Haha Middle will be your e-ring and others will be just wedding bands, Some brides find it useful to have it all soldered together, when they know they won't wear it separately. I would solder mine if I had curved band and I knew I would not wear it is on it is own without engagement ring, cause it would like funny. U know what I mean So yeah. Once it is soldered it will look like 3 separate rings, but they will be attached and wont spin and misalign...
NO worries Sometimes it takes time to figure all the lingo
Hey torilynnsmith, I have a good experience with Blue Nile. I ordered a stone for my friend like 4-5 years ago from them, when they just were starting. Prices were way better than they are now. We ordered a stone, it come with the certificate, all specs matched to what they said it should be. Fast, very convenient shipping and service. Also they have great return policy. Also you should check out novori.com They are same thing and their prices are slightly better. I would recommend ordering from them and getting your rings appraised right away by someone in your town. That way you can make sure you got, what you ordered and your certificate is true. It is extra 50 for appraisal, but I think it is worth it and can put you at ease. So if you get it appraised and it will turn out not what you ordered, just return it within 30 days and you are good to go. Also sometimes you can find better deal at any jewellery store, specially chains cause they are more flexible to give you discounts. GIRLS, when you buy your rings, BARGAIN. The worst can happen you will get no as an answer (which is very unlikely), the best can happen you will save 15-20% if not more, off your purchase. My wedding band was 899.00 i got 20% off on that. Also compare between stores and tell them that their competitor will give better deal for the same ring Most jewellery stores carry pretty much the same merchandise. Such situation motivates them to give discount and make a sale. Also ask for managers, they can give you better deals, if manager is not in the store at the moment, ask sales associate to call manager and ask for a deal!! Don't be shy, it is normal to bargain this business! I hope it will help someone who will shop for rings or jewellery