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Everything posted by kat2012

  1. When you will save your file, save it as something weird, like lots of letters and number and not like anudrm wedding dress. I tried googling my username here and nothing of mine come up. So I think you would be ok, also, what are the chances of anyone googling your dress to have a sneak pick at it? If I was invited to someones wedding I would not even think of it. Also who would know your username here? I think you are safe
  2. Good thing you have lots of time to get on too all the small details
  3. HAHA I would do just the same, Once I have it, I would just put it in my wedding stuff room My cake will have flowers, but I saw this cake toppers, and I wantes one so badly, so yeah, I had to order it!!! http://www.etsy.com/people/mudcards here it is
  4. Like!!! All my stuff are this brand cause of my allergies Fall?
  5. Wow, that is bad!! I can't believe someone would do that. Thanks for letting me know, I won't buy anything from her, even though I liked a few things...
  6. I scheduled my dress fitting for Monday October 3!! I am so excited to try my dress again
  7. If you google it, you can find lots of info on how to. I think project wedding had a good article on it
  8. I just saw that november brides had this table done, I think it could be fun BWD Name Real Name Departing Wedding Date Location kat2012 Kat December 9 December 21 Jamaica
  9. I am waiting for my cake topper and in the beginning of september, she told me she would have it by the end of the month.... And I think of it everyday now for the past week haha, I think I saw that cake topper in my dreams too. So I knowhow you feel... I wish sometimes I had more patience lol
  10. Wow rachelswedding, that was a little excessive.... Rules of the game are: you reply to the last post if you lke it or not and then come up with something else to ask other girls in the same post...
  11. you can buy used off like Kijiji,, or you can buy new in Apple Store, WalMart, Best Buy... I think now it sells everywhere
  12. LOL, that is a great idea! I would definitely leave them open Are you attaching some ribbon to them too? I dont I would ever have patience to do that
  13. I love it!! It looks great, such a good idea to combine those two
  14. 200$ is fairly good deal!!! Around here you would pay about 350-400$ for the same stuff I tried to get appointments with a seamstress here and was told to come after Thanksgiving Well, Canadian Thanksgiving, which is in a few weeks I can't wait to try my dress again. Once you do your BD shoot you will love it!
  15. Thanks! It is 49$ on shoes.com I know that they still carry them, in case you want to know
  16. I would do it without thinking twice!!! It sounds like an awesome deal for 1500$!!!
  17. Thanks! Suit is in Tropical English Beige Linen, shirt is White herringbone, and pants are Tropical Dark Beige Linen.
  18. Exactly! It is hard to beat this price and quality is pretty good
  19. Ohh no worries you don't It is a book with your pics, so you can look at samples there, but as far as I get your pics will be part of the page You know like those books with pictures that you can buy from books store
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