These are awesome tips, thank you so much, OP! Here are mine 1- Take the 3 biggest expenses on your budget, and sweat to negotiate them. Truth is, most of the Western world is in a recession-like economy, so trust me, they need your business to pay the mortgage on their expensive house they decided to buy in 07 and prior, when money seemed to be growing on trees in this industry. Just ask! My wise dad says "What have you got to lose? You ALREADY have a NO! ". Gotta lov'im! For FI and I, we plan to spend the most money on our honeymoon, so I've already signed up to their newsletter and am waiting for discounts, or we might sign up to a vacation club and get some nice discounts. Remember: a tiny 10% discount off a big ticket item will be bigger than a huge 50% off a small ticket item. Go for the big stuff first! 2- Allow yourself time to change your mind. Although you've fallen in love with THAT 5k photographer, chances are, you can still find a better package or a better value photog. I've been looking into this for a LONG time, and trust me, if you fall in love with a photog or dress, or videographer, keep looking and in a couple of months you'll find one you'll love just as much, for much less money (own experience). 3- Be ready to slash things altogether. Some people on this forum are not having a bridal party, others not having a cake, or programs, or OOT bags, or open bars....the list goes on. If you don't really want it, consider scrapping it. 4- Think to yourself "If I wasn't getting married, would this be a good purchase on its own?". Most times, we think that because someone slapped the name "wedding" on a product, it's better quality or "worth it". Not always so! 5- Choose your location CAREFULLY. For us, it meant changing from Jamaica to Mexico - so far, much better value. We've also decided on a location that will allow us to have our own vendors, more freedom usually means better price. 6- google locally! For a google search for whatever you want, but using for Mexico, or, select "pages from _____ only" at the left hand side and look for ideas and vendors! Best of luck to all of us frugal brides!