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Everything posted by FabiLara

  1. I think it's rather risky! They can melt on the plane, but they can also melt before you give them out at your wedding.... I personally wouldn't do it (although I did consider it). Sorry just my 2 cents.
  2. I've been seriously considering NOT having a wedding party at all. Some reasons 1-I've 2 sisters and a best friend. I could invite the 3 of them, but if only a couple of my other close friends went to the wedding, they'd also feel left out. 2- $$$ - I do believe they'd expect me to pay for some stuff, like their dresses, hair, make-up. Out of all us girls, only my little sister is married and they'd probably scream bloody murder when I try to do things differently to her. Whatever. 3- I don't expect many people to go down to Mexico (I live in the UK), and I don't want the awkward "more people at the front than sitting down" scenario. 4- I've already hinted at the possibility of not having a wedding party, and this has caused some backlash from guess who? My two sisters and best friend. I don't like it when people think they have a right to something, it's a privilege. If they're gonna have a sour attitude about this, then I'd better NOT have a wedding party, rather than having one out of obligation. If they want to help, it's because they care about me, and not for the title of MOH or bridesmaid, that's just plain wrong. 5- How do you know who's going to be there for sure? One of my girls might be pregnant, the other works in a hospital (hard to get time off) and the other will have a hard time affording the trip. Drama.....
  3. LOVE this one! I might play that in the background (instrumental) while we say our vows. Great choice!
  4. Thanks, girls! Joanne, are you in Ireland? I live in Belfast.... any tips on travel from here would be much appreciated!
  5. Well, that's true..almost everything is overdone - but then again, how many people at your ceremony and reception are gonna be obsessed about wedding related stuff? It's overdone for us because we're very much into it now. Don't sweat it...
  6. Yep! I met my baby online... on a site called Christian Mingle.. I hate the name, but I gotta tell you, it was great FI tells everyone we met on Fbook 'cause that's where we actually started talking, and it sounds better, but it's not soooo !
  7. Hi there! I've recently decided to scrap the idea of having my wedding in Jamaica and have it in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico instead. I'd like to know from PV brides out there : "Why did you choose PV?" Here are my reasons 1- The town provides plenty of entertainment for all guests. Whether it's the beach, shops, the jungle, there are attractions for everyone. 2- The villa I fell in love with for my reception is in PV. 3- It seems to have a good selection of vendors including caterer, designers, photographers, hair & makeup, etc. 4- It seems to be more affordable than the bigger resort cities. 5- Unlike some places, it faces the west coast, so you're able to get amazing sunsets for pics. (Mods: sorry if this is not the appropriate section, feel free to move if needed.)
  8. It sucks about the challenges you're facing, but hey...at least you have us to count on! All the best of luck on your happy day!
  9. So far (keep changing my mind) it's Just a Kiss- by Lady Antebellum FI sent this song to me one evening when he was missing me a lot and it's been one of our songs ever since...we have so many songs we're spoilt for choice.
  10. I've never tried this DVD, but by watching her on the show...GOSH am I scared of her! Gotta love her attitude, though I've tried p90X for a while, and it was killer at the start - most of it was just too much for me, and I'm not even overweight. I found out that simply going to the gym with family has been the best decision I could have made - they keep me encouraged because we all go together at around the same time so...find what works fo you!
  11. I'm a bit lost.... I believe the purpose of this thread (Freecycle) was to advertise sashes you were willing to give away and not sell. We have a section for items on sale already and I think it'd be cool if we kept this thread for passing on used sashes rather than selling them. Am I right or did I just not understand it correctly?
  12. I didn't like the idea of having a theme before, but I think I'll go for a "Colourful butterflies" theme.... I love butterflies, FI gave me a butterfly gift last Christmas, so this is my chance to show a little bit of us.
  13. Most probably multicolor! Yep, I'm leaning towards having it all: (all bright colors) Orange, Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow and Red. I think they'll look great in the reception.
  14. On my computer it says "Warning: Something's Not Right Here! videodivaproductions.com contains malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site." Anyone else having this prob?
  15. I don't plan on having an AHR myself.... FI is from Canada, I'm from Brazil but live in Northern Ireland.... so having an AHR would defeat the purpo$e of a DW. I'm thinking BBQ at home to show off pics and video will do brilliantly - as well as being a housewarming get-together...
  16. this is a GREAT thread - I'm sure our recent brides and future brides can shed some light on how to deal with an uninvolved FI. I must admit it's a little frustrating, he says it's all up to me, but when I tell him what I want, he says it's weird or he doesn't like it, or has no reaction whatsoever and changes the subject. Sigh.... At least he's not a groomzilla! Don't think I could handle that, especially with his randomly expensive taste!
  17. Hi there! I don't exactly feel like I'm a newbie since I've been lurking here for MONTHS, but I've finally signed up. Here is my info: Name: Fabi Lara FI: Brian Heppenstall Date: Undecided (between 13th and 15th February 2013) Place: Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
  18. OK, so I had to sign up to this forum just to voice my opinion: YESSSSS! That would be amazing!
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