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Everything posted by Branya2012

  1. They're not, good call!! Apparently 14 months away is more realistic. Good to know!
  2. We are not getting married on a resort and we are sending save the dates with the dates we are going to be in Mexico for, and then we will have resort information on the formal invitations. So maybe our circumstances are a little different as we already have the venue booked. We don't even have a resort narrowed down yet because the TA we are using thought we wanted this December, and was giving us prices, and then she realized we want December 2012, and we haven't heard from her again in almost 2 weeks. Comforting, right?? Lol. Luckily there's still a lot of time, so we will be looking at other TA options very soon.
  3. We are planning on sending our STDs out as soon as possible. The wedding is booked for December 5, 2012, and we are hoping to have the STDs out some time in September of this year. It seems like really far in advance, but I say the sooner the better for people to start saving! Especially when people that we assumed would be coming say that they cannot save the money in time (and we are still 16 months out!!). I think we then plan to get started on the invitations in January 2012, and have them out within a couple of months. It's your wedding, do what you want!! I don't think it's rude or offensive to send them out early, so why not send them! Just make sure and say "Formal Invitation to Follow."
  4. Great to know we can easily pick up a Marriage License at London Drugs!! Thanks for sharing all the info, ladies! Nice to know that there are many other DW brides from the Vancouver/Lower Mainland area that are getting legally married here before heading off for the wedding! Best to us all!
  5. Haha...embarrassing. I had tried to reply to one of the other blogs and managed to put this on here. Oops! But thanks for the support! I'll try to move it...
  6. Speaking as someone that is currently in the middle of all of the emotions, THANK YOU all for your words of wisdom!! It's so comforting to hear that you ladies are going through some of the same things that I am going through right now and I especially am grateful for what you said below, ~Nicole~. It's so hard as we go along planning our DWs, it's only naturally to want to please everyone. But the truth is that even if you were to try to stay at home, at the end of the day you can't please everyone. People so easily forget what a wedding is all about and become so selfish. I've told myself over and over, that all that matters is that my fiancee and I are there and that we get our dream wedding on the beach. We are going to have a fabulous wedding and it might be difficult at times when planning, but I know I won't regret having a small DW for a second.
  7. We are in talks with a travel agent, but haven't decided the resort where we are staying yet. It is very exciting that it is now official!! We are currently going through battles with unhappy family members more than we are planning. Actually, I guess we are just dealing with the unhappy family members because there is no way we are changing our minds about where we are getting married! People so easily forget that this day is about me and my fiancee, not about anyone else. How are your plans coming along? Did you always know you wanted a destination wedding? Are you planning a honeymoon after the wedding?
  8. I didn't even have to click the link to see what my birthday means!! We have the same birthday!! Such a wonderful day. And a great idea for a thread!!
  9. I recently got a tattoo on my right foot, along the outside and across the top, right in front of my toes (do not have a pic as I am at work. I am clearly working very hard!!). Last fall, my very best girlfriend disappeared when hiking. There has been no trace of her or her boyfriend, who were out in the mountains together. We have been BFFs for 13 years and it has been hard wedding planning and everything, knowing that the one person I want to stand up for me at our wedding cannot be there. We got engaged after she disappeared, but I know that she would be thrilled for us and would be at our DW in a heart beat (as long as her medical residency would have allowed). I have been thinking about getting a tattoo for awhile, and finally it hit me that I should get a sunflower as those are her favourites. I got the artist to create a tattoo of a sunflower with some vines coming off of it and in the vines it spells out her nickname. I LOVE it!! I have no regrets! It hurt, but thinking of her helped me through it for sure. The pain was definitely worth it, even if I hadn't done it for such personal reasons! IT was kind of short bursts of pain, and was especially tender over the tendons in my foot. If you're sure, do it! You only live once!
  10. Hello ladies! I just wanted to say hi and share the wonderful news that my fiancee and I sent our deposit off on Saturday...we are getting married at Las Caletas on December 5, 2012!! These threads are awesome, thanks for all the info!! Looking forward to really digging into all your wonderful advice as the days are counted down!
  11. Very nice! We aren't actually going to the DR, although it may be in consideration for the honeymoon! We met in Puerto Vallarta and are going back there for our wedding. We actually just sent the deposit off on Saturday, so it's officially our date!!
  12. Thanks, happy planning to you too! You're the first I've heard that is also December 2012!! Is there a date in December that is special to you and yours, or do you just like the date?? We picked December 5 because it's the date we consider our anniversary of when we met.
  13. Hi!! I am relatively newly engaged (June 11, 2011) and have been stalking the forums for a few weeks now. Just wanted to share that we are planning on getting married in December 2012, at Las Caletas, Puerto Vallarta. SO EXCITING!!! Even though it's still far away. I received an email confirming that our date is available today, so the next step is to put down the deposit!! Yay!!! All of you ladies are awesome, thanks in advance for all the help!! Don't know what I would do without this forum.
  14. My name is Anya, my fiancee's name is Brad. Hence, we are Branya2012. Here's a little story of how we met, got engaged and plan on getting married. The Out of Country Triple Threat! Out of Country Meeting: Brad and I met when we were both guests at a DW in Puerto Vallarta. Neither of us really knew the bride or groom (I had met them once) but I tagged along on a free trip with my mom and Brad was there on a free trip with a friend. We tease that we were free-loading wedding crashers at the time! We were even living in different cities at the time...leave it to me to go all the way to Mexico and find someone that was currently living in my home town! Out of Country Proposal: We are living near Vancouver, BC, Canada, and for my birthday this year, I suggested to Brad that we take a weekend away in Seattle, and catch the Vancouver Whitecaps soccer match there. As soon as I brought that up, Brad said he knew that he wanted to propose while we were out of the country and got the ball rolling. That Saturday night, after the Whitecaps game, we returned to our hotel room. Brad went into the washroom and called out to me, asking me to bring his shaving kit. I took it over and he asked me to open it...and the ring box was inside!! I was completely shocked and absolutely thrilled! We have talked about getting married for a long time, but I didn't think the engagement would happen for a while yet! Out of Country Wedding: We are planning a wedding in Las Caletas, Puerto Vallarta for December 2012 (date still yet to be confirmed with the venue, though I have emailed them!). I never really imagined my wedding all that much before I met Brad, and I have only ever imagined returning to Puerto Vallarta to get married to him when the time comes. We know that it's not everyone's ideal wedding, and some people have already expressed disappointment about it, but it is our dream wedding and we are not going to change that for anyone. YAY!!! So excited!!
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