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Everything posted by cherany

  1. Congrats, date twin! I'm sure you will love it! I plan to order my dress without trying it on, as well, if I'm unable to get it at a local shop. Like you, I'm familiar with how the cut looks on my body and have no concerns about fit because of that. I also can't imagine another dress measuring up to the one I fell in love with!
  2. Love this! I'm not wearing a veil at the wedding, so this would be a fun way to incorporate one.
  3. It's different for everyone, but I think you should let your own feelings and beliefs decide for you, not cultural expectations. Just because some don't like the idea does not mean it's wrong to do it, as is the case with most things in life. I love the idea of shopping for my dress with my fiancé, because I shop all the time with my friends and want this experience to be different and more about us as a couple. I haven't purchased it yet, but I am set on a particular dress, and Amy has seen it. She's happy to know what it looks like, but says she prefers not to see me in it till the wedding day. There's a big difference between seeing it in an ad on a stranger or empty on a hanger, versus seeing me, the person she loves, in it with my hair and make-up done, ready to get married. She has not shopped for a dress yet, but says she definitely wants me there, despite some friends telling her she should keep it a surprise. She hates shopping for dresses/anything other than super casual clothing, and she wants me there to make her feel comfortable and keep her from getting too moody when she's sick of trying things on and frustrated, should that happen. She also trusts me more than anyone else to give her my opinion honestly, without trying to control what she ends up with or recommend what I really want for myself. It is up to her whether or not she tells me outright which dress she chooses, or whether she narrows it down to a few and then has me walk away. I'm sure it will come down to how she feels in the moment and how many/few dresses she likes. If she only loves one, of course I'll know. Either way, we're both happy with the decision to shop together. We plan to have friends along, too, but more so because it'll be fun rather than for their approval of our choices.
  4. Thank you! After agonizing over the design and changing it several times, I'm so happy the final product looks as nice as it does! Friends are already excited, but this really puts a concrete piece of the wedding in their hands, which is doubly exciting!
  5. Yep, super sweet AND super annoying! Totally feel you! Thank you very much! I can't wait to see what else I have up my sleeve, either! Wedding planning is so much fun!
  6. The cards and envelopes came together in sets of 8. They were $3/pack at Target! Took me forever to decide between yellow & pink (in fact, I went back to the aisle to trade the color so many times, an employee started following me around, thinking I was suspicious ), but I'm so happy I went with the yellow! Went through the same thing when it was time to buy ribbon; switched from pink to green 3 or 4 times before grabbing the green and forcing myself to get off the ribbon aisle! I'm frequently indecisive with color, but it's only because I know how amazing it feels to have made the "right" choice and how awful it feels when you wish you'd gone the other way! What a relief that I was pleased as punch with the yellow cards & green ribbon and did not miss the pink in either case! It might not be obvious, but the cards are yellow on the outside & white on the inside. The sticker I added to the front of the card has a yellow background, too, but that was to avoid having to cut out an intricate shape. Easier to slap a rectangular sticker on a rectangular card!
  7. We're going to do the "first look," with pictures of us before the ceremony. This will give us time to take each other in and have a moment to ourselves, before everyone else is involved. I really think it'll be so much more amazing this way. Plus, we plan to walk down the aisle at the same time (not exactly together... we're doing two aisles, if that makes any sense at all), so we'll be able to concentrate on making it up there without trying to stare at each other the whole time. I'm a klutz and would definitely fall on my face if I had to walk forward while looking sideways! Even if one of us wanted to stand up there as a groom would, I would still want that first look to be just us, no one else around (except the photographer, of course!).
  8. Found some info on how to do these! Not sure I understand it, since I don't sew, but I could ask some friends. http://boards.weddingbee.com/topic/calling-all-crafty-bees-1 The page also features this great idea:
  9. Excellent idea! I often forget you can search images on google. I popped it in there and am now looking for instructions. Haven't found them yet, but I did find a few other ideas some might like:
  10. LOVE!!! Although pink & orange are part of our scheme, the men in the wedding will be in blue & not have on ties, so we can't use these, but I'd be all over them if we could!
  11. Thanks, ladies! I designed these in Photoshop and printed on the highest quality settings to get those vibrant colors. My rough-draft prints with normal ink settings were not as colorful. I used our new Canon MP495, which I got for $49 at Wal-Mart. I'm so glad it was cheap... We have a running joke that every time we need to print something, we have to buy a new printer. Seriously, we'll buy one, use it for a couple small things, and then something will happen to it between then & the next use. When I went to print these on our almost-new, barely-used HP, I discovered it was broken. We have a dog who loves to be ascloseaspossible to me at all times, and I guess when he climbed under the desk (to be on top of my feet, of course), he broke pieces off the printer we had stored down there. I can't remember what did the one before that in, but it was also barely used. This time, I placed the printer as high up as possible, away from the dogs, away from fish tanks, away from human hands, even! I have to climb up on a chair just to feed paper in and push buttons, but if it lasts through all the wedding printing, it'll be worth it! I plan to make our invitations, as well. We're doing the message in a bottle ones, and since I had trouble choosing between luggage tags & boarding passes for stds, I'm going to do a boarding pass reply card inside the bottle invitation. I'll get everything I want that way! (Except the passport design. I love those, too! Ah, too many awesome options!)
  12. We're not having a flower girl or ring bearer. The kids we would ask will likely not be at the wedding, and we don't want to ask other kids just to fill the spots, when they're really not necessary. The maids of honor can hang onto the rings for us, and we're probably skipping the petals down the aisle, mainly to save money.
  13. Wow, your dress fit you so well! And that cake topper is the cutest thing ever! Love it!
  14. Nope, don't know him, but did he happen to go to North Cobb High? That's where I went, Class of 2001. Once I was an adult, I moved to Marietta. Now, I'm all the way across the country! I did do my own save-the-date magnets & posted them here: http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/79805/my-diy-save-the-dates-luggage-tag-magnet-design I used a big paper cutter I have from my long-ago days of scrapbooking, so cutting was easy. Not sure if those things are cheap enough to justify the expense (can't remember how much I spent on mine), but I'm sure you could either get a cheaper, smaller one somewhere, or maybe you could pay a few bucks to use one in a scrapbook shop.
  15. So excited to show my save-the-dates off! I designed (and redesigned and redesigned!) myself & somehow managed to pull it off... almost can't believe it! I'm someone who is always full of amazing ideas for craft projects, then has quite a bit of trouble executing them. In other words, my brain is more talented than my hands are! But this time I really did it! =) Started with sticker paper, magnet paper, yellow note cards, gold eyelets, & green ribbon. Designed a sticker for the outside of the card & did a luggage tag design for the magnets. Printed out 20 of each, then promptly decided I hated the flamingo on the stickers and just couldn't live with it (hard to tell here, but it was clip art & looked low quality, at least to me). Wish I'd trusted my gut before printing out all those stickers, but I decided it was better to reprint and waste the ink & paper than to be unhappy and less than spectacularly proud to send these out. Card with sticker applied. Much happier with this flamingo! I cut slits in the card for the luggage tag. The cards we've handed out so far, I've had to tell friends to lift the magnet out... hope the people who get them in the mail figure it out! This picture is from my scanner, so the tag looks a bit blurry, since it wouldn't lie completely flat in the scanner bed. It's perfect in person, though. So stinking proud! We've been handing them out in person to local friends, and I'm beaming as they open them up! I've stood in front of friends' fridges and just stared with a silly grin on my face. =D
  16. MissBubbles205, couldn't help but notice your fiance is from the same city I grew up & went to school in. Small world! I'm sending save-the-date magnets out this week (meant to get them out sooner, but I designed & redesigned so many times, they were delayed). We've been giving them out in person to local friends, but several have to be mailed. We did cards with luggage tag magnets inside. The feedback on them has been wonderful! Can't wait to show them off here! (I'm on a macbook & have no clue how to work anything on it. Will post pictures from my desktop soon.)
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