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Everything posted by cherany

  1. That stinks, both stories. I'm in the early planning stages and, at this point, have only told a couple of people there is going to be a wedding, but I know there will be drama down the road. Each of us have family members we plan not to invite, and some who are invited are unlikely to come, but likely to be angry with us for choosing a DW. The way we see it, that's one of the biggest reasons to have a DW: so those people won't be there! We only want people there whose reaction is, "Wouldn't miss it for anything! We'll find a way."
  2. Wow, I think I might reconsider my idea of looking for flowers at the supermarket. The prices aren't scaring the crap out of me here, and his work looks beautiful.
  3. Haha, same for my partner! I think I'm equally excited about the ceremony pics & the TTD, but I know it's the TTD photos that will most blow everyone away once we're home and showing them off. I'd venture to say a lot of friends and family members have never seen anything like that.
  4. Hmmm, google says Wal-Mart is a 10 minute walk from the resort I'm thinking of booking. I guess walking there for flowers is an option, too. I can't fathom paying such a fortune for a florist, when my needs are so simple, and I'm very easily pleased in this area. I do want real flowers, but other than that, almost anything brightly colored and not wilting would do.
  5. For those who've been to Playa, can I expect to see street vendors selling flowers on 5th Avenue (or anywhere walking distance from there) on a Friday or Saturday? I was thinking if it's anything like the street markets where I live (tons of people selling flowers at all of them), I could just walk over the morning of and grab some flowers for my bridesmaids. That might sound ludicrous, but I'd be happy with single strands of gladiolas or simple roses. I'm trying to trim costs in every area not critically important to me, so I can pay for the things that are. I like almost all tropical flowers and am having several colors at my wedding, so I wouldn't be hard to please, assuming there are vendors like that. Does anyone know?
  6. Same here, we're planning at least half the wedding budget for photos, probably more. I know some things like dresses and rings are what brides dream of, but I plan to do those things for far less than most & spend the savings on photography. I've literally spent all week stalking photographers' blogs and portfolios, and I agree Del Sol is as good as it gets, everything I was hoping for and more. We're trying to work out a budget to make it a reality. Did you do a TTD session with them, noelles? We are planning on that.
  7. We're also planning a multi-colored theme. We started out thinking orange, pink, green, and yellow, but it has evolved to orange, pink, green, and aqua, and I'm even happier with that. I know the tropical colors will pop against the sand and white chair covers.
  8. Le Reve is not normally an all-inclusive, but the website says renting out 25 suites turns it into one for your exclusive use. I asked them if they are welcoming to same-sex weddings, and they said yes, everyone is welcome there. http://www.hotellereve.com/?weddings_inclusive
  9. Oops, in my relationship, that's me. I tend to do a lot of research before big purchases, then buy what I want for myself. It can make getting me an expensive gift rather difficult, because I already have everything I want. I expect we'll do inexpensive gifts to one another. We want to scrounge up all the cash we can to pay for an amazing photographer, so no other gifts needed.
  10. Thanks, Vanessa! I noticed others recommended those two photographers, as well, so I checked them both out. Citalli Rico's work is fantastic! I ended up spending a few hours on her blog today, looking at all the weddings she's done. She has a lot of great reception photos, too, which was exactly what I was hoping to see. Two others that send my heart racing are Elizabeth Medina and Del Sol, although I'm guessing they're more expensive. Our budget is in the early rough draft stages, but I know I'll be cutting a lot of categories down to the bare bones to add extra cash to our photography allowance. We really want to do a Trash the Dress session, which could very well double our photography bill. I'm certain nothing else will cost us as much as our pictures, but struggling with where to cap the cost. We've weighed the pros and cons of hiring locally versus flying someone in and can't see much point at all in the latter, so we're definitely going to hire locally.
  11. Also, where price is concerned, what is the upper end of the spectrum like? $4K? $8K? $12K? I'm certainly not able to go as high as that, but I would like to have some ballpark idea. I realize I have incredibly high expectations, and I don't want that to translate into a bride who expects $10K quality images from photographers for a $5K price tag. I just want the absolute best my budget will allow. If it helps to know, I'm not that interested in having a bunch of albums, videography, or any of the extras most brides probably care about. I just want stellar image quality, full coverage of the event, images on CD, and the best ones in print.
  12. I'm easygoing where most aspects of a DW are concerned, but photography is the one thing I want to be PERFECT. It's absolutely the most important decision for me, way more than the dress, ring, venue, flowers, or anything else ever could be. The way I see it, none of those other decisions matter, if they are not perfectly captured in photos. That said, there are so many amazing photographers to choose from, I'm feeling overwhelmed! One thing I'm noticing when looking through galleries and blogs is that I'm able to get a very clear idea of someone's style and ability where the ceremonies are concerned, but there are far fewer reception pictures to look through. I realize a lot of photographers are only there for so many hours, so it makes sense, but I really want to get a good look at what these photographers can do in low light before I narrow down my choices and start contacting them. Several photographers have my attention with their beach ceremony pictures, but looking through the few reception pictures I can find, I feel a lot of them are far too grainy, or much too dull, or simply do not live up to my expectations. Judging from the amazing pictures these same photographers are able to take in the day time, I realize I'm going to have to be very critical of the reception work, if I ever hope to narrow down my choices. I'd love to hear, especially from brides who've been around this forum long enough to have seen countless wedding albums, which photographers consistently produce glowing, magazine-quality images at receptions, where lighting is often very dim? Would love to see examples!
  13. I'm definitely doing maracas! I'd love personalized ones, but the cost is just too much for me, so it'll be the standard prints. Thanks for the tips on where to get them! Buying them once we're down there sounds a lot better than packing them in my suitcase.
  14. So glad I found this thread! I read through all 62 pages & took notes, haha. I never would've thought of the majority of this stuff, so thanks to all of you for your ideas! One thing I did not see mentioned, that I think I might add to mine, are cheap sunglasses. I know friends often forget them when we're hanging out at the pool or the beach at home, so the same will probably be true for a DW.
  15. I'm not usually a big fan of white bouquets, but the first and last pictures are stunning!
  16. That puts three of us in the same boat (er, six of us, partners included). I'm looking for all-inclusive resort, as well, and not interested in "gay resorts," as nearly all our guests will be straight couples. I made the mistaken of getting a bit too attached to Dreams Tulum before finding out they do not do same-sex ceremonies. They suggested Secrets Capri in Cancun, so you might check that out. For me, it's unlikely, because I can't get past the idea of Cancun being a place full of drunken spring break kids. Surely, it's not that way the rest of the year, but that is where my brain goes when I hear the word Cancun, and it bothers me to think of guests feeling the same way when they receive their invitations. (I suppose those getting married in Vegas face the same issue.) Silly, maybe, but I'm not sure I can get past it. Still searching for the perfect place.
  17. Well, to update & provide info for future wondering brides... Same-sex ceremonies at Dreams Tulum are "not currently offered," and I'm told I should check out a resort in Cancun instead (which I'm not interested in). I'm more than a little hurt and bummed out (I really thought I was being overly cautious in asking and would receive a warm welcome, then feel silly for even thinking it would matter), but I guess I just need to look elsewhere and not dwell on it. I'd love to find somewhere similar that is more open, but not an exclusively/predominantly gay resort, considering we'll have maybe 1 guest who is gay & 20 who are not. Wish me luck.
  18. I expect to be a 2013 bride, as well. I'd love to do it sooner, but it makes more financial sense for us to wait. It might be nice, though, having extra time to plan things. (Or awful, having so much time to look at things and overwhelm myself with choices!) We're thinking Riviera Maya, possibly Dreams resort in Tulum.
  19. I'm going with something that I'd call ethereal. I think it will add to the beauty of our beach ceremony (just imagining it set the sounds of the ocean calms and excites me at the same time!), without being too boring, as some classical songs can be, or too distracting, as a lot of pop music can be. Once Upon a Time In the West sang by Hayley Westenra I plan to have the entire wedding party walk to it (only 6 attendees), as well; should be long enough for all of us.
  20. Thank you. It probably sounds strange, but a place that caters solely to same-sex couples is just... not our kind of place. Our family members and friends would feel out of place there, and, to be honest, so would we. We're not really into the culture, I guess you could say. I've looked through a lot of photos from DT weddings and pretty much fallen in love. I would hate to think anywhere would flat out say no, but again, trying not to get too attached till I'm certain it's no big deal. (Very difficult! It's exciting, looking through the posts & photos here!)
  21. Hola, newbie here! I come to you with a question still unanswered after hours of googling with no luck. Perhaps someone here can help. Are same-sex ceremonies unheard of at DT? I've searched and not found evidence of one, but I've also not found evidence that they would likely turn away such a request, so I just don't know. (I've asked. Waiting on an official answer, but hungry for unofficial ones in the meantime.) Google results steer me in the direction of a seemingly wild resort for gay men, who may or may not wish to wear clothing, but that is not exactly what I had in mind. Ok, that is actually a whole planet away from what I had in mind! DT looks near perfect, but I'm hesitant to get my hopes up too high. For any of you who've gotten married there, or even just visited, have you ever seen a same-sex wedding going on? Thanks for any info.
  22. Wow! Your review is incredibly informative & helpful! It must have taken you days to complete, but I can only imagine how many brides you've helped. I am so glad you posted it, and even more glad I found it! Thank you!!!
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