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Everything posted by dallace

  1. We are also getting married at home before or after our destination wedding - wherever it may be (still haven't decided LOL). My FI refuses to let anyone take blood from him in another country. Then silly me told him a horror story I read on here. The person got there blood tests done and had a great big lump on there arm at the injection site and the person that took the blood had actually gone right through the vein. Not life threatening or anything just leaves a bit of a bruise once the lump goes down. Also when I was looking into legally doing it in Mexico it is much more expensive then to do it at home. Not sure if we'll tell anyone except for my family...his family is a bit finnicky and might get mad we're not doing it completley legal wherever we decide to go. Since my MOH will be living to far away to attend the "legal" ceremony, I'll have my sister as a witness. Then they both stand up with me at our beach wedding!
  2. I absolutely LOVE this dress on you!!! This was one of my top 3 when I was dress hunting. I think it's absolutely gorgeous for a beach wedding!! If you feel it's your dress then it doesn't matter how big or formal it may be as long as you love it. I've got a fairly poofy dress for our beach wedding and I wouldn't have it any other way, even if I happen to melt on the big day LOL!
  3. Beautiful dresses ladies!!! Can't wait to wear mine, it's hanging in my living room taunting me LOL.
  4. Well, it took me a couple days but I managed to find the time to read through all 112 pages! Alot of very useful information that definately helped us decide on this resort. Now to pick a wedding package....then it should be smooth sailing from there, I hope! I've already gotten a bunch of information from the resort, so that's a good start I guess LOL. Strange though it wasn't Ana that I've been talking to, I believe her name is Patricia. Maybe she has a new helper? So far I've been getting emails back within a day of sending them questions which kind of suprised me since I've read about brides waiting up to a month to get a reply. Anyways, SO excited to get the planning on a roll! Congratulations to all the past and upcoming brides!
  5. heres the rough copy I've been working on. Seems to me like its to plain and missing something so I was going to add a sea shell ontop of my name and one under his name.....except I haven't been successful in finding any I like. What do you guys think?
  6. oh crap. thats what I meant to type was AM lol. I noticed In the caracol section of the resort the bar is open 24 hrs, so I guess what I'm asking is if your staying in the "playacar" section do you have access to the "caracol" section as well? The last time I was in mexico the resort we stayed at was 3 seperate resorts in one but we had access to all sections of the resort for food or drinks, would it work the same at sandos?
  7. hey so just wondering for those who have been to sandos, I'm reading on the website that the "unlimited drinks" is only from 11 AM - 2 PM ?? Is there anywhere else in the resort that we can get drinks outsided that time frame without a special bracelet? or do you have access to everything other than the "adult only" section? Sorry about all my questions lol
  8. Just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for posting this!!! I was having extreme difficulties trying to figure it out myself, I almost just gave up alltogether haha. My monogram turned out WAY better than I thought it would. Yay me!
  9. Kray41- I'm not sure how to post the link here but if you type 'mexico flower availibility list' a thread comes up with a list of flowers and the time of year there in season.
  10. I'm not totally sure what all they have for flowers, or if it would be different at different times of the year. I had my mom looking at tiger lillies, calla lillies and little bouquet fillers for me. I believe there is actually a thread on here somewhere about flowers and what is popular in that area, I'll try and hunt it down for you!
  11. totally agree!! I had a few ppl tell me my dress was "too big for the beach, you want a light flowy one". Originally thats what I had envisioned...but then I tryed my dress on lol. I mean its not SUPER huge and poofy like one of the other ones I really liked but its pretty poofy. I may melt on the day of the weddign but it will totally be worth it because to me, my dress can't be replaced!! I wouldn't trade it for any other dress! I've actually even thought about putting one of those little portable battery powered fans in my garter haha - might help cool the lower half off! YOUR dress, YOUR day, do what makes YOU happy!! =) Pain in the rear trying to please everyone, and it's not possible. I'm figuring this out the hard way lol
  12. okay, so I talked to my mom today and she can't remember what it was called. She said there's lots of different flower shops down 30th avenue in Playa Del Carmen, hope that helps a little bit!
  13. here's how I plan to do my hair, still not sure how I want to do the front.
  14. well thats a pain! My man was SO unimpressed to hear you have to have to have the right bracelet for the swimup bar. He figures we should have access to the whole resort if we're paying for it. Silly, considering when we were in mexico last I don't think we didn't even use the swim up bar once. He's even more unimpressed about the beds now. He's had the "It's up to you" attitude up until now...after I've done a rediculas amount of research and have basically narrowed it down to this resort and now he's starting to care about silly little things lol. Ugh..boys! Congratulations by the way! Can't wait to hear your review for your wedding!
  15. OHH I really like that idea, I might need to steal that one!!
  16. sorry to post AGAIN lol but I was also wondering from anyone that has stayed here how the beds are? I would imagine like most hotel beds but my FI is being a pain (just because he likes to tease me) and wants "big plushy" beds because we're getting married and figures we should be treated like royalty lol. I told him I'd try and find out but not to get his hopes up haha. There are TONS of outside flower shops in Playa. I had my mom looking at things down there for me last time she was there and she found a place that had HUGE bouquets for like $20, I'll ask her what the name of the place was and get back to you.
  17. oh no! that really sucks. poor chef guy probably felt so bad!! I've know what I want for my cake but like you I'm not expecting a whole lot seeing what some people end up getting at their resorts. I'm the type of person to cry about something silly like an ugly cake to so I'm going to try my best to have a "what happens, happens" attitude. People don't usually eat much cake anyways, so fingers crossed lol!
  18. any luck finding a photographer? I've heard bad things about the resort photographers in cuba so now I'm all worried lol.
  19. Congratulations!! would love to hear your review and see some pictures if you dont mind!!! This is one of our top choices I'm just having such a hard time deciding. We've got it narrowed down to 2..one in mexico which is a hair cheaper than cuba (some of our family is "scared" to go because its "dangerous" -as if the town we live in isnt dangerous...there are multiple driveby shootings all the time) and melia varadero. Waiting till teh FI gets home to pick his brain about what he thinks and hopefully decide within the next few days so I can get a move on invites!
  20. hey can any past brides tell me whether there was a swim up bar anywhere in the resort?? Our best man has his heart set on a swim up bar and I can't find anywhere on there website if they have one or not lol.
  21. Yeah, for sure lol. I'm getting my best friend of 10 years and her sister who's into photography to do it. Makes it not as nerve racking since we've all been such good friends for so long but drinks will still be a must! I'm so nervous about looking like a dork. My guys going out of town for work this week so I think we're gonna do a test run and see how it turns out. So excited but nervous at the same time! I'll let you know how it turns out!
  22. I think I'm going with the basic package, it has pretty much everything you need except for flowers and a few extras. I'm going to go into town and pick up some flowers and do my own bouquet just because for what I want is going to cost me $180 at the resort and I can do it myself for $20-$30. I think it totally depends on what you want in the package and whether you can do the things they don't include youself. It's nice to have the hair and makeup and whatnot included...but to me seems like your paying a pretty penny for it when you can venture outside the resort and have it done for much cheaper! Just my opinion lol, Happy planning!
  23. ahhhh so many amazing shoes!! I'm having issues deciding on shoes, yet again. I posted a picture awhile ago of some super cute wedges that will go great with my dress...but I'm second guessing whether I should just stick with a cute sandal. For one, my FI is't a whole lot taller than I am (depending on how tall the wedges are I might be able to pull it off). Secondly, I'm not sure I'll even be able to manage wearing wedges with my dress and not falling on my face. I'm rediculasly clumsy and will literally trip and fall over nothing lol...crossing my fingers I won't fall flat on my face walkign down the aisle! So jealous of all the hot pumps that I can't wear haha.
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