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Everything posted by nrstewart81

  1. Can't belive its has finally come, we leave tomorrow morning for Maui!!! Its gonna be a fantastic 2 weeks!!!
  2. We had hoped to keep it under the 8k mark.....just added all the costs up and we are fast approaching the 12k mark and that doesn't include our spending money. I still feel as though we are getting a great deal though as we get a 2 week holiday in Hawaii for much less than what we would have spent on one day back at home.
  3. Like most of the brides on here I am unsure how I feel about a shower/bachlorette function. My FI and I are both military, and we don't live in the same province as my family, as well alot of my close friends are spread throughout all of Canada as such is the nature of our job. So I know that if a shower was thrown it would mainly only be extended family mbrs as I am sure most of my friends wouldn't travel to attend. We are having a small wedding with just my parents and our MOH and BM, and like a previous bride said I have always thought it taboo and tacky to invite people to a shower who are not invited to the wedding. But all that being said, I feel as though I would be missing out on the whole "wedding" experince by not having one. We plan to have 3 small AHR, one for friends at our house and then one at each of our parents which will mainly be just for family.
  4. Another April 2012 bride here.....getting married in Maui at Makena Cove on 14 April 2012. 159 days to go!! Just started on P90X today, been slacking on the fitness aspect so now its time to kick it into high gear.
  5. Another April 2012 bride here.....getting married in Maui at Makena Cove on 14 April 2012. 159 days to go!! Just started on P90X today, been slacking on the fitness aspect so now its time to kick it into high gear.
  6. Our wedding is going to be small and simple....we are only having our parents attend plus we each have one friend standing up for us. So the only vendors I have needed outside of photography is just hair and make - up and flowers. I had wanted to go with Dan and Jessica for hair and make up but from what I have been able to find out they are quite pricey and from the reviews on APDW most people seem satisfied with the stylists that they have. I would love to do a trash the dress....gotta convince the FI though lol For our "reception" we are going to the Old Lahaina Luau. Once we are back home we plan to have a pig roast bbq for friends and family.
  7. I am going with A Paradise Dream Wedding....the photography had me sold from the get go and so far I have no complaints with their staff. Our wedding cordinator Jayanne has been fantastic!!
  8. Congrats to you BostonianBride I have finally got all my wedding details sorted out. Jayanne is our WC and she has been great!! My FI and I are both military and will be on deployment to Afganistan till 6 weeks before the wedding so its great knowing that its all taken care of for me and all we have to do is show up! Who are you using for your photographer? We had wanted Gordan but since we are getting married on a Sat he req a 6hr min booking so we decided to go with Ian instead. I wish you luck with your site search.....I can't offer any advice though as I was drawn to the public beaches and once I say pictures of the Cove I was sold.
  9. @ Schmizer Congrats to you as well!!
  10. Hey everyone!! So we finally set the date and chose our venue!! Getting Maui-ed on 14 Apr 12 at Makena Cove. I went with APDW, their amazing photography on the website had me hooked!! We are getting married in the am and then having our wedding reception at the Old Lahaina Luau. I have seen on here a couple of APDW brides had their photographers come back and shoot the Luau as well, just wondering if they could give me a ballpark cost. We currently only have the "Precious Moments" pkg but I have been thinking about upgrading anyways. Did other brides go with the florists and hairdressers through APDW or did you use outside vendors. I keep hearing rave things about Dellables for flowers and Dan and Jessica for hair and make-up. We are having a very small group attend our wedding (8 pers) and so the only flowers I am looking at getting is the Good Luck Lei's for the Bride and Groom and my bouquet. If you went with their vendors how satisfied were you? 279 days to go
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