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Everything posted by kat2012

  1. You should email them and explain that you need that colour and ask when they would have it, if not maybe you can change colour for everyone? Good Luck!
  2. Good Luck Girls, I hope you will have amazing weather and no rain. Bring lots of pics back Safe travels..
  3. We have very small group going with us. 7 in total, we will have cocktail hour and private dinner and then we will go dancing later at night. I opted to go with iPod and build my playlists. I did that because we plan to dance after the dinner, but in one of the bars at the resort. I did not see any need to spend extra money on it. Also as Leigh said you should do what you want, so you won't have regrets later!
  4. Haha Middle will be your e-ring and others will be just wedding bands, Some brides find it useful to have it all soldered together, when they know they won't wear it separately. I would solder mine if I had curved band and I knew I would not wear it is on it is own without engagement ring, cause it would like funny. U know what I mean So yeah. Once it is soldered it will look like 3 separate rings, but they will be attached and wont spin and misalign... NO worries Sometimes it takes time to figure all the lingo Hey torilynnsmith, I have a good experience with Blue Nile. I ordered a stone for my friend like 4-5 years ago from them, when they just were starting. Prices were way better than they are now. We ordered a stone, it come with the certificate, all specs matched to what they said it should be. Fast, very convenient shipping and service. Also they have great return policy. Also you should check out novori.com They are same thing and their prices are slightly better. I would recommend ordering from them and getting your rings appraised right away by someone in your town. That way you can make sure you got, what you ordered and your certificate is true. It is extra 50 for appraisal, but I think it is worth it and can put you at ease. So if you get it appraised and it will turn out not what you ordered, just return it within 30 days and you are good to go. Also sometimes you can find better deal at any jewellery store, specially chains cause they are more flexible to give you discounts. GIRLS, when you buy your rings, BARGAIN. The worst can happen you will get no as an answer (which is very unlikely), the best can happen you will save 15-20% if not more, off your purchase. My wedding band was 899.00 i got 20% off on that. Also compare between stores and tell them that their competitor will give better deal for the same ring Most jewellery stores carry pretty much the same merchandise. Such situation motivates them to give discount and make a sale. Also ask for managers, they can give you better deals, if manager is not in the store at the moment, ask sales associate to call manager and ask for a deal!! Don't be shy, it is normal to bargain this business! I hope it will help someone who will shop for rings or jewellery
  5. You can solder your rings together, so they will be always aligned properly Just in case you will wear your all 3 rings together all the time
  6. What was that weight when you flew down? I will be using way to many airlines... WestJet, Air Canada and American Airlines lol
  7. I am going to make 2 piles of stuff: First pile will be all cloth that I have to take and second pile will be all the cloth i might take. I hope it will work.... LOL
  8. Time flies like crazy!!! I am having my exams + all final assignments next week, starting new job and packing for it all!!!! I feel slightly panicked to say at least! We are going on cruise for 7 days before wedding, then going to jamaica for 7 days, 2 days in Miami, and we are going to his parents in Cape Breton, at least we won't have to bring winter cloth, because his brother will drive to Cape Breton and take our winter cloth with him Because of so much travel we will do and so much flights and transfers I can't really deal with too much luggage So i hope to have 1 luggage, 1 carry on and back pack.... Wish me luck to say sane till next Friday!
  9. 7 days till we leave I am starting to pack... And I am already scared how I am going to fit it all in. 17 days worth of cloth in one suitcase.. Not sure how well that is going to go
  10. I was saying that you can get regular shape and carve a piece out of it to make it fit your ring If it is not an option, check out different goldsmith and price shop. Also do you want a jacket or just ring that fits from one side?
  11. I use Crest White Stripes too and love them
  12. It took about 4 weeks to receive our custom size suit, I heard it takes less time with pre-set sizes. I think you have a good chance of getting it on time, specially if you will order pre-set size. Also email them, they are so quick to reply. Good Luck!
  13. I am glad I could help, Also about big and expensive rings, I saw 20K e-rings being returned, so really, it is thought that counts!
  14. About white gold: There is not such thing as white gold all gold is yellow. When they make "white gold", they use actually yellow gold and silver color alloys, such as silver, platinum and many other to make it took white. When ring is made it still looks yellow and to make it look white, they dip it in rhodium, rhodium comes of in 6 month - 1 year, depends how you wear your ring and what you do with your hands. To get it back to white as it used to be, just take it to jeweller and have it rhodium plated. It usually cost 40-50$. Also if you bought your ring from big chains, such as mappins, people's, ben moss, charms and so on, you might have purchased additional warranty for you ring. If you did, this warranty would cover your rhodium plating cost.
  15. Who knows where was I lol Btw can you send me a list or directions for a name change? Please? Please?
  16. Then you dont need to rhodium plate, it should stay white at all times
  17. You don't have to rhodium plate platinum, because it will always stay white since it is pure metal. If your ring changed color, most likely it is white gold and not platinum... Check stamp inside of your ring. For platinum it will say plat, or 900 or 950 plat, any combination of those. If you have stamp saying 14K or 18K, it is gold...
  18. It is beautiful ring and he did amazing job on it. Congrats on getting you perfect ring
  19. Hey Shelly, I am whitening my teeth and getting a facial done before the wedding. With facials, make sure you tried it before, so you won't have a surprise reaction on it.
  20. Why I ask about diamonds is that if you want plain wedding band, you can get a platinum band of the width you want and make jeweller carve a piece out of it, to make it fit to your wedding band. That will definitely keep your costs down. Also check blue nile, plain 4 mm platinum wedding band is 860$. I hope it helps. If you want diamonds, you need to shop around. Also you dont have much time to be honest
  21. You are right about the whole color change and they do scratch up differently, I would try to keep it to the same metal. Do you want diamonds in ur ring?
  22. Can you post a pic of your ring? Do u want diamonds in your wedding band? and if you do how much diamonds do you want in it? I used to work at Mappins and Ben Moss for a long time. If i can see ur ering, I might help with some advice
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