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Fabiola Cadet

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Everything posted by Fabiola Cadet

  1. Hi April, The vouchers are for services like certain amount off spa services, romantic dinner and bottle of wine (at any restaurant). I was there from Oct 31- Nov 6 and didn't use any of mine. I'm not sure if yours would be any different but thats the promo they had going on then.
  2. Hi Pati, My sister got married there beginning of Nov and they did a great job on hair and makeup! I wish I had gotten my makeup done there. They work very fast. Just make sure you have a picture of how you want things. They also have books that you can look at for hair options.
  3. Thank you so much for posting, Moorea!! Would you also share with me your key holder template? My email is [email protected]. Thanks in advance!
  4. Thanks for answering so promptly! Sounds like you had the dinner gold package which we've selected. It is so good to hear somebody raving about that. Not too happy to hear about the typical halls but it is what it is :-)
  5. Hi Vanessa, I've read and seen a lot of pictures of Jellyfish and indeed it does look magical. Go with what makes you happy :-) I thought I had an answer to my initial question until I read that alcohol is only included if you do Dreams of Love or Ultimate package. Now we're waiting for the coordinator to answer whether we will have to pay for alcohol since we're doing the Paradise package.
  6. Congratulations Kristy! You mentioned that the food was fantastic. Would you mind sharing what you chose to have there? Also, did you have a chance to visit any of the halls available for reception?
  7. Hello, Would you be able to send me a closer picture of the veil? Would like to see what the edge looks like. [email protected]. Thanks!
  8. Hi Vlendof, Thanks for answering! The wedding coordinator finally answered and clarified what exactly is included with dinner alcohol wise. Why are you having second thoughts??
  9. Ladies, Do you know how it works when it comes to having alcohol at both cocktail and reception? From the list they sent us, adding premium deluxe bar would be $17 per person per hour. What about basic/regular alcohol? Do we have to pay for that too?
  10. Hello ladies, Does anyone know how it works when it comes to alcohol at the cocktail hour and reception? We were trying to add the premium bar option but thats an extra $17 per person per hour...whatever that means; planning to have ~60 people. Do you know if basic alcohol is included with the buffet menu? Thanks.
  11. Wow! Thanks so much, Dominiqueamber. The sale is still going on and they have a bunch of colors left.
  12. I see! Well, we won't be in DR until November. Do you mind sharing where you purchased the sandboxes from? Thanks!
  13. Hi Keedon, Are you not opened to selling the sandboxes? (Or did I just miss the whole point of your thread? :-))
  14. It does sound very easy when you put it like that. I am waiting for the starfishes to be delivered and will practice as soon as I get some raffia. So you didn't use any glue or adhesive, correct? Quote: Originally Posted by janette34 They weren't hard to make at all. I just found a picture on google I liked, played around a bit until I liked what I had and went from there. Basically I started with a loop of rafia, added some ribbon and tied that around the starfish to hold everything in place.
  15. Wow! So impressive Janette. Congratulations on your wedding. I want to know if making the starfish decorations was as easy as it looks. I'm making some for my sister's wedding and really have no idea where to start. Did you find directions somwhere? Thanks!
  16. Hi Spaterson, Did they explain where exactly the second location was? Did you have to pay a fee to reserve it? We ended up taking the worksheet and making a new one since the columns for some things were not working. Also remember to add taxes and/or service fees for pretty much everything.
  17. Hi Ladies, The resort now charges $250 to have a reception by the pool. If you had your reception elsewhere, where would you recommend that it be held? My sister has ~55 people coming.
  18. Thanks for the review, Carrie! Sounds like you had a beautiful wedding. Looking forward to seeing your pics!
  19. Thank you Dominicanbride! She is getting married on Nov 3. We are going there from Oct 30 until Nov 5 probably.
  20. Ladies, My sister is getting married in November 2012 at DBP and doing a symbolic ceremony. Anybody have an idea how that will go? As i understand, the WC is the one conducting this; they didn't go with a priest or pastor. Is anyone doing the same? What is the plan for the ceremony? if you don't mind sharing. Thanks!
  21. If you have any left after KalikLove, I'd love to buy them. Please let me know. Thanks!
  22. Thank you! And i do love how the starfish bouts turned out, very different but fits perfectly with the theme.
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