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Posts posted by Branya2012

  1. We have finally finished and sent out our Boarding Pass Invitations! We came up with the idea for boarding pass invitations from this site and a friend of ours that is a graphic designer created them, made them pretty and had them printed for us. One night me, my fiancee and a girlfriend of mine made all of the invitation folders (60 in total) over a few glasses of wine (me) and beer (them). We were really happy with the way they turned out and have gotten great feed back so far!


    The paper and envelopes we bought from a place in New Westminster called the Paper Poet. The rest of the materials were from Michaels, and I have gathered it all for quite some time, with coupons. We ended up having to pay oversized postage because of the knots that we tied with the raffia and bows...it wouldn't fit through the "regular" sized slot at the post office. Darnit! Oh well, at  least we only had 60 invitations to send! I'd do it all over again, too, because I love them!


    If anyone has any questions, just let me know! I'd be happy to help if I could! Thanks to everyone that has posted similar invitations and folders. You are all the inspiration that we needed to come through with these on our own!


    Here are all three pages of the invitation. On the first page is an actual working QR code, so you could scan it with a QR scanner and it would take you straight to our wedding website! Pretty cool! Not sure how many people actually scanned it, though.




    Here is what was printed on the back of each page.




    Here is a shot of the pages, that we clipped together at the top left corner with a silver brad and flowers.




    And here is the final product!








    We didn't take a picture of the mailing envelope, but they were a pearl-ish white and we printed clear address labels that had our heart logo on the return address label. Then we had stickers with our logo and wedding date that we put on the backs of the envelope. Yay! So exciting that they are done!



  2. Very well said by both of you ladies! To everything! justineheart, I hope that you and yoru fiancee find it in your hearts to do what is best for you, because as hard as it can be, it is your day and it is about your happiness and the celebration you want for the start of your lives together!


    I speak from experience here, because my father has been just as stubborn about coming to our wedding. So much so, that it has been been almost 11 months since I had a face to face conversation with him about him walking me down the aisle (to which he said flat out no) and those were the last words he has spoken to me since then. Apprently our having a destination wedding is enough for him to completely cut me - his only child - and my fiancee out of his life altogether! Him and my mom are still together, so it has been difficult for her, but at the end of the day he would rather keep his annual trip to Puerto Vallarta in February/March and not move it a couple of months to walk me down the aisle. I've made peace with it, but it still hurts. Hang in there, girl!! People should be happy for you however you choose to get married!


    PS: That is really sweet of you to pay for your sister and niece to come! And you are being very generous on time for everyone else to save $$!!

  3. Great news!! It's so hard not knowing, but it'll all work out in the end!



    Originally Posted by Labebita911 View Post

    4 more booked!! My immediate have booked, my mom, grandmother, brother and auntie... still waiting for the rest... :o) hanks you guys for the support :o)

  4. I've searched to see if there is an answer to this question, but I don't see anything posted previously...


    Have any of you Las Caletas brides had someone in your family or one of your friends as the MC for the evening? I had asked Kelley before she left and she said that would be fine, but I was just wondering if anyone else had done this. In my mind, there isn't too much to keep going, but I thought it would be a nice way to incorporate some special friends of ours into the wedding, especially since we are not having a wedding party, and to make it a bit more personal.


     Any feedback would be great! Thanks!

  5. Good for you for being the bigger person! Being an only child myself, I completely understand what you mean when you say that understanding family is a new concept!


    Even better for you that you are still asking her after she scheduled her wedding 7 weeks before yours! Who does that?!!?!?! confused.gif

    Originally Posted by inloveinkorea View Post

    Thanks for all the input ladies. 


    My initial post was pretty shortsighted. I don't have siblings of my own and have estrangements in my immediate family... so... "family" is still something I'm trying to wrap my head around. I decided in the end, that I will ask her. After all, it's his only sibling, she is going to be my sister soon, AND it means something to him. 


    Get this though... since my original post, she got engaged and scheduled her wedding 7 WEEKS before ours!!! ARGGGHHH! Trying not to pull my hair out and be understanding instead.. it has definitely delayed my asking her. Waiting for my own emotions to cool down, and will probably ask her in a couple of months. 


    Originally Posted by bacha24 View Post

    I didn't know what OOT bags were either until I found this site!  I was onboard with the idea right away, but the fiancee wasn't too crazy about spending more money.  But in the end we decided that our guests have spent a bit of money to join us for the wedding so it is the least we can do to give them a little bag of goodies.  We also decided to have a get together prior to the trip so that we won't have to lug everything to Mexico.  We also decided we are doing 1 bag per room or family.  If there 2 single people sharing a room we would give them a bag each.  I have been obsessively reading the posts about OOT bags and decided get canvas tote bags (and iron on transfer our logo) so that they can use the bags when going to the pool or beach.  We also bought bubba kegs as we swear by bringing these to an all inclusive resort.  And I am currently researching prices for the other little items we can put in the bag so that I can be as frugal as possible.  I am still looking for ways to incorporate a map of the resort or a list of excursions they can take - not sure how to put that together just yet.....


    Bubba kegs?

  7. You're welcome! Thank you for posting the pics!


    I will try the corner rounder punch, but will keep an eye out to make sure they look right! I'm a scrapbooker and I know I am pretty picky about the way things look so I am prepared for the perfectionist in me to come out when I finally get started!!


    Definitely will score the heavier weight paper...they told me that at the scrapbooking store where I got the paper from. Thanks!!


    Originally Posted by finleya View Post

    Thank you so much!


    You should definitely get the starfish charms from Oriental Trading. I loved them!


    And yes I did end up cutting everything by hand. I started using a cutter for the straight lines and my corner punch for them, but they always seemed to be just a little off. So I just bit the bullet and sat down Friday and Saturday night and cut them all by hand while I was watching tv.


    I did however use my corner punch for the sleeves. That worked perfectly for that! And if you use the same type of paper (heavy weight) make sure to score it before you fold!



  8. Those look great! I like the wrap around label idea. We are making boarding pass invitations and I was planning on using raffia to secure the cover...it looks really good with the charm so I might have to steal that idea! Thanks!


    Did you cut everything out by hand? Including the edges on the left of the boarding pass? I have a corner rounder which I plan to use, but it looks like you went the extra mile to cut that part out! Amazing job!

  9. When I asked about going an hour early (we are getting married on a Wednesday), I was told that it would have to be planned closer to the wedding date, as they do not know how many excursions there will be on your wedding day until closer to the event. We are planning on booking the extra hour afterwards, and maybe even before if we can!

    Originally Posted by BrideDaisy View Post

    Anyone know if on Saturday's you can pay to start an extra hour early??


  10. Thanks! It is a great day!


    As for not knowing who is coming and all that...I think we've all been there! I'd love to start putting together OOT bags and stuff, and decide how many tables to have, etc, but we have to wait!! blink.gif In the meantime, there is nothing to stop you from spreading news by word of mouth for people to start saving asap!!

    Sounds very fitting to send the Save the Dates out a year before the wedding! This is our list:


    STD: August 2011 (16 months in advance)

    Invites: Hopefully April/May 2012 (8 months in advance)

    RSVP by: September 21, 2012 (which is when full payment is due if booking with our wedding travel agent)

    Wedding Day: December 5, 2012 (YAY!!)



    Originally Posted by MissBubbles205 View Post

    First let me say... Congrats!! You are getting married on my birthday.. :o)

    Thanks for the tips and advice.. I'll talk with my Fiance tonight and tell him we need to get our engagement pictures done! this way we can send out Save the Dates.. 


    How does this Sound?

    Save the Dates: 12 Months (May 2012)

    Invites: 8 Months (September 29, 2012)

    RSVP Respond by Date: 4 Months (January 29, 2013)  - this gives them 8 months from the date they officially know the location and date to save up and plan, etc.  If they book their rooms I'm sure my TA will tell me.


    Or should I adjust the time lines?



    What's everyone else doing?



    RSVP by:

    Wedding Day:



  11. I personally think that sending invitations that far in advance seems a bit excessive. That leaves a very long time between the invitations going out and the RSVP date, and even between the invitations and the wedding, for people that may change their minds and want to come. Having said that, when we sent out our Save the Dates (18 months in advance) we knew where we were going, the date of the wedding and the week that we were asking people to come for the wedding (if they want to come for a week). For people to save money and know the time they have to book off of work, that should be enough in advance for those that are seriously considering coming to the wedding.


    I think if you want to know who is going more than 3 months in advance of the wedding, make the RSVP date 6 months ahead, but just remember that maybe not everyone will be able to commit at that time. I think that regular ettiquette is out the window, so to speak, with DWs, but try to keep in mind what is practical for people ahead of what we ideally want (to know who the heck is coming so we can prepare!). For us, our payment deadline to book with our group is 3.5ish months ahead of the wedding, so that made a really great RSVP date for us.


    As for a guest count for the resort, we had to book a minimum to book as a group, so we gathered our close family that is definitely coming and had them pay their deposits last fall (more than a year in advance) and we paid the rest of the deposits to meet the minimum, which is money that will count towards our trip at the end of the day. We don't think there will be a problem getting the minimum number of guests, but it seemed like a lot to ask for everyone to book/deposit over a year before the trip/wedding. We tried to think of it in terms of how far in advance you would usually book a vacation, and around 6 month seems reasonable, IMO!


    Hopefully you get it sorted out!!

  12. I do not think it's rude at all! You'll be the newlyweds, and who can really blame you for wanting a honeymoon!!


    My mom and 2 of my aunts go to Mexico on a girls trip ever year, and they are wanting to go for 2 weeks and stay one at the same resort for the week of the wedding. I politely encouraged them to stay for the week before the wedding instead of after, and they have obliged! We are changing resorts anyways, but I just know that my mom would want to hang out if we were there at the same time, even if she says she wouldn't want to interrupt our honeymoon! It worked out perfectly! I'm sure it will for you as well!

  13. I don't think it's too sensitive of a subject to email everyone, it is your wedding after all! And it's still really far away!


    Have you thought about having an at home reception? Because you could always say to keep the date (or around that date) and have an AHR with invited guests instead. That way anyone that may have been planning on sharing your special day with you might feel less slighted. Good luck! The people that love you will understand deep down, even if (when) they express disagreement or concern!

  14. This is my dress too. I LOVED wearing it!!! CONGRATS on a GREAT choice!!! R~
    Yay! I am so excited to wear it! Did you have the strap on for your entire wedding, or did you take it off? Also, and this goes for all you corset-wearing brides out there, did you have a friend/MOH/family member tie your dress on your big day? Did they tie it as tightly as they do when you tried it on? I, personally, was borderline not able to breathe, so while I still want it to fit really well, I am wondering if anyone went a little looser? Thanks!!
  15. If your gut is telling you not to have your friend do the photography, then the best advice is probably just to go with your gut! You gave several reasons that you want to have a professional (a "professional" you already had was bad but someone who speciailizes in destination weddings might be better, you don't think it's fair to pay for your friend's flight, etc., you want him to be able to enjoy the wedding, to name a few) so maybe that's the road you should take! Hopefully you can find a nice balance between what you and your fiancee both want. Maybe you could suggest a trash the dress shoot, or getting ready pictures for the friend to take for a reasonable price instead of paying for his whole trip. Will he be going to the wedding even if he wasn't taking pictures? Because if he is, then that seems like a very unfair price to pay for him to take pictures when he was already going to be there.


    We have newly "professional" photographers in my family that we had asked to take our wedding pictures (I use the term loosely because at the time, they were not as good as they thought they were. They have gotten better, but still). There was a huge misunderstanding and at the end of the day they wanted too much money, especially based on their experience, so we are having a friend that is also a newly semi-professional photographer (about 1.5 years experience by the time our wedding rolls around). The main reason we chose him is that he is an awesome, easy going guy that doesn't expect to be paid a dime for his work. So instead of having our snobby family take pics for a relatively expensive price, we are having our friend take pictures and we are paying him a decent amount, especially considering he doesn't expect to be paid at all. And the snobby family may, or may not, still be guests at the wedding. cheesy.gif


    Good luck! I'm sure you will work something out!

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