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Everything posted by bluelagoon

  1. Yes! The best photographer in Punta Cana are: Photo Souvenir, Jorge Allocco and http://bluelagoonstudio.com
  2. Nice Pictures! The top wedding photographers in Punta Cana are: JorgeAllocco.com PhotoSouvenirPuntaCana.com and Blue Lagoon Studio: http://bluelagoonstudio.com
  3. Hi Brendee! Both photographers are very professional! I invite you to check our portfolio at: http://www.bluelagoonstudio.com
  4. Hi! Alundy! 1. They normaly sit 8 to 10 people per table 2. The beach is nicer but the pool is less windy 3. I'd schedule my hair appt 3 hs before the ceremony. Good Luck!
  5. At the Blue Lagoon Studio we are a team of young professional photographers located in Punta Cana. Check out our new website to see nice pictures of Punta Cana weddings.
  6. Yes, At Now Larimar they allow outside photographer's BUT you'll need to pay an extra fee... We've being working there as photographers last week. Check out our web site http://www.bluelagoonstudio.com
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