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Coba Bride 2012

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Everything posted by Coba Bride 2012

  1. Hey ladies, I was wondering if anyone is bringing decorations down? I spoke to Maria and she told me they only have white. I have bought a few yellow decorations. Yellow toule, yellow sashes, yellow/ white lotus pool flowers. Now I need to buy a duffle bag to bring stuff down lol. sorry to hear that Kristi11, don't worry everything will work out, some travel agents are useless. I contacted 10 travel agents when we were pricing and only 3 got back to us.
  2. I was wondering if a lot of girls brought decorations down with them. Maria informed me they only have white decorations which is good, but I think I might bring some yellow down as well. I have bought some yellow toule, yellow sashes, yellow/white lotus flowers for the pool. My Fiance told me to stop buying stuff. But I want the yellow to be incorporated. Now i need to find a duffle bag for all of my stuff lol.
  3. Crystalz thanks for the update. You look beautiful! Can't wait to see more:)
  4. Hi Luvmoo, I was wondering where the Dollarama is in Canyon Meadows? I looked at the McKenzie one and no luck. Thank you
  5. Luvmoo do you know where the Dollarama is at Canyon Meadows? I have looked at the Mckenzie town and there is no advils. Thank you
  6. Luvmoo where is the Dollarama by canyon meadows? I only know of mckenzie town and the one by southland. Thanks I have been looking for these everywhere.
  7. Thankyou for the thread. It is great! I was wondering if anyone had DJ Brijan's email address?
  8. My Wedding Coordinator has not returned any of my emails in the last week or so. I was wondering if anyone had prices for the Poolside reception at the Coba. Thank you
  9. I was wondering if you could send the pricing again. I didn't receive it. Thank you
  10. Hi Cdunn514, I was wondering how much it was per person for the Arrecife Jacuzzi bar reception? Are you getting the pool reserved for only your reception? Thanks for your help.
  11. I got the Akumal Location yay!!! I think I might have them take my pictures and have our guests take some pictures as well. What kind of excursions did you guys do when you were at the resort? Trisha what kind of favors do you give?
  12. Yay Maria got back to me!! I asked to have the ceremony at the Akumal Location and she said I can have it at 3pm but I asked to see if we can have it later. Thanks Crystalz, My FI cousin will be staying at the hotel with us. So I guess I will have to get everything in writing.
  13. Are you using the photographer at the resort or bringing one with you? I have read that they will charge you $500 for using an outside photographer do you know if that is true? My finace's cousin is a photographer and I wouldnt mind bringing her to take our pictures. Thats a good idea with the duffle bags. Thanks again for all the information you are the best Bride Buddy.
  14. Hi Cheryl Thank you for sending me the menus. Are you doing OOT bags? I wonder if they will let me courier them there. That would be great if you could email me the flower pictures and the spa menu please. That is great that you have someone making our invites. I made my save the dates, 110 3 page boarding passes. It was definitely a lot of work. I think I might get someone to make my invitations. Did Maria let you know if the dinner will be private or will you have other resort guests in the restaurant? Thanks again for all your help!
  15. Cdunn 514 Thank you for the pictures of the resturants. I would love if you could send me the menus my email address is [email protected]. I have sent out my save the dates last week. How many months in advance are you sending out your invitations?
  16. Maria is my coordinator as well. She hasn't returned my email and it has been a week so I guess it is normal. I am gettting married June 5, 2012. I would like to book the Akumal Hammok location it looks beautiful. I think we are going to have a pool party as well. What kind of food is the Portofino serve? How many people are attending your wedding? That would be great if you could post the pictures of the restaruant. This site is so helpful I am cant stop looking at all the forums.
  17. Cdunn514 when are you getting married? Who is your wedding coordinator? What restaurant are you planning to have your reception at? Thank you
  18. Hi Trisha, We are getting married at the Coba. I wonder if they will let me use the hammock location, or if is only for people staying at the akumal.
  19. Hi Trisha, I love your ceremony site. Where you staying at the Coba ? Chelsey
  20. Hi Everyone, My Maid of Honor suggested this site to me. I have booked our wedding for June 5, 2012 at the Coba. I was wondering if anyone has had Maria as their Wedding Coordinator. I am also wondering about the reception which resturants they really like and would suggest. Thank you for your help
  21. Hi Everyone, I was wondering if there are any 2012 GBP Brides ? I am getting married on June 5, 2012 at the Coba Resort and would like to know more information. I have been in touch with Paloma and have booked my date and time. I have emailed my wedding coordinator but have received no email from her. Thanks
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