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Everything posted by Jass7

  1. Wow these pictures are amazing! Thank you for sharing them, and showing vibrant colors. I definitely want color to pop out.
  2. Thanks so much for these color palettes! Where did you find them? You bring a great point since I only have pink sashes I can still change my mind. I bought other decorations like seashells and starfishes, but those can go both ways. Such a hard decision!
  3. Thanks, that's what I thought. I stayed at EPM before, and know what to expect, but thought they might have some privacy made for rooms with two beds. That's shower concept is very strange. LOL
  4. I like your colors! Good choice. Right now I only have pink sashes for chairs. The rest of the colors I plan to bring out in flowers and decorations. I'm still debating pink and orange, haha. I was thinking of getting pink, orange and white paper lanterns.
  5. I think a boutonnaire on short sleeve shirt is fine. What color shirt and pants is he wearing?
  6. You hit the nail with that one. Once I saw that, I was in love with those two colors. But we have recently decided to go with watermelon pink and orange instead, going with tropical colors.
  7. Yeah that's understandable. Are you planning to get a dance floor or rent anything else from the DJ?
  8. Does anyone know if the rooms with two beds have same layout as other rooms when it comes to the shower window? I'm concerned for shower privacy for two of my guests who are sharing a room.
  9. We are not going with a DJ, but plan to bring an ipod dock to play during dinner reception, and do some dancing afterwards. We are fairly small and shy group.
  10. Wow thank you for all your tips! I need to look into this London Fog garment bag. Where did you get it from? Right now I have my dress in DB bag, it's pretty big. My dress is not poofy at all, but it does have a train that hooks up to the top hanger right now. It's little wrinkled when I got it, but plan to have it steamed before our trip. And then let the resort steam it if necessary. I didn't think about putting my dress with his suit and veil. But what a good idea. And I like the idea of calling ahead 24 hours, and getting the business class since that sounds like it would be better for us at least going down with our bags and garments. And I don't think I'm gonna ship anything down. But heavier stuff I plan to have in my carry on. Right now I'm still thinking we can get by with 2 bags and carry ons, but I'll probably change my mind once I realize how much stuff I'm bringing. We are staying down for 2 weeks. Has anyone used their laundry service? Is it expensive?
  11. Thanks so much for your advice and tips! I really appreciate it. I didn't even think about how it would go through the Xray machine. So you layed it on top of the bins and hooked it to the bins? I will talk to the check in person, and flight attendants, and see if they can hang it any way, or if they have ideas. Our flight is only 3.5 hours direct flight, so if it gets wrinkled in that time, I'm glad to hear Excellence will press it. My next question was going to be how good is their press/steaming, can I trust them. Glad to hear they do a good job!
  12. I have no idea how I'm taking my dress. We originally booked United flight, but they cancelled the flight a month after we booked. It was a nigthmare. So now we are flying with AirTran and my understanding is they do not have a hanging closet. So I'm either going to try to lay it on top overhead, or try to roll it in my carry on. Does anyone know about AirTran? How can they not have a hanging closet?
  13. Oh really? Bummer things are not the same for everyone. Where is your reception?
  14. Agreed. I have one more month to wait to confirm the site. Can't wait to have it confirmed!
  15. And I was just wondering do any of you have a picture of Avant and Bamboo chairs? My understanding is you get simple chairs with white covering included with the wedding. And then there are 3 others that are at extra cost.
  16. Thanks K! I guess I don't need to bring my own, maybe just the lipstick. I'll stop by MAC and see what kind of stuff they have. Maybe do a trial run here first and take a picture.
  17. I ended up getting pink sashes, and really like pink and orange together. So those are the colors we are using mostly. I do wish I could sneak in blue somehow. However I have not gotten anything orange so I can still change my mind.
  18. Thanks so much Ally! Another question. What kind of make up do they use? Should I bring my own?
  19. Asking all the past brides, did you schedule time with spa for make up and hair? How far in advance did you do that? I don't know how long I will need for make up and hair, and my ceremony is at 5pm. Should I say 3pm? Or earlier?
  20. Hi Kim, I sure know that anxiety, specially since my wedding is in 2 months and it takes forever to hear back. Now I'm lucky if I get an answer in a week and a half. I usually have to email her again, to get a response to my prior email. The longest I waited one time and 4 emails, was over a month. I thought about calling her, but so far I've gotten all my questions answered in the last email. I will need to talk to her about flowers here soon, and I think that's about it. Good luck with your response!
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