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Everything posted by kristenm22

  1. Great review! I am getting married on 10/22/2011 at PPR and expecting about 40 guests and having some major issues with our wedding coordidnator (they never confirmed our reception location request and now it is booked, Olympus Terrace). They are telling me I have an option of the market grill/pool terrace or reserve pool terrace (both of which were never even mentioned to me). Does anyone have any experience with either of these locations? Also, I would love to see your pictures and chat about your experience/ideas. Thanks so much for any help! Can you send me your facebook or email me at [email protected]? Thanks so much!
  2. HI Lindsay! Thanks for sharing such a great review. I am getting married at the PPR on 10/22 and have had some not so great experiences with my wedding planner from the resort. I would love to see your pictures on facebook and email you for any advice/suggestions. I still have tons of outstanding questions:) Please let me know if you can send me your facebook or email. Congrats and reading your review gave me hope!!
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