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Everything posted by Bruuning17

  1. 'Our song' isn't actually a typical wedding song. Its called "I don't know" by Lisa Hannigan. Its the song that would make my FI think of me when we were very first dating. So I'm not sure if we should use it for our first dance or not. Its super cute, but more about dating than getting married. Thoughts?
  2. canadiangirl...$6.00 for a dozen!?!! I'm looking for those since I want black and white, but I don't see them at that price. Do you have the model # for the ones at that price? That would be incredible!! All I can find are the $20/dozen ones....
  3. Thanks for the info! I am actually getting braces on soon (will be coming off about 2 months before our wedding!) So I want to whiten my teeth but I don't know if I should try and do this BEFORE I get the braces on, or after, or both. I kinda want my teeth whiter now for my sister's wedding, and then again right before my own. My teeth are sensitive so I don't want to screw up the braces by using white strips. Any advice? I am getting ibraces that go on behind my teeth so you can't see them. Anyone know if you can whiten with braces on? I may just have to ask my dentist, I'm just afraid he'll tell me not to use them!
  4. Can anyone tell me what their shipping rates are roughly? How are the quality of products?
  5. Thanks, this will be so helpful when we get to writing our welcome letters!
  6. We are budgeting about $30k, but that includes paying for about 10 immediate family members who would not otherwise be able to afford going. We have the overall budget, but I was clueless as to how this should all break down. The breakdowns you all have given are so helpful, thanks!
  7. Great tips, I love all the suggestions. Keeping a list in your purse is so smart so that when you are at a store and find a random sale with items you want for your wedding, you can be sure to take advantage of it and not forget anything
  8. Thanks for the tip! I just signed up on their website to receive coupons Now onto shopping!
  9. Wow, I never would have thought! I'm going to have to make a trip there
  10. Great ideas! We are going to put in Blue Mountain coffee since our family and friends are coffee fanatics and it is supposed to be amazing. I also like the idea of putting a postcard with postage on it so they can send a postcard to someone back home if they want. I'm also not sure about rum since we'll be at an all inclusive, but I think it would be such a nice Jamaican favor that we may go with jerk seasoning instead so they can bring it home to cook with!
  11. We are doing black and white with just a splash of dark purple here and there. At first I wasn't sure if the formal colors would clash with the beachy elements, but I think they actually look really nice together!
  12. I had never heard of etsy before BDW, it is so great! I can't wait to get some fun things from there!
  13. I agree, you want your wedding to be about you, your hubby, and your family, not just what everyone else does! That's one reason we are doing DW. Travel and doing something different is more our style than a typical at home wedding
  14. I agree! You aren't over-reacting! My FI has a name that gets miss-pronounced all the time, and I like my current name better than his with my first name. Plus, the feminist in me tells me that either neither of us should change our name or we BOTH should change it. So he jokingly suggested we just create some hybrid of our last names and we came up with Bruuning! (My screen name.) I think its too silly for either of us to actually go through with, and we've got time before I actually have to decide what I'll do, but I'm having the same dilemma. But if it makes you feel better, almost every recently married woman I have talked to felt the exact same way. My sister had a mini panic attack over the issue. You aren't alone!
  15. Wow, great thread! Everything looks beautiful, I love love love your hair flower and survival kits!
  16. Everything looks beautiful! Your dress and hair flower are stunning
  17. This is such an amazing thread. So detailed, and your wedding must have been absolutely beautiful and a great experience for your guests! I'm definitely bookmarking your planning thread to help my inspiration for my own planning! Thanks so much
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