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Everything posted by sojahseh81

  1. My bridal party will all be wearing the Hemp Rainbow Sandals, the girls will have the thin strap, and the men will have the wide strap... Rainbow's are my favortie flip flop!! www.rainbowsandals.com
  2. Right, and think of cool trashing idea's. My dress is very casual though since we're going with the island theme. But I still want to do it..
  3. Hey all! I'm from San Antonio, TX. We're having an intimate backyard wedding. We're getting married April 20, 2012. So far, I've picked out my invitations, bridal party outfits, location (that was easy!), and food....I'm now kind of freaking out because most of you have already sent out invites and STD's, I was going to wait until Jan. but is that too short of a notice? What is the typical time frame for that?
  4. @eholt - Do you have any photo's you'd like to share? I'd love to see them! @anichols8 - I know right! I love the ones in the water! @AfricanVEnus - Please share when you get them! I'd love to see what you've done!
  5. These are a few I saw and liked alot...but I'd be too afraid of messing with fire, I have dreadlocks, lol..
  6. So my sister turned me onto this new phenomenon "Trash the Dress" I've seen some photos, I actually LOVE the idea! I am big into photography and I love the creativity of the shots. I am getting married in April of 2012, and am debating on doing this myself. Talk to me!!
  7. Well, I feel out of place here, but I'm getting married on 4/20/12...if that makes sense to any of you, lol..
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