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Everything posted by wwills5512

  1. I know exactly how you feel jessimd! So excited, and nervous and happy :-) My countdown clock says I have 25 days and 47 minutes! Mine is at 11am on 5/5/12... I think I remember that yours is at 4:00pm?
  2. Hmm... I have now realized that I must have created TWO logons somehow. I am both wwills5512 and wendy5512. LOL
  3. Brandy, These are so cute and very clever - I loved the wording! Thank you for sharing your great idea Wendy
  4. I am crossing my fingers on your new phone WC. Monica must be really busy. She cancelled our scheduled phone call for the second time last week via email, asking when the first week of August I am available. She still hasn't respondeded to confirm at time, but I still have 9 months until my big day, so I'm not worried yet ;-) Other than the confirmed time slot for the wedding ceremony and the notarized paperwork, is there anything else that must be done ahead of arriving and meeting with the onsite WC?
  5. We'll both be 40 by the time the wedding rolls around next May. It will be my first marriage, and his second. We don't have children, but we do have two dogs and a cat that THINKS she is a dog, LOL. Yes - we all bought the Beaches insurance. I really hope we won't need it, but would rather be prepared for anything that could happen. A few years ago we had a 10-day group trip to Costa Rica with friends that we had to cancel literally at the very last minute. Due to all the TSA laws we couldn't transfer it to anyone else last minute either.
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