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Everything posted by kat2012

  1. There is something about the first dress we try on. Mine is the first dress I tried on too. Many of my friends went ahead with the first dress they tried on. There is something about it!!!
  2. We are doing personalized M&Ms for our AHR!
  3. Sounds like a plan to me Working on my GCA here too
  4. Thanks! I was surprised that she could do it so close to my real dress
  5. I have similar cake topper I got it from mudcards too and I can't wait for it to come
  6. That's soo exciting!!! I thought I would be nervous for my BD shoot. But when it come to it, I was not nervous for even one bit. I even caught myself thinking that it feels weird not to be nervous or shy. I am sure you will have lots of fun there I am organizing my bachelorette party myself (I know it is sad haha). And it is not easy to deal with 8 women who live in different cities. Everyone knows how to do it better. But I am sure you will figure it out. I don't think my mom even knows what is bridal shower ahaha, at least your does Good luck with you BD shoot. Let us know how it goes
  7. How are you going to wear it? Different days? or just move ur rings to the right hand?
  8. Haha I love the way he thinks And I would not stop him either
  9. How is everyones planning is going? It is about 2 month left for most of us. Do you have much left to do? I got my reception dress, waiting on my shoes, cake topper and hanger. I can't believe how fast times goes by!
  10. I love it! Your flowers are beautiful. And look very real, such a good job
  11. Here is mine! I absolutely love it. My FI is in his military mess kit and my puppy who won't be there with us. Such a great keepsake, since military and our dog are big parts of our lives.
  12. I love it!!! So cute. I am sure your guests will smile when they see it If that represents you, you should go ahead and get it.
  13. Thanks At least I know it is there LOL I brought my photographer with me, since she shoot al my pics and I am more comfortable with her. Well and I paid less... I love my pics, I could have picked them up ysesterday, but my FI is with me all weekend, so no point to get them, since I wont be able to see them
  14. I made this necklace another day to wear with it. I think it should work out nice
  15. Thank you I got it from Dailyshop.com, they are in Honk Kong, but it is MoriLee design though. I was quite surprised with how nice it turned out. I like torylinns idea about some poem, or maybe you can do some short story abotu you too Not sure, but soemthing cute like how you met or favourite things.
  16. I got my BD pics take at StudioFour too. I forgot my veil there Gonna go get it next week... Have you seen it down there? LOL I love your pics, you looks great
  17. I got my reception dress in today. That you girls helped me to choose It is not bad, specially for 50$, it just needs to be taken in a bit. Let me know what you think I am sorry for the quality again
  18. That's exciting! Who did you go with?(what photographer) My photogrpaher kept showing me one by one for the past while. And I am picking up my cd today!!! Can't wait. 16 days!!!! It is so exciting. I wish I was leaving in 16 days.
  19. check out etsy! I am sure you can get it custom made. Good luck!
  20. Like! in the winter only Victoria's Secret?
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