Tracy - This is incredibly helpful! I private messaged you but want to post publicly in case anyone else wants to chime in! What is the nearest Costco or Kmart type place to Ceiba for granola bars, Advil, Immodium type things for the welcome bags. We also want to pick up a pinata! Would you recommend also getting individual bug spray for each guest? Our wedding is at sunset in March so I wouldn't want our guests getting too bitten up! Whoever is deciding on whether or not to have it at Ceiba - I haven't had the wedding yet but so far Diana, the WC there has been awesome. She's really responsive, her English is amazing and she's very HONEST - which is a key attribute! Don't forget to include in your budget chairs, tables, linens, etc. You can get them from Ceiba or from your own outside wedding planner. We visited the hotel and it looks beautiful and the staff is really sweet.