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Everything posted by JasmineRice

  1. Hi everyone! I just joined this blog a few minutes ago (getting married January 2012 @ Azul Sensatori). Justine and Bondgirl I really appreciate your comments. My FI and I really hemmed and hawed about whether to go with a destination wedding. It has been our dream since we started talking marriage and even more important since it is a second joyful wedding for both of us (after both going through painful divorces with unfaithful spouses). So this is something we've always wanted to do. But some family and friends really started to put pressure on us to not have a destination wedding and we had to think hard about the possibility that only a handful might be able to attend. The fact that I have just read your encouraging comments, Justine and Bondgirl, right as I land on this page, are to me a sign from the good Lord that we are on the right track by sticking to our initial plans So Azul Sensatori....here we come! I look forward to sharing and learning from all here!
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