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Everything posted by kat2012

  1. Good to know. Planning on going to Ottawa next weekend without my FI. I love to come with him, but it makes so hard to shop for such things with him in tow.
  2. We were looking into that too, but come to same decision as you.
  3. Just ordered my necklace and earring from etsy.com I love them, My dress has lots of beads and sparkels, so I wanted somethign mroe simple and elegant. These are perfect. Can't wait to get them
  4. We are thinking about splitting our AHR in 3 parts. My FI family lives in different province and we will go visit them right after our wedding. So we will have some dinner with his family ( not sure where, at home or at the restaurant) since it will be january,it needs to be inside. Then when we will get home, we will take my mom out and celebrate some with her. And some time later we will have wedding party with our friends. (not sure when and how, since my FI is military and all our friends are military too, so it is quite hard to plan in advance when everyone will be able get together.) AND my FI will be away for 4 months right after we get back from visiting his family.....We are paying for everything ourselves (also we have a house and me being in school it does not help), that's why we can't make it big and have everyone come...... Oh well.. Gotta make best out what I have. Good Luck everyone with Planning!!! Such an exciting period in our lives
  5. Well done!! I am so glad you showed her... You have guts, I am amazed. I hope the rest of the planning will be as smooth as possible. Good luck!!!!
  6. hmmmm, I would go with what you like I went dress shopping with my FI and I had two dresses to pick from, which were quite different. So I had my mind set on, but I did not tell him that, and just asked which one he likes more (knowing that he most likely will choose other one) and he did chose another one. I went ahead with the one I loved. He is still very happy with my choice. Good Luck!!!!
  7. It does really seem like too much, I was looking for something turqoise, red or blue and nice. well.. it did not happen. Got a pair of same color as my dress and fairly good looking pair of sandals..... oh welll.....
  8. Ohhh, I wish I had your problems I had to find good looking sandals, since I am taller than my FI... Well it is almost impossible to find good loking pair of shoes without heels... I spent a few weeks looking for those and just gave up...
  9. http://www.studiosuits.com Check them out. Many girls on here ordered them and were happy with fit/quality. Just make sure you size him properly or get seamstress to size him.
  10. We decided on Jason Mraz - Lucky. My FI is military and he is away quite a bit, so we think it works really well for us. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acvIVA9-FMQ
  11. stluciabound Wow, i am speecheless. And I thought my FI family are jerks for politely saying that they dont feel like spending money on us. Comparing to you in-laws to be they are angels.... I feel really bad for you, and I hope it will work out at the end, one way or another. Thats your day and you can do whatever you want, invite whoever you want and spend your own money on whoever you want. I found that when I talk to about our wedding on FB lots of my friends are being really weird about it. So I decided to keep quiet about it and talk about it here. I love this website, here is always support and good advise from fellow brides. It definitely makes me feel better about my upcoming wedding.
  12. My FI suggested to marry first at home and then have a wedding after awhile. I agreed at first, but then I chaged my mind.... I just did not feel comfortable with it
  13. lindsnjosh, we are doing legal ceremony. resort will take of all paperwork, so we let them do it. I would advise or suggest on what to buy for your groomsmen...
  14. Time is going to fly we won't even notice
  15. ScorpioBride, I feel bad for you. My FI and I decided to avoid all the issues you are going through. We started talking to our friends and family about our wedding, my mom and my aunt were absolutely happy about it. But then many friends were on the fence about it, so was his family. I was soo upset about it. I almost cried, but then out myself togther. I called my mom and asked if she would be ok if it will be just the two of us getting married without inviting anyone else. She was ok with it. So here it is, just me and my FI having wedding/vacation of our dreams with no stress. We will have casual AHR, and we also were not constrained to peoples budgets so we got to go to better resort and move our wedding 4 month closer. I am really happy with our decision. I think you should stop worrying about other people, it is their loss not yours. Just enjoy your day with your guests. Good luck, feel better.
  16. I am in the same situation, we will have our wedding in december and I am thinkging abotu having AHR in march during march break. But it gets complicated because most of our friends are military and most of them would not know if they will attend. So now I am torn between making it semi formal and hoping they would make, or just make a party at our house and have bbq and see who will come. Also FI not much help, because he does not know himself. For all we know he can be called on duty and not be there himself. Quite lost at the moment. Also it will be just two of us going to Jamaica, but we will visit his parents right after it. And on my side is just my mom....
  17. Mel, it was pretty difficult for him too, since I worked at Jewellery store for 4 years. Here it is, .70 solitaire. Exactly what I wanted.
  18. Hi girls. Just booked my resort yesterday. User Name: kat2012 Name: Kat and Mike Location: Snadals Grande Riviera, Ocho Rios, Jamaica Wedding: December 22, 2011
  19. My fiance picked it all by himself too, it was absolute surprise.
  20. Thank you lindsnjosh, I am thinking about ordering him linen suit from studio suits, or whatver the name of it. I am not sure if we want linen shirt+linen pants or linen suit and shirt. I will be frying alive in my dress anyways. So i think he can pull off suit if it looks better. LOL But really, whatever he decides. And definitely no tie... I dont think he would forgive me if I force a tie upon him
  21. We went shopping for it and bought together. He is my best friend and only his opinion counts. As for the bad luck.... Work on our marriages and we will get good luck
  22. I will be getting married there soem time between Dec 18 and 25 . I am so excited. We are going to book it tomorrow. Jessica do you bring your own photographer or what did you plan to do with it?
  23. Hi girls, I am new here and did nto get much done. Just got my dress and we finally picked the resort. My fiance proposed to me int he end of July. First we thought to get married in Dec 2012, but decided that we dont want to wait that long, than we wanted to do in the end of Mrach in 2012 and hour families/friends started to give us hard time. So we decided to get married just two of us in Dec 2011 and have AHR in march with family and friends. I am so excited Happy planning everyone
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