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Everything posted by kat2012

  1. I just got mine yesterday and Dukoral as well. I now it is an old thread. Did anyone else had it done?
  2. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/video/watch/80748843/ My previous embedding failed. So here is the link!
  3. <embed src="http://www.ebaumsworld.com/player.swf" allowScriptAccess="always" flashvars="id1=80748843" wmode="opaque" width="567" height="345" allowfullscreen="true" /> Thats my favourite!!! I know quite mean, but too funny
  4. This weekend I was doing our wedding invitations, trying to figure out colors, font, wording. And guess who tuned in and was helping 100%? My FI!!! I was quite shocked that he was participating and actually being interested in it!! That was quite a surprise
  5. We are having our first AHR on December 30, 9 days after our wedding I did not want to wait till it gets warm
  6. That is crazy that they decided to get it a size bigger!!! Did they reimburse you anything for that? Since you will have to pay your seastress more to get it fitted
  7. We have very small number of people to send it too and most people knew what we are up to. My invitations were not straight ahead invitations, it was more of what's going on/invitations thing. And we figured if anyone wants to come, they still have time to book it. And if not they will know that we did not forget them and will have AHR/party with them that place and that date. Our first AHR/dinner will be on December 30, second one will be on January 21 and 3 will be once I know that most of our military friends are home. So yeah, because of all that we decided to send our invitations at a standard 3 month mark, as they advise in all the magazines and websites. I know that most people were sending STD far in advance so people can save and actual invitations 3 month in adavance
  8. I just went there yesterday!!! I got lots of nice stuff for the fraction of the price. I got my wedding invitations for 9.99, they were 59.99 originally.
  9. That's great idea Marlena. Thank you. I saved it all on my laptop Gonna print it tonight
  10. Today I was quite productive, I did our monogram and put together and printed all our invitations ( for wedding and AHRs). It was a lot of work since we will have 3 AHRs. I did not even start to put together our invitations. And I can't belive it took me all day to do it. Ohh, and I finished our wedding website!!!
  11. so funny! my favourite was about 5 year old girl LOL even my FI laughed when i read it to him
  12. I agree with capecodder FI, as long as you and him are there, that is all that matters
  13. Thank you for the info. At least I know what to expect now.
  14. I love your ring!!. Picture make my finger look sausagey and diamond smaller haha. so not fair.
  15. I would definitely call them, some people might think you are a bit obsessive, but some will appreciate you are calling.
  16. Hey nancya, We are close to have it all done and he did not tune in yet, and I dont mind it. Also I find with type A personalities it is very hard to delegate, so I'd rather do all the work and have it done the way I want it, than try to delegate.
  17. I know it is not etsy find, but I think it is quite related. Heartsy.me they have daily great deals for etsy shops I hope someone finds it useful
  18. I really like your wording I might use some of it. But my situation is a bit tricky. I know that most people or almost everyone won't come for different reasons. Also I feel like I don't want them to feel left out and uninvited. So I am trying to say is that we are getting married than and there, we would love to have you with us, but we know that not everyone can make it. So please come celebrate with us at AHR and we will update you later on a date and a place. ( With most friends in army, I will have to see closer to the date if they can make it, I don't want to make a party when most of our friends will be away) So it is invitation and not quite. That is why I am having such a hard time with it. LOL
  19. It is a bit pricey, but I like it a lot. So I think I am going to try it on monday And yes I know what you mean about little sewing job . I think I've done it myself to a few of my dresses.
  20. like it like or dislike Sex and the City
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