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Everything posted by soontobeslp

  1. I'm getting married there December 1st- try Wildflowers too for decorating needs, they have been so great so far!
  2. iheartcapri- Depending on what time of year you are traveling to Atlantis will effect the room discount that they give. For us rates were discounted to $140-299 per night plus taxes, which can be a little bit expensive.
  3. I am getting married next December at the Atlantis and the room rates given to our guests are great. They have been so helpful with all of my questions. I know Atlantis can be a bit expensive but I have heard so many members of my family/friends say they will never have an opportunity to go to the Atlantis for such inexpensive room rates. I have contacted Wildflowers Bahamas for our decor needs. I have started pricing DJs and other vendors for music, photography, etc but I'm just in the beginning stages. If you have any questions please feel free to PM me at anytime!
  4. Hey Everyone! I am just in the beginning phases of planning my 2013 wedding. I have found so many great ideas on this website and thank everyone for posting their opinions and ideas. I have already changed my mind and was originally set on the Atlantis in the Bahamas but now I am leaning more towards St. Thomas. Has anyone had any experience at The Marriott Frenchman's Reef? I know they are doing extensive renovations this fall. I emailed the Ritz Carlton but found their rates to be crazy, there is a minimum of $20,000 food and beverage purchase to have a wedding on a Saturday and we are only planning to have 40-50 people.
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