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Everything posted by mrsjdh2b

  1. I actually printed those myself on 8.5 x 11 sheets of cardstock and it printed two toppers each.
  2. Best wishes!! I hope that everything works out once you get there! Have a great time!
  3. I just typed in other cities and looked to see what they have offered. Also we travel to several places frequently so I have those saved in my profile to send me updates.
  4. Well I love hearing that you can set things up yourself! Before I didn't think that was possible. I don't think it's necessary to charge $100 per table to put chair sashes on and a candle on the table. Highly ridiculous!
  5. The unlimited private events is 3 hours a day of either cocktail party, dinners, reception.....the dinner reservation you can still use as well but it's only for 35 people any over that and you have to have a private event. Also certain restaurants can only handle a certain number of people in a reservation so you will want to be sure and check before you book one. If you don't reach the 75 room nights a private event is $400 per table. They set up and take down everything for you. You also have options for different buffets for dinners and hors d'oeuvres for cocktail hours. The set up includes white linens and no decorations. Very bare bones. Hope this helps!
  6. Sign up for their emails. They send them like daily but you can get some really great "FREE" deals on them if you plan it out for larger orders. The notepads I purchased were 3 separate orders and only paid shipping on them. Takes a little time to do the math but well worth it in the end and then you are able to use your savings elsewhere.....like more stuff for the bags! The Groupon and Living Social deals you can sign up for those as well and then search for deals everywhere most of my Groupons were from Orlando and Corpus Christi and I don't live there. I also "gifted" them to my FI so I could buy more because some of the deals will only let you purchase one for your email address. Here is the wedding survival kit topper and the pre-travel brochure for anyone that would like it. Happy planning! Survival Kit Topper.pptx Travel Brochure.pub
  7. Hey ladies I just posted my OOT bag thread. http://www.bestdestinationwedding.com/t/79275/my-oot-bags-finished-and-ready-to-go
  8. Well here are my OOT bags......with lots of ideas and "borrowed" items from a lot of fabulous people.....Mochamakes3, Coconoir, several other ladies from here......... I ended up needing to make 22 bags. I made one for each couple and I have a couple of singles so they don't have to share their goodies. I ordered the bags from Oriental Trading Company. They came 12 to a package for $11.99 and I ordered 2 packages. Bags really are the perfect size to take to the pool with reading material, sunscreen, hats, glasses and even be able to put a towel in if you need to. I started accumulating items in January. Every time I walked into Target I hit the dollar section and travel kits aisle. I ordered the Advil, Pepto, Immodium, Shout to go wipes and the bug spray wipes from vendors on Amazon. They ended up being roughly $0.50 a piece. (Sorry since I'm packing I have lost the receipts I planned on itemizing but moving boxes have taken over my wedding corner.) The hand sanitizers and aloe vera were $1.00 each. Target Tissues were $1.00 for a package of 4....$0.25/each Target Crosswords $1.00 Target I put one of each in each baggie. And then added at least one more of each med in til I ran out. First aid kits I ordered from ebay and they were $1.00 each. VISTAPRINT has been my BFF through all of this!!! Use them as much as you can. Also check for Groupon and Living Social deals I purchase 2 vouchers for $70 worth of merchandise for $17. So it basically paid for all of my shipping on my free items plus some. Magnets......free Notepads......free Keycards.......free Luggage tags....free Stickers for first aid kits.....free Thank you cards........free Bic Pens....free from my school supply box Folder for pre-travel brochure, map of resort (with wedding location marked with an x), spa price list, salon price list and resort credit flyer with tours and upgrades.....these also came from my school stash. I also sent our reminder cards about 3 months before and they were free as well. I can't remember who I got the wedding survival topper from but I'll email or post if anyone would like it. Key holders I purchased from SpecialistID I think I bought 30 for $13.50.......$0.45 each Luggage tags holders I got from Amazon (I don't remember the vendor) and they were $1.00 each. I attached the thank you cards with some curling ribbon on the handle. I could have easily kept buying stuff if I had allowed myself because by far this has been the best part of planning my wedding! But we are on a pretty tight budget and still have decorations, sound system and other incidentals to get for the big day. I might toss in koozies because we ordered them for our AHR but haven't decided just yet. I know most of the time resorts serve the drink in plastic cups and not sure how well it would work out. Some of these are making it to their rightful owners this weekend when I head to my hometown for my first shower. I didn't want to hassle with mailing most of them so I figured toting them for a 7 hour trip isn't that difficult. Some will have to be mailed but the rest will be delivered at the next shower when we will see the majority of our group that's going with us. Anywhoooo if any of you see something and want more details on it just let me know and I'll get it to you. If you see something I "borrowed" and didn't give you credit for it let me know and I'll give you the shout out on here. I want everyone to get the credit they deserve for the craftiness!! I have a pre-travel brochure I'll post on here tomorrow. I have that file on a different computer. Happy planning!!!
  9. We are doing ours at Bugambilia I think. Still waiting on Zaray to get back with me. It's been two weeks since I have heard from her. Getting a tad frustrated but I guess I shouldn't expect anything but that from them. Bah!
  10. We are headed to my hometown this weekend for our first shower! I can't wait to see my mom and grandma it's been too long! Plus it will be nice to get away from the planning of the wedding and building of the house for a few days. Speaking of house the walls are painted and cabinets are about to be stained and installed. Picked out the granite for the counter tops and need to pick out a back splash for the kitchen. Hopefully can get a few new pics for you ladies next weekend. OOT bags are finished minus a printing the pre-travel brochures. I was hoping to have the itinerary done but still haven't heard from Zaray yet, though Janina did say she spoke with her and she's just been busy. So I'll probably just have to wait to give those to people at the resort since we are taking bags with us this weekend for my family so we don't have to mail them. I'm planning on posting pics and prices this evening once I get them downloaded. Spoke with Katie at Zuniga, word of advice be very specific with her on what you want price quotes for, I think I confused her a bit on the types of lanterns I wanted prices for. But should have that narrowed down this week. Hope everyone's having a great week!!
  11. Someone recently said they had something set up over on the Sunrise side to make up for the disco being closed. Be sure to check into that. I can't answer the question on the event with no dinner though. I can't believe that you are leaving in 6 days and haven't heard anything yet! That's nuts! I hope things are much better for you when you get there!
  12. Good job so far!! Love all your DIYs especially the jewelry! You look gorgeous in your dress!! Where are you guys getting married at? I might have to stalk your wedding too!! We definitely need to meet up while we are there.
  13. I can't remember who else has Zaray as their coordinator but I'm wondering if anyone has heard from her in the last couple of weeks? She was pretty good about responding but I have sent her several emails and haven't heard back from her in about 2 weeks now. I'm trying not to fret just yet but I was hoping to have everything lined out and my itinerary completed so I could take some of my OOT bags with me this weekend for a shower back home. I really don't want to have to mail the bags since we don't want to take extra bags to Mexico and I have no idea what I have done with the receipts for all the stuff. Grrrr! Mexico time sucks when you are trying to get things done. Wooooo saaaaaaawwwww!!!
  14. Thanks Dan & mpweddingplan!! Looks like it's smack dab in the middle. Guess you won't really know until you get there and see where you room is in the Nizuc area. Glad things are going well. Have a great time. Can't wait to hear about the wedding and see pics!
  15. Do you know how far this gazebo/terrace is from the Nizuc side? We have both of these areas reserved for our wedding and I was just informed that our party is booked at Nizuc. Just wondering how far our guest will have to trek.
  16. Safe travels and best wishes on your entire trip!!! Can't wait to see how it all goes for you!! Have a great time!
  17. We are going to take our engagement photos today!! So exited! Hope the weather holds out @ wind dies down some before this evening.
  18. I haven't heard anything about that. I would email Smile Market & ask them. If you need a contact let me know & I can send it to you. I have been speaking with Lupita but she hasn't mentioned payment. I will certainly be asking tomorrow. As far as Zuniga goes I believe you put a deposit down & the rest is added to your hotel bill. Update*****we hit 75 nights today!!!! We had 2 couples change their bookings to out travel agent & then one of the groomsmen reserved. So freakin excited right now! Going to have to switch gears now & decide what we would like as far as events! We are 59 days out. We are getting our engagement photos taken this weekend so I'm pretty excited about that too. SummerDawn can't wait to see how things go for you! Congrats! Coco are you done packing yet? Loved the planning thread. I'm borrowing parts of your brochure & mochamakes3's to finish mine out. Can't wait to see all the pics of the "Wrights" on the big day!
  19. Hi Jamie- I have Zaray and she's been very good so far. It might take her a day or so to respond but she's pretty thorough when she does. Most times it's within a few hours.
  20. Love it!! Can't wait to read the rest of it and how things go at the wedding!
  21. Here is a price list I got from Katie this week. If you can't open it just let me know and I"ll email it to you. But they quote tiki torches for $8 a pc. Zuniga terrace list.pdf
  22. Absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! I especially love the last photo on here. Congrats!!!!!
  23. Natalie no problem!! Let me know how it goes. I pray that everything works out for you. Coco what a great way to end your week, even though you aren't feeling well. Get better soon!! I hope everyone has a great weekend DIYing and planning!! I ordered my OOT bags this week. I just got the hibiscus print bags from Oriental Trading Company and they ended up being a little less than a dollar a pc. Loved that part. Hopefully run to Target to grab the rest of the crossword/sudoku books for them and one or two more hand sanitizers and staples to put the toppers on and that's all done. Dress should be here within a week and will pick up mine and my daughters. Still need to get FI and son's clothes maybe we can try this weekend to squeeze that it, but we have to head over to the new house and do some cleaning. Sheetrock is up and they are taping, floating and texturing the walls over the weekend. Looks like move in date will be Memorial Day weekend 2 weeks before we leave for Mexico!! Woo hoo!!! Nothing like trying to plan a wedding in a different country, build a house, sell another house and plan a AHR with an overbearing MIL. Vacation can not get here soon enough!!! Happy Friday!!! Have a great weekend!
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