiant (Rick York is supposedly awesome if you can get him, but extra $$), the worst she will say is no, then you are no worse off. Mayte will bend over backwards for her brides, it just may take a couple days for her to get back to you, since she is crazy busy with her current brides. Good luck and happy planning!!!