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Everything posted by AquaCait

  1. I am finally getting time to sit and write a review, so I figured this is a good place to start. We only had our ceremony at the Majestic Elegance, and our reception was at the Jellyfish (haven't gotten to that one yet, as it will be a long one too, but soon...). We booked our date (May 9th, 3pm on the beach) in April of 2011, but prior to that, it had been on hold and Sandra was really good about kepping us in the loop and letting us know what was happening. I probably emailed Sandra a hundred times with stupid questions, and they all were answered, no problems. The hardest part of everything was doing the paperwork translations, and they were still pretty easy. We sent down all of our papers, and the passport copies of our witnesses (my brother, my sister-in-law, and my husband's sister). This was the biggest problem that we had. I had gotten an email back from Sandra saying that everything was good and there were no problems. When we met with Andreina on May 7, we found out that witnesses can NOT have the same last name as the bride or groom. Which would have been fine if we'd known before. Thankfully my SIL never changed her last name, so that was OK, and my best friend was able to sign for us as well. This was by far the biggest glitch that we had. Now, when we got to the ME, we did not receive our letter saying when and where our meeting was, so we went on Sunday morning (the 6th) and asked the front desk. Apparently Sunday is the day off for the co-ordinators, as no one was there. Monday (the 7th) we tried again and got in touch with Andreina, who was our assigned co-ordinator. We asked about our meeting, and she informed us that our meeting was scheduled for May 8th at 10am. This wasn't going to work at all for us. We had planned a golf day for all the guys, and I had my hair trial. Oh, and it was the day before the wedding!! My husband explained our situation, and Andreina said that she would see what she could do. We got our letter saying to meet her at 4pm on the 7th, by about 1pm. I think she managed to squeeze us in between a ceremony and a reception...but we both really appreciated it, and it eased the stress off of us both. We took everything that needed to be set up to Andreina for the meeting. We had lots of stuff. We had fans, parasols, sand ceremony, and paint brushes (I will post a pic, got the idea from Etsy..."To brush the sand from your toes...") and a basket and sign for those, and CDs of our music. We had to go over all of our selections again, for colours and what we've decided over the course of the year. We also had to bring down my dress and my husband's suit to be steamed (my dress had the train hooked up on the hanger, and they didn't take it down before steaming, so it was a bit wrinkled, but not bad...and it my it back to where I was getting ready, not my room, so I was happy...) On the ceremony itself, we hadn't chosen a song for signing the papers, but Andreina selected Lucky, by Jason Mraz and Colbie Callait, which was great, because I love that song!! The salon was really good, I had made the appointments with Sandra when I sent in paperwork, but I went to confirm them anyways (especially now that the Colonial lost their Spa). Everything went great, just be sure that you take extra bobby pins and hairspray...my hair was falling out by the time we got to the reception...my makeup looked great though... I think that is about it...any questions, please don't hesitate to PM me or catch me on here... Now pictures (thanks to Caribbean Emotions)!!
  2. Wow Sunshine, your wedding looks amazing!! You look beautiful too!! Weren't the fire dancers awesome?? I just wish we had made it back to the Jellyfish for dinner in our second week...
  3. Nope. We specifically didn't buy anything chocolatey or gummy so it couldn't melt or get sticky... And a good tip, when you are taking stuff to Mayte, I used my Heys wheeled carry-on, loaded it up and left it with her. Then on the wedding day, I got it back with our guest book, cake topper, champagne flutes, etc...
  4. We ended up buying the box of 48 pepto tablets, but they come in sheets of 6. We gave one sheet to each person and they went over well...we got them at either shoppers or walmart...
  5. That last one should be italian almonds...stupid phones... Ooh...and Mayte had all of the containers for the candy already...
  6. Hi Mimi! No worries about questions, I will do my best to answer you. We had 33 people, including us which was a great number. The candy we did bring down ourselves, and it weighed a ton (thankfully our seats were upgraded on the plane and we were allowed an extra 10kg/22lbs each for luggage...). Plus Mayte had said that the candy they get is different from the US and Canada. So, we had: Swirly lollipops - by Wilton. Bought at Michaels Rock candy in our colours - a candy store in the Scarborough Town Centre Sugar-free jellybeans - the nutty chocolatier or bulk barn Sugar-free baskin robbins candies - the nutty chocolatier or bulk barn Candy sticks - bulk barn Salt water taffy - bulk barn Itapian almonds - Francesca bakery in scarborough There was also a great website based in NJ that had awesome candy, I think it was called oh nuts (something along those lines) that had awesome candy, but wouldn't ship to Canada...
  7. It was super windy for us...we had to have Mayte drop the curtain so our wine glasses weren't falling over (which they were when we got there...). It was still great though. I will post my review and pictures soon...thank you all for the kind words...
  8. Everything at the Jellyfish was awesome!! I will post my review when I'm actually home. Pascal, that video is awesome!!! We can't wait to see the whole thing!!!
  9. Hey ladies!! I had my meeting with Mayte yesterday and OMG!!!!! She has been super busy with weddings, so be patient with her. Everything for your weddings will be perfect! Heck, she showed up a half hour late but it was ok because she's that good. You will eventually hear back. Oh, and the food and drinks are ridiculously good! P.S. weather is great in PC!!!! Can't wait till Wednesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. One more day!!! 10am flight to Punta Cana!!! I can't wait!!!
  11. We are doing it. I think it will be nice just to have only us there, makes it feel more special to our guests too...
  12. We have a 2 year old coming, and we did sand toys (shovel, rake, pail, sand molds, etc. Walmart $1 each), snacks, a sippy-cup (which has a screw-off bottom for the snacks...I want to say it's from Solutions) and a Cabbage Patch turtle doll (which is actually in our colours!! Toys r us, $15) and then we got a mesh bag from Dollarama to carry her toys from the beach to the room when they are all drippy and sandy...and then we just put it all in one of our OOT bag bags and put her name on it...
  13. Quick Question for the past brides...How much have you tipped Mayte? Also, did you tip waitstaff and barstaff separately (better yet, how much wait/bar staff was at your wedding)? I'm just trying to get all of my last minute details together....leaving in 5 days!!!!! JF in 9!!!!
  14. I think I've seen stuff about them on here...check the sidebar thingy for links (>>>) I'm using Caribbean Emotions and I couldn't be happier with my choice...everything I've seen and heard is awesome!!!!!
  15. We've decided that we are just running a tab all night. Granted, we have a whole lot of people that don't drink, so it was pointless to pay for them for the open bar...and I've heard that it typically works out cheaper...
  16. I'm making my brother hold my dress...he's over 6'...that should keep it off the ground...
  17. We are getting married in the DR and we are doing all the legal stuff there...the hardest thing we had to do was gather paperwork together and get it translated/legalized, but it wasn't too bad... Mexico, I definitely agree with doing legal stuff at home...especially since they want a blood test done (and I've heard it's done in your hotel room...the microbiologist in me is screaming No Way!!! LOL) We're all getting really close ladies!!!! Just 15 days till the wedding!!!
  18. My seamstress did this for me too (the smoothing). It makes such a huge difference in the look of the dress from the back! Going to pick up my dress today!!!! YAY!!!!
  19. Keeping my fingers crossed for you too!!! Good luck and congrats!!
  20. These are awesome...I kinda wish I'd seen them before I made mine with Staples...
  21. OMG, I couldn't imagine moving into a new house with all the wedding stress too!!! I'm only 28 days from the wedding, and 24 from leaving!!
  22. Hey Ladies, Does anybody know who the dive operator is at the MC/ME?? I want to find a website where I can start planning dives for week 2... Thanks a bunch!!
  23. Welcome Ellie!! I'm sure that you'll have a great time planning and finding lots of inspiration on this forum...I know I did. Happy planning! ~Caitlin
  24. MM/DD/YY lala32 ~ 12/14/12 cinnagirl ~ 5/28/13 AquaCait ~ 5/9/12 OMG mine's getting close!!!!!
  25. We have done everything in our colours...I'm trying to keep it really consistant....we're even right down to using the exact starfish off of our invitations on all of our tags, package tops, etc...even the string that we used to put peoples names on mugs was turquoise and lime green... I would say get the cups, you never know when you'll find them again once they go away for the winter...and your FH will get over it...mine did...
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