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Everything posted by erinmc

  1. Thanks everyone!! Your kind words, thoughts, and prayers are appreciated.
  2. Hello, Please bear with me,I'm usually not one to go "air out her laundry" but my dad was diagnosed with advanced lung cancer. My dad's health means more to me then anything!! I am having a destination wedding in punta cana DR in 4 1/2 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!, my dad is determined to go ( he had a mass removed from his brain 2 weeks ago and is recovering very well!!), This is all so sudden to us!! everything happen within the last 2 weeks!!! His Doctors gave him the OK to go, and we have 2 Dr's (friends) traveling with us. It's all very overwhelming, it all happen so suddenly!! I"m concerned about his strength. He will be having his first chemo treatment on Sept. 26, we leave Oct. 8. I'm soo worried and freaking out!! I offer d to shorten our trip of make other arrangements, but he wants to hear nothing of it!
  3. I got these for my bridesmaids!! I love them!! I hope they do too!!
  4. Thanks for the idea!! I think I will do the starfish lapels also!
  5. Heather Have you looked at JCP? I found my FI's linen suit there (on clearence right now) and I know I seen tan. The employees at the one by me went above and beyond finding what I need at different stores for our GM (10 of them!!).
  6. My FI don't like Time of my life by DJ size now i gotta find something else!!
  7. Good Luck!! Can't wait to hear how fabulous it was when you get back!!!
  8. I'm using Say hey, I love you for us, and Time of my life by DJ size for the wedding party.
  9. That is so cute!! They also have them for moms!!
  10. The hibiscus coin purses have been out of stick for months!!! ugh!!
  11. I am getting married at 5 pm on 10/11/12. ( I"m hoping some of my groomsmen can stay sober for 5pm...LOL) From what some of the other brides have said, there are sitll some people lurking around (not as many) but you are so focused you don't really realize. I am playing my Ipod, I think the DJ is a fee and the MC is another fee, PLUS tax!!!
  12. I am interested in the aloe. If sold, where did you buy them??
  13. Thanks Dazeydawl!!! Now just to get the supplies, and find the time to make them!!
  14. Do you have a pic of what the Id holders look like? Would room keys fit?
  15. So I got the dimensions from Ada, but I don't quite understand. Here's what she said... Here are the gazebo dimensions 330 c,m de largo x 230 ancho x 270 alt . 330 cm long x 230 wide?? not sure what 270 alt?? is 330 the height?
  16. Thanks for the approximate meaurements!! I will use these if we don't get some actual ones soon!! Have you asked Yinette or Ada for the measurements? I'm getting married in October and thinking of taking my own drappery for the gazebo. Are you just drapping the front?
  17. So I think the drawstring linen pants from Old Navy are different from last year!! :-( They have weird seams by the knees and they don't have the "sand" color. I don't really like the other linen pants they have either-- not drawstring and pockets in the back. We don't really want to spend more the $30/pair being that we are paying for them all. UGH!!
  18. I went with the passort invitations w/an insert and RSVP card (i have a lot of info). I willl post pics later.
  19. Hey Girlis, I need some advise!!! We would like to hire a cigar roller for our reception, the problem is they only accept cash. I am worried about having a large amount of cash for the 3 days before the wedding. I know the rooms have safes, but I know I will be stressing!!
  20. I decied to order my invitations from Zazzle...I found a bunch of coupon codes!!
  21. HI Ladies!! I got pic of me finished dress from Jasmine's.. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!!!
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