Well well... here's the story... I always knew that I wanted to get married... took me a long time to find the one but with patience I did For the past few months, I've been thinking about what to do... when... etc etc... Also, my BF doesn't like to be the center of attention... since it's our day, I want him to be confortable and happy with our decision We are not really engaged (we're French Cannadian and it's not a thing that French Canadian guys do "to propose") so it's two grown ups with a dog and a house (still doing renos) who decided to get married AND I'M SSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPPPPY... We love to travel and I knew for a long time that I wanted to get married on the beach... but knew the legal marriage in Mexico, DR, Cuba was complicated... Also, it was important for his mom to be there and my mom too... ssssssssssoooooooooooooo... We're getting legally married here in Montreal and having a little reception at a restaurant after so family members who won't be able to make it for our DW will still be part of the celebration... AND doing the DW with a little more glamour on the beach... It's simple, there's a little something for everybody and why celebrate 1 day when you can do it for a week I would love to do it in November 2012, 1st it's our 5 years anniversary in November + his Bday + my Bday 2nd it's cheaper in November... Still looking for the resort (if you have any suggestions) probably in the MR or Cancun, free wedding package, no fee for single, great beach and min 4 1/2 * and affordable for our guest Girls... I can't tell you who excited I AM about all this... he's the best thing that never happen to me... and so happy with our decision to do it that way... Sorry it was a long one