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Everything posted by hotlantabride

  1. Thank you very much for this link, www.caycecallawayboudoir.com . I recently had my boudoir session done. It went really well, and the the pictures came back great! If anyone is looking for some one to do boudoir pictures I highly recommend Cayce. Now to the hard part narrowing down the ones to print.
  2. Hi Kristy28 she purchased the tanks from target and the decals from ebay. I am on the hunt for both myself.
  3. I love your bridal party shirts they look professional. How did you do the Bridesmaids tops?
  4. Thank you so much for this. I am going to use some from this post and another post I located to make a get busy pack for our little ones.
  5. Good Afternoon, I was able to open the template and it is great but I am not sure how to personalize the drop down menu. I keep getting an error message that it is locked. Can anyone help me? Thank You
  6. Good Job, I am going to be doing mines this week end, I couldn't find the right baby to use so I am just going to put the save the dates out and the make sure it is just what I want. Where did you purchase your paper from?
  7. Yes she is still updating her Thread she didn't leave us in the dark for long. Everything looks lovely in the pictures
  8. I am so happy for you, sorry to hear about the little bumps in the road. From the pictures it looked beautiful! Congrats.
  9. I am so excited for you. I would like to wish your safe travels, a wonderful experience (I know it will be) and a blessed marriage. Get some rest, Enjoy every moment! Can't wait to catch up on your post wedding thread.
  10. Hi Elisamarie, I have been to all three locations, I actually went to Mexico on a cruise, I agree with Anudum, NCL freest ye cruise is great! you are not pressured to do anything. New Orleans was very exciting, I would go back. If you want to get more bang for your buck, I believe that NCL has a cruise that leaves and returns to New Orleans and visits a few Mexican ports so you can have your cake and eat it to. Hope this helps,.
  11. WOW, I really love your kids travel book! That is such a great way to keep the kids entertained. Keep up the good work you are really ahead of the game, I need to take a page from your book. Happy planning!
  12. Wow you are great resource. I love your save the dates! I just read it to the Fiance. I got an okay, I guess that means he likes it too.
  13. Hello ladies the verification code is the funny looking letters on the bottom right of the application form.
  14. Yes like them on facebook and then fill out the newsletter form and you are enterened. Sign up soon!
  15. Great I just entered as well, I have would love to have these for my wedding party!
  16. Very different, I could only imagine what that is going to look like coming down the aisle. are you going to be posting any instruction on how to do this., I don't know if it is already in this tread as I have not read it all. If it is can you point me int he right direction, please? Thank you
  17. I love this idea, It would look very nice framed in out living room did you use stamp pads or did you have another way. How was the clean up?
  18. Wow, I love you DIY sticker idea. when I did a search for stickers I never knew that I would find such a creative and simple idea. GREAT! I am writing my list for when i finally get to the store. I think I am going to have a blast picking out everything
  19. I know this is a little off topic but I am just wondering how far in advice people are planning on being finished the DIY items before the big day? I am not sure what kind of time line to give myself and time is definitely sneaking away, the only thing I really have set in stone is my dress. I don't even have a venue with a signed contract yet.
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