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Karla Luff

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About Karla Luff

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  1. Hey Vancity Bride, We are getting married by a marriage commissioner just a few days before we go. It is going to be very simple with just our witnesses because we want our day in Mexico with all of our friends and family to be our actual wedding day. The marriage commissioner assured me that the document he provides us is sufficient for our proof of marriage and should suffice to receive the honeymoon perks at the hotel (I'm pretty sure your marriage has to be within 30 days prior to your stay in order to recieve these). Karla
  2. Hey tiaprice, I have the same issue with people being scared of Mexico and ironically, the majority of them are from the East Coast. All of us out West don't really have any qualms about it and realize that safety in the Riviera Maya isn't an issue, unless you go looking for trouble. I recently sent some of them an email that I will gladly share with you via email if you like. Karla.
  3. Thanks for the map FranticBride! I'm sure 45 min's is plenty of time to make it to the ceremony. The trolley is supposed to pick you up 5-10 min's before the start time, so you'll be good. I believe we have 38 booked right now and a 4-6 more still considering. I'm guessing the resort is going to be pretty busy during our stay, with all the weddings. Should make for a good time at the disco :-) Karla
  4. Hey ladies, We have our wedding booked for 1500hrs on April 24, 2012, so will be there at the same time as alot of you on this forum. I was just wondering if anyone has a current map of the resort? I asked Emma for one, but she hasn't responded yet. Since it is a large resort, I would like to provide my guests with the map in order to avoid any confusion when finding places. My fiance and I attended a friends wedding in the Dominican two years ago and almost missed the wedding because we couldn't find the gazebo. Would like to avoid that if at all possible :-) Karla
  5. Hey ladies, We have our wedding booked for 1500hrs on April 24, 2012, so will be there at the same time as alot of you on this forum. I was just wondering if anyone has a current map of the resort? I asked Emma for one, but she hasn't responded yet. Since it is a large resort, I would like to provide my guests with the map in order to avoid any confusion when finding places. My fiance and I attended a friends wedding in the Dominican two years ago and almost missed the wedding because we couldn't find the gazebo. Would like to avoid that if at all possible :-) Karla
  6. Can you please send me the gazebo pictures as well? My email address is [email protected] Thank you!
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