So i'm hitting a big problem in my wedding planning. On my fiance's side of the family everytime there is a wedding the guests pay for their own food and drinks, they do not see a problem with that. Yet for my family when you go to a wedding you don't have to pay for anything. So my fiance feels like its okay for the guests to pay for their own food/drinks and my parents are getting mad for us even considering that. I pretty much don't know what to do!!! You see I do not know my aunts and uncles very well (only seen them when I was a baby) and my Parents expect me to invite them anyways, but i do not feel like paying for someone who has never spoke to me in my life, yet it feels rude to not pay for someone. My fiance thinks it will be okay to just pay for the friends/family that are in University/don't have very much money and the Wedding party and that we should make everyone else pay for their food (his reasoning being that if they can afford to come down they can pay a little extra for food and drink). I guess I should also include that the price for the wedding in Cozumel on Isla de Pasion is 2200 plus $100 per person (which includes unlimited food and alcohol, and their trip to the island and back), so it can get quite expensive if 50+ people are coming. I don't know what to do because I feel like it is really rude to make people pay if they are taking the time and money to fly to mexico, yet my fiance's side of the family thinks it is okay for them to pay for their own food/drink. Thanks for your help!