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Everything posted by bride6262

  1. Hi! Well i have spoke with Jill from real image photography and am going to go with her.... she also teaches at the college in her city so she is making sure her last class can be covered!! so i am not going to jump for joy YET....i am hoping to hear by tomorrow!!! flip flop invites - those would be cute! i want to do something unique since my invites were so cool for the DW why not have fun with it if we can!
  2. does anyone know how to do the envelope? i am trying to do something like this but cant figure it out.... help!?!
  3. So since pretty much everything is done for my DW i thought i might get started on my AHR stuff! But now I am stuck trying to find a creative idea for the AHR invites....i need something to compare to the awesome boarding pass invites that i did for the wedding!! ANY IDEAS?!? Or suggestions?!
  4. wow beautiful pictures!! You are breathtaking in this dress!!
  5. I had mine shipped to one of my parent's friends who lives in the states to avoid the duty!
  6. I am waiting for ours to come from factory 21 too!!! super excited since yours look so great!!
  7. really what is the difference between getting married at a church and then having a reception and getting married away and then comign back to have a party.... i guarantee half of your guest dont show up at your actual ceremony and just come for the party afterward. peopl who say these things are so simple minded! everyone loves the chance to wear their dress... who wants to pay 1000s of dollars for a dress and not wear it ever again...if anythign DW brides are the smart ones!! we can wear our dress 2-3x, get to stretch our celebration over a week and then have the opportunity to celebrate with those we love back home too! what makes a reception a reception anyways? my AHR favours are going to be magnet pics of us! i was going to use them as save the dates but decided since we knew who all was coming (because of bookign times) that we jsut sent out invites really early instead.
  8. Hi Jen! I feel that a formal reception back home defeats the purpose for us getting married away in the first place. my MIL wants to have a sit down dinner and be all fancy but we just cant afford that at all since we are also paying for everything. so i have chosen to do a family BBQ instead. we are treating it as a kind of open house having people free to come and go as the please. we will be starting at 3pm so ppl dont have to leave too early to travel (we live in kingston, his family windsor, mine sarnia and friends all over the province) and then it will go til whenever at night.... then those who want to stay and party all night we will be moving to the camp ground my parents have a trailer at so ppl can drink and spend the night if they want to or can go home if they want. i want somethign chill and relaxed and that ppl dont feel pressure to stay at if they dont want to. i think it is a great idea. my sister did an open house style reception too (she was married in jamaica last year) and ppl loved it! we had pics everywhere and a slideshow with music going too. it was nice for families to be able to come together and meet (if they didnt make it to the wedding) and just hang out together! hope that helps!
  9. I actually found a crappy one and then photoshop'd it.... this is what i made original pic: part one photo shop: finished product:
  10. i defininetly wouldnt wear heels... we are going barefoot! The walk to this is also all sand!
  11. I had Jill actually send me a wedding and they look good! the price does in TTD and the whole day of the ceremony.... we get digital copies of all pics with full access to print etc.... and she is paying for her trip! so i think its a really good deal... not the 1500 i wanted to pay but its still good!! unfortunately i did check out the site and all the photogs were booked for that day thanks! CONGRATS!!! I am getting married there April 19th, 2012!!! let me know if you have any questions!
  12. I have an email from Vistaprint for lots of free stuff.... if anyone wants me to forward it to them just pm me!!
  13. i am having her send me this so i can see...... so she quoted me at $2000+hst...... i am hoping she can come down a bit
  14. ok so i found this girl and she might be the photog i go with!! she is a bit more than i wanted to spend but i think she might be worth it..... will you ladies take a look and be honest on what you think!!! http://www.realimagephotos.net/ THANKS!!
  15. I attended my gf's wedding at the ROR and the beach gazebo is on the beach....so to walk up to it is sand but when you can step on the stairs on up in the gazebo. here is a pic from that wedding. any other q's i can try to help!
  16. i am hoping to get the same DB heels too! i hope they can dye them malibu!!
  17. thank you!! Norma - what about looking into the resort videographer?!?
  18. i didnt give my FI a choice! lol he has never worn a ring before so he isnt sure how much he will like it but he will get use to it!! lol and he loves it so that helps!
  19. so i know this thread is usually for our Erings but it thought i would share my FI's ring... LOVE IT!!
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