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Everything posted by becky1022

  1. My FI is wearing this Linen suit http://www.menswearhouse.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Search_-1_10601_10051___?searchType=search&categoryId=29155&searchTerm=calvin+klein+linen+suit Linen does wrinkle, but it's overall a much lighter material & you can get it pressed at EPM, He's gonna wear a blue button down with it. We also found this site, using it for our groomsmen & my dad's shirts, but its inexpensive & well made. http://www.cubavera.com/. You can see some of their stuff in person at Macy's. We're using Dockers soft Kahki's for the wedding party, they have a ton a variety in colors & again really inexpensive. Good luck!
  2. Just wanted to update on our drama with EPM, they have decided to alow us to maintain our contract with Del Sol. we were very close to looking into a new location, so it's a huge relief not to be on the phone with each of my guests explaining a resort change! Looking forward to beginning our planning with Ileana at his point & really hoping that this is finally behind us & we can move forward with the experience we were hoping for. Anyone have any tips on what we should be trying to plan out with Ileana? I have NO idea what I'm doing
  3. I'm getting married the next day 10-22-11. I was thinking about doing a "we survived the end" something. Anyone have any ideas?
  4. Sharon99, You may need to go over their heads. Our travel coordinator was able to get the job done with upper management. We were ready to move our event & all guests. Good Luck!
  5. Brennas, We've confirmed at this point that it an issue with those 2 studio's. From the conversations we've been having you should be fine to use Juan Navarro. I believe another bride on here is also using him & has double checked it with them. Good luck getting a contract!
  6. I'm currently going through this with my resort & my photographer. & I will not be giving in with regards to my photographer! They are the most important part (besides the FI of course) of my day! We are fighting the resort currently & I think about to get through to them. Now I just have to decide if I still want to give them my money or go elsewhere...
  7. I'm not directly contacting them, I'm too upset. & my finace would be on a plane to deal with this in person if I hadn't stopped him. I have a representative with Beach Bum Vacations that is working with the resort to resolve this, but they don't seem to be giving him answers & he's getting just as upset as we are. The person on suggested on Trip Advisor isn't connected with weddings & was probably unaware of the new "policy".
  8. I'm sure there's another side to this, but now I'm left here with 3 months to go. Now i have to choose between my dream photographers or trying to relocate everything or just giving up on my wedding! What are we supposed to do here!?!? & I cannot get an answer from EPM!
  9. I think I'm even more mad now! She flat out told us NO outside photographers! & She's not responding to us at all.
  10. Very interesting!!! I think Juan Navarro used to be their in house. Good to know!
  11. I don't know yet. We're trying to get this resolved. Hopefully we can get then to let us have our photographer as they originally agreed. If not, hopefully they see how much this will hurt their business & change their policy.
  12. We were told "On the other hand I would like to explain that unfortunately we donot allow outside photographers, our in house photographers are Blue LensCaribe." by Ileana Romero. I take that as NO third party. If you're using someone other than Del Sol or La Luna I would call EPM & get an answer asap. If they say it's ok, get it in writing from them so you don't end up in my shoes & please let me know if they are specifically black-balling my photographer.
  13. Excellence is stating that it's their new policy to not allow third party photographers. It was apparently a corporate change. I can tell you that it is being fought by the photographers right now, because they have a number of contracts that are being affected by this. I also have the individual that did all of my travel booking fighting them. I was referred to this resort by my travel coordinator & my Del Sol directly helped me narrow down my resort selection, they specifically recommended EPM because of it's location & beach. I'll post our resolution once we have it. Good luck everyone!
  14. I'm not sure what happened to my 1st post, but my wedding is the one being referred to on Trip Advisor. My fiance & I are absolutely sick over this. I have 3 months to go & Blue Caribe is not ok with me! Now if they don't change their position on this, I will have to move everything to another location! I had permission to hire an outside photographer when we booked our room package! EPM does not give their brides contracts. Please know that you do not have a contract with them & they can continue to make changes to you plans, as they see fit, unless you get a contract. Your photographer retainers may not be refundable, contact your photographer & see if they will help you fight this!
  15. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! I can't understand how they can do this! I specifically know that they DID allow both of those photographers until 1 week ago!
  16. Hey kids! I'm that bride. That's my finace on Trip Advisor. I can tell you that we are very, very upset by what is happening. The fact that we got premission, via email, last year we we completed our room reservation at EPM & now they are telling us that they have changed their outside vendor policy as of this week & we now must comply. We DO NOT have a contract with EMP, they do not give their brides & grooms contracts. I have paid my trip in full, have almost 60 nights booked at the resort (& counting) & have paid the AMAZING photographer in full! Our travel coordinator & photographer are both going to bat with EPM on this issue & hopefully we'll have a resolution soon. Or, I will be moving my entire party & ceremony to a location that will appreciate our business. My advice to you, is if you have anything going on at EPM, force them to give you a contract. The fact that they don't means they can change ANYTHING at will, your ceremony time, location, whatever they want! This is completely unacceptable customer service behavior for a resort of their caliber & they need to know that it will not be tolerated! Happy planning to all!
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