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Everything posted by kat2012

  1. Welcome Nicky, I am getting married there in December. About photographers, you can talk to your local photographer and see if they are willing to come down with you. You will need to book them into resort, so they can take pictures as you friend/guest. I think that you can have it done on the beach, because they do private dinner for two on the beach, so I dont see why they would not do it, On that note, I heard beach is very small there... U know just something to consider... Also beware of sand flees ahah they freak me out. This site is plenty of info, even though here is not too many brides from Sandals. Message me if you have more questions, I might be able to help. Also I will write a review when I am back and will be answer any of your questions. Cheers
  2. I am with you on having no motivation. Not sure how to find it these days...
  3. My friends in Ottawa had a pole brought in the house and installed for the party, and had it removed after lol I am sure you can find some services like that in Montreal
  4. To lace, but I am biased too, since I have a lace dress with lace up back
  5. Can you call your bank and cancel your visa payment? You might have to talk to them or file something, but it did work for me, or if you paid with Paypal it is even easier!!! And then those guys will speak differently to you...
  6. I love your cake topper it is really cute. Hat, veil and pearls If I would be you I would go online and pick bridesmaids dresses from the store that you all can go and try it on. That way you will know that your girls got perfect dresses. I would not want to get another ugly dress since it is only 4 month away. And 2 dress does not look anything like a first one. Where did you buy it from? How come they have such a horrible return policy? is it in china?
  7. I agree with Lucy and Messica. I think you should call your mom and talk to her about it, sooner you deal with it, sooner you can take this weight off your shoulders. And maybe you can salvage situation by putting note about your mom on your programs or something like that.
  8. I love it Janet!! Gonna look more at them later
  9. I was just thinking that! I looked at the calendar and my to-do list and got a little freaky lol. School gets so busy, that I can't think of anything but homework. Gonna try to do most of my projects on a weekends My bachelorette party will be next month too on 26 December can't come soon enough! PS I should receive my BD photobook next week and I don't know how i am going not to show it to my FI.... I could never hide gifts or keep them secret. It is gonna be a tough one!
  10. My BDW addiction reached new heights! I can check forum from my phone now
  11. My mom barely makes her ends meet so does my FI parents, we can't expect them to pay for our wedding, even tho it would be awesome.
  12. I just wonder if your mom can afford and does not want to spend money or she can't afford to help. That would make quite a difference.
  13. Wow, that never happened to me with UPS, but that's is brutal. I am going to look into that and if that's the case I will go with something else. Not sure if some candies will be worth 200+.
  14. Does not look like I posted my cake topper on this thread. So here it is. My FI is military so he is in his mess kit, our dog and me in my dress
  15. Those cake toppers are so awesome, I can't wait for mine to come in, cake topper with just bride and groom is 65$, she charged me extra 10$ for dog and sign + 15$ shipping.
  16. Anudrm lives in US. She just peaks at our Canadian thread What price have you heard?
  17. Sexy!!! The clutch that I got for my wedding would perfectly match your shoes
  18. I can't wait to order mine. what colours did you use? Was picture visible enough?
  19. I had the same feeling about my photoshoot, also I felt that it was not long enough . I got my pictures a week ago and I absolutely love them. I ordered a photobook and it was more than enough to feel 22 pages. I am sure yours will be great
  20. I'd rather have it bigger than smaller! I am glad it turned out well for you
  21. I love your dress, so beautiful and romantic And it is your first dress too
  22. Your story made me cry, I feel so sorry for you. But i agree with Sunshine, things happen for a reason and it is good thing (even thou it does not look like it at the moment) that you were able to see the way he is. It is very painful now, but it could be even more painful and expensive to have to deal with him and his nightmarish family. I am sure you will find the best guy for you, cause you absolutely deserve one. I am sure, once you leave he will realize what a moron he was to loose someone like you. I wish you all the best in your new beginnings and I know some time later you will look back and think that it (break up) was one of the best things that happened in your life. HUGS
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