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Everything posted by cherany

  1. Don't let the low guest count upset you. We're having just 15 adults at our wedding (including us), and 9 of us will be standing (couple, bridesmaids, friend officiating), so there will be just 8 people sitting (2 kids & 6 adults). Although bummed that some of the people we invited can't make it, I'm really happy we're having such an tight-knit affair. It means only our absolute closest friends are going to be a part of the most intimate day of our lives. These are the people whose friendships play important roles in our relationship. It feels like everyone there is part of it, you know? We're planning a really easygoing reception, just friends dancing and having fun. No special games or tricks necessary when you have a lively crowd to begin with; our friends love to party! I think when you have guests who like to dance and good music, things fall into place on their own. If you're really set on adding to the normal stuff, you could set up a photo station with fun props. With a small crowd, you'd probably get some nice group shots.
  2. Love your fun STDs, all the bright orange and blue, and your ruffled dress! Congratulations on a fantastic wedding!
  3. Thank you for the idea about using a wedding band on each side of your engagement ring. I think I might do the same. Congratulations on a beautiful wedding!
  4. If you are looking for a wedding planner happy to hear your ideas and work with you on them, I highly recommend Leanne Marie Weddings. Leanne took us from a very panicked place of having no venue and worrying none of our money saving ideas were going to work out, to suddenly feeling reassured about everything and on the road to a fabulous DIY wedding in no time! She listens to what I'd like and suggests cost effective ways to do it, knowing we're on a budget. She has the contacts to get us pretty much anything we need for a decent price, something I was struggling with before hiring her. She's exactly what I think a wedding planner should be, an assistant to the bride and not someone who takes over when that is not wanted. It's less expensive than you might think to hire someone, and if you hire the right person, you will feel much more confident about everything!
  5. The venue is stunning, I completely agree. We were quite excited to book a non-inclusive property that would free us from the ever changing, often cramping rules that many resorts place on brides. Unfortunately, we had the experience of finding out about new rules at El Taj just 6 months before our date, some of them deal-breaking for us. Negotiating proved unsuccessful and led to us having to find a new venue, something that was super stressful, given the time frame. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. They now say: - no ceremonies before 6:30 PM (not sure about October, but sunset is at 7:10 in May; cocktail hour portraits would be in the dark) - minimum of 7 units booked to reserve the restaurant for a reception (makes no difference if you book 3-4 bedroom penthouses at close to a thousand dollars each per night, they still count as one unit each; we booked 2 penthouses with 7 rooms between them, but still needed 5 more bookings, they said) There were other problems I feel brides should know about, as well, but we're in the awkward position of still having rooms booked there and needing our stay to go smoothly. I'm interested in seeing how we are treated in person after all that happened with our plans. They may be extra accommodating to make sure we enjoy our stay after the unpleasantness, or they may treat us like the guests they had problems with. I will write an in-depth review after we return from our trip. Regarding the wedding planner there, the only thing I am comfortable saying before our trip is that she is not welcoming of DIY ideas and is probably used to taking over weddings and planning them for couples, instead of with couples. I will review my experience with her in more detail when I review the hotel. I wish you luck in your planning. Congratulations on your engagement!
  6. This isnt related to decor, but since orange/pink brides are likely to look here... I just found a really cute dress that could work for a bridesmaid for $15! Never ordered from the site before, so I can't attest to the quality or service, but it might be worth taking a gamble for such a low price. http://www.everdress.com/love-pink-bow-back-bright-orange-dress.html
  7. I would love this info! We really do not have the budget for a florist to arrange and deliver our bouquets, but we want fresh flowers. Ordering by the stem and arranging myself seems like the best solution.
  8. Yikes! In that case, I would do things the way you want to and not give them a preview. If they don't like the postcard idea when they get it in the mail, it will be too late to nix the idea, so they'll just have to deal. It's polite to want to please everyone, but you can't and won't, so it's best to please yourself and not have regrets. You can take another person's opinion into consideration, but unless its your fiancé's, it shouldn't carry the same weight as yours.
  9. Meant to say this is how the restaurant looks now, not how the restaurant looks nice (although it certainly does!).
  10. Feeling really jazzed up about wedding stuff today! I've been e-mailing our reception venue about lighting, and to my delight, they've made some drastic changes recently that greatly improve the look of the place. I no longer think we need to worry about bringing in colored lighting; it's gorgeous the way it is! Old look: New look: I can't even tell you guys how excited I am about this! I was really starting to worry I wouldn't love our venue, despite having chosen it for great reasons (super helpful staff, delicious food), but now I'm convinced it's going to be amazing! It's crazy how much a few lights can change your opinion of a place. I am in love with they've done with that wall! Seeing the new chairs there also tells me I don't need to bother with any chair decor for the reception. When I saw these photos, I assumed an event company had taken over the place for one wedding, but when I asked how much this would cost, they assured me this is how the restaurant looks nice, the decor is theirs, and I will pay nothing for this look. I'm ecstatic!!
  11. Great deal! We have a lot of art hanging in our apartment already, so I've been wondering lately where in the world we are going to hang wedding photos. I don't think we have a single wall with enough space to accommodate something like that. Will have to think about rearranging some things... I don't want to take down any of my beloved artwork!
  12. Thankfully, we're pretty sure we know who is and isn't coming, but I expect I'll have to call a few friends to confirm when I don't have their RSVP card back in time. Although, it could be a good thing that I sent our invites so late, because people may feel the pressure to go ahead and mark it one way or the other and send it back, versus thinking, "I have several months to decide, so I'll fill that out later." If I already think someone is a no and I don't hear from them, I won't bother calling, but if I expected them to say yes and don't receive a reply, I will. Most of the undecideds are the significant others of friends; several people are considering leaving their other half at home to cut costs. I think some of my girlfriends are flying down together and making it a girls' weekend.
  13. Ditto! I feel so much more confident about DIY flowers now! Was really nervous about that part of things and was feeling like I had to spend hundreds of dollars we can't really afford, just to ease my mind about it. I doubt I will book an expensive florist now.
  14. Thank you! I worked so hard on them, I do hope everyone loves them! I received my first gushy response from a friend who received hers today, and it was super gratifying! She's a published scrapbooker, so it was doubly nice, sort of like showing an outfit you made to a fashion designer and receiving positive feedback. Made me very happy!
  15. I don't see anything tacky or pushy about it, but like Cherina, I'm considered a pushy person, so I might not be the best judge. Honestly, all the opinions in the world about this being fine won't matter if your future in laws are offended by it. I would be weary that the rest of your fiance's extended family will feel similarly, since you've already gotten that reaction from some of them. It is up to you, of course, how much that bothers you. Some brides tiptoe, while others feel it's their wedding and do as they wish. Nothing wrong with either approach, as long as you're not bullied into doing things in a way you're not happy or comfortable with. You may encounter two types of undesired responses: one were the person feels you are asking for an RSVP already, and one where the person understands what you are actually asking, but requests an invitation to everything without really considering which events they're likely to attend, simply because they want to be invited (not because they hope/plan to come). In the end, it might not be as helpful as you would like it to be. I think there is something in the idea, though. I wouldn't want to send invitations out to be a huge group of people for several different events, either.
  16. Sorry, I deleted the image by mistake. Worth re-posting for its uniqueness:
  17. I'm also thinking it might best to do something really fancy for our two chairs at the reception, then something simpler for the guests. I'm not crazy for the typical chair covers and want something more unique than just sashes. Although I love, love, love those ruffles, I don't understand the instructions for how to make them and feel they are way beyond my skill level as a terrible seamstress and only somewhat crafty person. I've been looking for other ideas and like these: They're all still in the maybe pile, mostly on account of me not feeling so sure I can pull off such projects, but this next idea is in the YES pile! I'm going to attempt to make at least 2 of these. If they go well, I may make them for all the chairs, but I know they'll be time consuming, so I'm starting with bride chairs only. I'm scouring eBay now for silk petals.
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